
Thicky Sandra: “I Desire a Man Who Is Completely Obsessed With Me”

Kenyan influencer Thicky Sandra, daughter of former Nairobi Governor Thicky, recently expressed her desire for a partner who is deeply infatuated with her.

Sandra revealed that she prefers her partner to be highly attentive, such as using her photo as his lock screen and actively following her on social media.


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In an interview with Oga Obinna, Sandra was asked if she would “wash”—transform someone who isn’t initially her type—to meet her standards. She replied, “Why should I? You come prepared or you go home. Why would I date a broke man? Where would we go together? I want a man who can buy my wigs and handbags.”

She acknowledged that while her father provides generously for her, she expects her future partner to meet specific criteria.

Sandra stated, “I want someone who is obsessed with me. I already have one, though. He needs to have me on his lock screen, watch my TikToks, and post about me. He doesn’t necessarily need to comment, but he should be obsessed with me.”

She also mentioned that she’s open to a 50/50 relationship.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
