
These are the millions Andrew Kibe was earning from his YouTube channel, which was banned

Blogger Andrew Kibe, back in Kenya after the shutdown of his YouTube channels in the United States, recently disclosed the substantial earnings he used to generate from his content on the platform. Speaking with Mungai Eve, Kibe revealed that out of his 6 channels, two were yet to start generating income, while the others were collectively bringing in approximately $10,000 each month, equivalent to 1.5 million Kenyan shillings.

However, Kibe woke up one morning to find all six channels abruptly shut down without prior warning. He attributes the shutdown to jealousy among some fellow Kenyan bloggers who, he believes, collaborated to report him to YouTube authorities, resulting in the ban.

In his words, “They shut down all 6 channels, something bad that someone did. And I think it’s you and your colleagues who did it. You joined together and said you would go report me… I was making a lot of money. One channel was giving me at least $10,000 every month… I believe there are certain people who were jealous and went to report me to YouTube. All six of my channels went down.” Kibe emphasized that the issue was not related to copyright problems but stemmed from the envy of his success.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
