
Tuesday Protests Hijacked by Dangerous Criminals – CS Kindiki

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has issued a stern warning about more planned chaos and looting during the upcoming protests on Thursday and Sunday this week. He assured that these disruptions will be firmly dealt with.


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During Tuesday’s protests against the now-shelved Finance Bill 2024, traders in parts of Nairobi banded together to protect their businesses from looters disguised as protesters.

In a statement, CS Kindiki emphasized that the reign of terror against Kenyans and the impunity of dangerous criminal gangs must end at all costs.

“The government is determined to stop criminals who seek to terrorize the public and harm Kenya, despite attempts to politicize crime,” he stated.

CS Kindiki expressed regret over the unprecedented riots on Tuesday, June 25, which broke out in Nairobi and several other cities in Kenya. These riots resulted in the loss of lives, destruction, or looting of property worth billions of shillings, and an attempt to burn down Parliament Buildings.


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He acknowledged that the protests, which were initially a democratic expression of public disapproval of the Finance Bill 2024, had led to the termination of the Bill. However, he condemned the violent turn the protests took, with criminal gangs exploiting the situation to commit arson, disrupt public order, obstruct transport, and terrorize the public.

President William Ruto recently reported that Sh2 billion worth of property and goods had been lost since the demonstrations began.

Defending the police, CS Kindiki commended law enforcement officers for acting professionally and with restraint in highly provocative situations during the violent riots. He assured that any allegations of unlawful conduct by officers would be investigated, and appropriate action would be taken.

Prof Kindiki also emphasized that security agencies remain vigilant to intercept and thwart any harm to the public and attempts to attack critical infrastructure and emblems of Kenya’s sovereignty.

“Upon completion of the ongoing analysis of evidence, the government assures the public that the planners, perpetrators, and financiers of large-scale arson, violent robbery, and other heinous crimes will be brought to justice,” he said.

His remarks come as Kenyans expressed concern over police conduct during the anti-government protests, now in their third week. Tuesday’s protests, which took place in several counties, resulted in widespread destruction of property and looting, leaving business owners with significant losses.

During a meeting with bishops from the African Independent Pentecostal Church of Africa (AIPCA), President Ruto vowed to deal decisively with the “thugs” who invaded and torched Parliament buildings during the previous week’s protests. He asserted that those responsible for the violence were criminals who exploited a peaceful protest against the Finance Bill and must face the full force of the law.

“Those who set fire to Parliament are not our children, they are criminals, and we will look for them. They will not get away; you cannot destroy public property,” Ruto stated.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
