
Things take a downturn for the bad ass cop who killed teenagers in Eastleigh as he stares at jail time straight in the face

Things are just about to get thick for the bad ass cop from Eastleigh who was caught on camera shooting and killing two teenagers who were suspected to be rogue criminals after his employer turned against him.

The Independent Police Oversight Authority(IPOA) has launched investigations into the incident as they seek to establish what exactly happened in that grotesque incident which has elicited all manner of reactions among Kenyans.

The first step they have taken is calling upon everyone who witnessed the incident to come forth and give susbstnatial information narrating of how the incident occurred.

Also read: Photos of the expensive lifestyle of the young criminals who were killed like dirty flies by the police in Eastleigh

“The authority appeals to any member of the public including motorists, pedestrians and anyone else who who may have witnessed the unfolding events or may through any means have become privy of credible evidence on the incident to report to IPOA” said Dennis Oketch, Head of Communications and Outreach department at IPOA.

The authority has taken the action as it seeks to establish those responsible acted within the means of law and if not ensure they get prosecuted for their actions.

This statement contradicts that of Nairobi Police Commander, Japheth Koome who claimed the suspects were wanted for killing two police officers.




About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
