
“Tutakuja Kuwavuruga huko mbaya sana!” Khaligraph Jones among other artistes lash out at MCSK for paying them peanuts

After Khaligraph Jones decided to tell off MCSK for sending him Ksh 2,530 as payment for his music; it now seems that other artistes have also come out to protest against them!


This is because it appears that the Music Copyright Society of Kenya Ltd has been ripping them off and benefiting from the artistes hard work; yet they don’t bother to reward the musicians what they truly deserve.

Petty Royalties

According to King Kaka, MCSK might have received about Ksh 37Million that is if you multiply the Ksh 2500 by the number of artistes (15000) registered under MCSK.


He went on to add that all they do is buy new cars and feed themselves with other people’s money….but this is about to come to an end.

Fena Gitu also couldn’t hold back from calling out the MCSK for paying her peanuts as royalties to her music she posted saying;


About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
