
This is why singer Habida has been posting half-naked photos all over social media lately(photos)

Habida has fought with insecurities for a long time. She realized her insecurities were really affecting her both physically and mentally and so she decided to attack them head on.

On her Instagram, she singer explained why she has been sharing a series of photos that have her wearing almost nothing saying that she had to find a way to love her body no matter how flawed some may think it looks and this way, her state of mind changed.

“I share to inspire, it is crazy how an insecurity can change your state of mind. You actually feel that someone can see into you and see what you feel. I share so that you will know as you are you are perfect! I AM perfect. God doesn’t make mistakes. I will reveal daily till you see me as I AM #habidareveals” she said in one of the photos.


Share to inspire others

She went on to share that the photos are not posted to cause thirst on Team Mafisi but to inspire other ladies to embrace their bodies and love themselves.

“This is who I AM now and it represents greatness! I AM BEAUTY and a #dearsuperwoman because of my scars!. I have had insecurities and have seen others have them too. I got over my insecurities so I did a photoshoot to show that if I can you can too! An empowered state of mind and self-love will change your life.” Habida explained.

Here are the photos:





About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
