
Wahu: I felt let down by people in church I considered authorities of the Bible 

Wahu recently started singing gospel songs after giving her life to Christ. The mother of two reveals how she was let down by men of God.

Apparently Wahu started out as a gospel singer before she backslid and had her breakthrough as a secular singer. Wahu reveals that she started cultivating a relationship with God when she completed high school.

Wahu says she was feeling low and frustrated with life after she completed school. She was in conflict with herself over her purpose in life.

Dr Myles Munroe inspired me to sing

Wahu reveals that the late Myles Munroe helped her discover her talent for singing. She explains that Munroe’s preaching helped her find her purpose in life.

“When I just got out of high school, I remember feeling really low and frustrated with life. I didn’t think I amounted to much, and was extremely unsure about my future. I had my first completely genuine discussion with God then, I told him that He needed to let me know why He created me, and what I’m supposed to be doing here on earth. God answered my prayer then through a DVD by the late Dr Myles Munroe titled “Purpose”.

“It was an instant answer as Myles said that a sure indicator of your purpose is in the things you enjoy doing. He further said that all watching should start working on the things they love, with no excuse. That’s how I started singing, in the bathroom… no excuses right?” Wahu told Buzz.

I was let down by church people

Wahu ditched salvation after a series of disappointments. She says she was demotivated because church people preached water and drunk wine.

“But as I continued on my search for God and purpose, I felt let down by people in Church I considered authorities of the Bible, who talked the talk but didn’t walk the walk. Young, frustrated and feeling cheated, I shelved my search, though at the back of my mind, I always knew I needed to pick it up,” Wahu explained.

The ‘Sifa’ hit maker further reveals that she felt the need to reconnect with God a year ago. Wahu explains that now she understands that one should follow God and not men of God.

“Exactly one year ago, I felt I was ready to pick up from where I left, all those years ago. I needed to forgive those who I felt had let me down, and being older and wiser, I understood that one should follow God, not the man of God. God wants a one on one relationship with each one of us. He loves us all equally,” says Wahu.



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
