
‘There is a whole science behind it’ Avril shares how she managed to lose the extra baby fat and snapped back 

Singer Avril gave birth early this year to a healthy baby boy. It’s no yet clear who the father of the baby is but rumors have insisted it’s producer J Blessing.

The two have always dodged giving an official statement on the matter and have neither denied or accepted they brought the baby to this world.

Anyway, having given birth, the singer managed to snap back to her curvy body in just weeks and many are wondering how it all happened. In an interview with Switch TV, she explained that breastfeeding has helped her cut the weight.

“You know what happened, I gave birth to a baby boy who has been breastfeeding. I chose to exclusively breastfeed my baby up to now he is 8 months still breastfeeding. I started weaning him at 6 months he loves his mashed bananas and bla bla bla but he still breastfeeds,” she said.


The singer went on to add that many people underestimate the power of breastfeeding but it’s important in losing weight. There’s a lot of science in play that many don’t understand which makes it all possible.

“There is a whole science behind it, there is a chemical in the brain called oxytocin. So when it’s generated from the brain to the abdomen muscles it tells the body you need to contract… So when you are breastfeeding that chemical goes down and causes contractions and the contraction leave you snatched.” she added. 


About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
