
Two signees exit Ali Kiba’s Kings Music Records label, he speaks

Ali Kiba has let free two artists signed under his label, Kings Music Records after they asked to quit.

Ally killy Omary better known as Killy and Rasheed, popularly known as Cheed both announced their exit on social media in an interesting manner.

Apparently, the two, who share different Instagram accounts, had the same notice put up, to announce their exit from the bongo flava star’s label.


The letter starts off:

Napenda kuwajulisha fans wangu kwamba kuanzia leo hii napenda kutamka kuwa mimi sio tena msanii wa @kingsmusicrecords

Both clarifying that this move is not under any influence. Rather a sound decision arrived at, to grow their art.

nimeamua hili kwa akili yangu timamu kabisa bila kushawishiwa na mtu wa aina yeyote ile na sijatumia kilevi chochote kile. Ni maamuzi yangu tu binafsi na ni kwa ajili ya muendelezo wa mziki wangu.

Ali Kiba with Killy

The two artistes thanked Ali Kiba for his unending support both as individuals and in molding their careers in music.

For every bit of that, they feel indebted to the bongo King.

Inshallah mwenyezi mungu amlipe kwa kila alichonifanyia na kujitolea kwa ajili ya mziki wangu. Namshkuru sana sana sana nasitoacha kumshkuru siku zote za maisha yangu.

Ali Kiba with Cheed

However, they each sought Kiba’s blessings and support as they went into different ventures.

nikiwa kama mdogo wako bado nahitaji baraka zako bado ntahitaji support kutoka kwako kwa namna moja ama nyingine. Ama kwa kile ambacho kitakuwa na umuhimu kuwa supported.

Affirming that their exit is no blood and should not brew any division between them and the Kings records CEO.

najua hatujaachana kwa ubaya na wala hatujawahi kuwa na ugomvi labda NO.

Kings Music Records label

And to their different managers:

bado nyinyi mtabaki kuwa watu muhimu kwenye career yangu.


From Kiba’s end however, it came as a shock, recalling the very night, Cheed and Killy walked out.

Sharing with Clouds TV:

I was surprised. Kings music is like a school, if you feel you are content, you can go. They came to me at night when I was already asleep at around 1 am. When they called, I was shocked. I had to wake up, I went to listen to them and they said they were exiting. The conversation tool like 5 minutes. I was tired and sleepy.

King Kiba

Kiba refuted any speculations of having asked the two artistes out of his own home, disclosing they were like family to him.

I didn’t do anything like that, they stayed up to when they decided to move and rent their own house. They were my two close people. We’ve lived like family.

Surprisingly, no contract was signed between Kings Music Records and the two vocalists.

There was no contract. I do to people what is supposed to be done. They saw that they have reached a certain level and so, they went to find greener pastures.

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
