
Two DCI Officers Await Sentencing for Bribery and Obstruction of Justice

Two DCI officers, Corporal Julius Onyango Oguma and Officer Charles Macharia, are awaiting sentencing for their respective convictions of receiving a bribe and obstructing EACC investigators.

Oguma was found guilty of accepting a Sh200,000 bribe from a Chinese investor to drop charges against his wife for being in the country illegally. He was also convicted of concealing the bribe money.

Macharia was convicted of obstructing four EACC investigators from arresting Oguma. He drew his firearm and fired in the air to prevent the arrest.

The sentencing was deferred to Wednesday to allow the defense team to file medical records for mitigation. The two officers are currently remanded at the Industrial Area Remand Prison.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
