
‘We Demand Change in Your Cabinet’ – Janet Mbugua’s Message to Ruto

Image: Media personality, Janet Mbugua opens up on being approached by politicians for intimacy

Kenyan media personality Janet Mbugua’s message to President William Ruto has struck a chord with the nation following a day of tragic violence during protests against the Finance Bill 2024.


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On June 25th, demonstrations against the proposed tax hikes and financial measures in the Finance Bill 2024 turned violent. Protests erupted across several Kenyan counties, with clashes between protesters and police escalating in Nairobi’s CBD, where live ammunition was used, resulting in the deaths of several protesters.

Mbugua’s message condemned the violence and urged President Ruto to take decisive action. She highlighted the deep-seated issues of corruption and public distrust that have fueled the anger and disappointment among Kenyans, who feel abandoned by a leadership prioritizing its interests over the citizens’ safety and well-being.

Mbugua called for a complete overhaul of the government, including cabinet changes and legislative reforms. She implored the President to listen to the people and address the root causes of frustration, reflecting the national mood demanding a shift in leadership and a commitment to serving the Kenyan people.


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“Years of corruption and deceit have united Kenyans in anger and disappointment… We demand change… Don’t give people more reasons to protest,” Mbugua stated.

As more people continue to share their sentiments on the protests, President Ruto remains under increasing pressure to address the finance bill and respond to the nation’s demands for accountability and change.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
