
This is Millicent Omanga’s husband

Millicent Omanga is married to a doctor by the name Dr. Francis Nyamoibo, a specialist medical doctor heavily involved in HIV/Aids research. He is currently working with the National Aids Control Council where he was first contracted in 2009 working on a project researching on men’s health in Kenya.

Andrew Kibe mocks Kenyan men savagely over Millicent Omanga

Dr Francis and Millicent Omanga said their vows just over 12 years ago and she has credited him with being her strongest supporter over the course of her political career but a recent video that was thrust onto social media and the internet has us doubting her sentiments as being more than just PR.

Anyway, here is the man who made an honest woman of the CAS:

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
