
Video: Pastor Ng’ang’a drops new song

Controversial Pastor James Maina Ng’ang’a has yet again returned to our headlines.

The controversial pastor this time round has a new song that he released on October 28th.

The new song, which he didn’t reveal the name, is about how his mum introduced him to the church at a tender age and told him to always trust and serve God no matter what.


He also talks about how he relocated to Uganda to look for jobs but had to return to Kenyan after being hit by life.

“Maisha yangu iliharibika nikatamani kuenda Uganda, nilipofika Busia Kenya nilitaka kuenda Uganda,nilipofika Uganda nlitamani kuenda Nairobi, nilipofika Nairobi nilitamani kuona mama, nilipofika nyumbani kwetu nilitamani kuenda Nairobi,”he revealed.

Watch the song below:


About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
