
Tiffany Muikamba needs to stop complaining about Bensoul

Tiffany Muikamba and Besoul’s love child is finally here, a healthy, bouncing daughter and though we thought this would be the end of her ranting, she doesn’t seem to be getting tired of that nonsense and she is sharing it for us to witness thinking she is doing something.

Reality of single motherhood dawns on young Tiffany Muikamba, she calls out deadbeat baby daddy – Bensoul

She has finally given birth and surprise surprise (to absolutely no one), her baby daddy is not exactly a dedicated father for their love-child. He has not shown any intent to be a fixture in his bastard daughter’s life and somehow, we are still being dragged into the drama they are experiencing.


When she gave birth to their daughter, Tiffany Muikamba was quick to run to social media to let us know that she is yet to receive any form of support from Bensoul even though he and his current woman marked the arrival of his daughter.

Why I do not sympathize with Bensoul’s baby mama, Tiffany

And there is no clearer indication that the baby wasn’t wanted by her father. Yes what he did was moronic, cheating without wearing any form of protection but he never envisioned himself playing house with his paramour as he was still committed to his actual woman. She was nothing but a sidepiece who attempted to baby trap him.

I am left wondering whether this girl doesn’t have friends in her life. No, not a mortley crew of cheerleaders and yes-men but actual friends who hold her accountable. If that is a stretch then how about aunties and a mother? Tiffany Muikamba doesn’t strike me as a woman who is intouch with reality and she doesn’t have anyone in her life that keeps her grounded.

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So what does that result in? A woman who has refused to come to grips with the fact she is never going to be anything more than a dirty little secret Bensoul is upset was exposed.

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Tiffany Muikamba has refused to accept the truth that her daughter is little more than an inconvenience for her father. But the sooner she listens and realises there is no one coming to save her, the better. Also, please stop telling us about all your frustrations. You chose that man and decided to carry his seed before he had committed to marrying you. That is entirely on you!

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
