
Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga’s family members who lost terribly in Jubilee and ODM primaries (Photos)

Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta’s kin have been thrown out in the cold by voters in the recently concluded ODM and Jubilee primaries.

Raila’s cousin Jakoyo Midiwo lost to Elisha Odhiambo in ODM primaries for Gem parliamentary seat. Jakoyo only managed 8,900 votes against Elisha’s 13,400 votes.

Jakoyo Midiwo

Midiwo claimed the votes were rigged, he plans to inform the people of Gem of his next move if his concerns are not addressed.

Raila’s elder brother Oburu Oginga had also earlier lost his bid for Bondo parliamentary seat to incumbent MP Gideon Ochanda.

Ochanda had won with 28,446 votes against Oburu’s 4,000 votes; Raila’s brother rejected the results and ordered a recount. He argued that most polling stations in Bondo were raided by Ochanda’s supporters who kicked out his gents and took ballot boxes.

Oburu Odinga

The recount was finally done and Oburu emerged as the winner with 15,784 votes against Ochanda’s 9,538 votes.

Crossing over to Uhuru Kenyatta’s backyard, voters decided to reject the president’s niece. Annah Nyokabi, the incumbent Kiambu Women Representative, was trounced by radio journalist Gathoni Wamuchomba – Nyokabi only managed to garner 26, 768 votes against Wamuchomba’s 374,306 votes.

Annah Nyokabi


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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
