
We were right about Harmonize and Kajala

Image: Harmonize abs replaced by rolls

It would seem right about Harmonize and Kajal is relationship given that a few months back we highlighted the fact that he is the most despicable of simps and this did not bode well for their relationship.

Harmonize is a simp, pandering after his girlfriend Sarah Michelotti

It’s pretty simple really when you think about it, the thing about simps is that much like male feminist they are really ever genuinely nice people. More like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Harmonize is an example of this fact. Do you recall the fact that he pretended to be fighting to preserve his quote-on-quote daughter-in-laws “virtue” back when Paula Kajala was dating his rival Rayvanny? Only for him to later be exposed as a man who was actually creeping on her sending the young lady nude photos of his member.

The same goes here. In this case, however, he was pretending to be a changed man going as far as getting on his knees and begging Frida Kajala to take him back swearing that he learnt his lesson and was now a changed man.

What we hear Ghafla had highlighted is the fact that no woman wants a man she can ride roughshod over. Is not to say that women want men to be violent with them or will not care for their opinion when it matters. However, no woman wants a man she does she can dominate and manipulate. No woman wants a man such as Harmonize who is going to pedestalize her.

Harmonize And Kajala Get Tattoos Of Each Other Again

But the man does not seem to learn as he used the same tactics on his ex Sarah Michelloti, and he’d even be seen carrying her handbag around like some glorified help. Keep in mind this is the same guy who tattooed Frida’s initials on his neck.


At the time what we said was,
“What Harmonize needs to understand is that him being an East African superstar makes him the prize and he needs to start acting like it. Instead, he acts like the ugly poor kid who doesn’t believe he has done the work to become an actual superstar. Simply put, he is living in a perpetual imposter syndrome.”
And it seems things have not changed since.

Harmonize and Sarah Michelotti prove African artistes are supported by women

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About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
