
The wa Jesus clan is damaging their brand trying to keep up with the Bahatis

Image: The WaJesus

Milly wa Jesus and her husband, Kabi wa Jesus have become the butt of nearly every joke cracked on social media over the past two months. The couple first started out with a strong legion of loyal followers who they indulged with so-so content about their daily lives and struggles.

Savage! Kabi Wa Jesus exposes his wife’s most annoying bedroom habit (Video)

They realized they had a good thing going and decided to inject some ambition into it their content and spice things up. I feel this was in a bid to finally get on the same pedestal as the Bahatis and to challenge them for the unofficial title of “most exciting couple”. You see, whenever people speak about the Wa Jesus clan, they also invariably compare it to the Bahatis.

Kabi wa Jesus
Kabi WaJesus loses his grandfather

And with good reason; for starters, they are both Bible thumpers. From there, they both are couples constituted by people who have colourful pasts. And now, as we have found out from Edgar Obare, just like Bahati, Kabi wa Jesus has a love child he got with a previous lover out of wedlock. So how could they not be compared to each other?

I saw a wife in Milly, but she was already taken then – Kabi wa Jesus´ burning confession

The problem, however, is the fact that the Wa Jesus clan is trying to push the envelope with what they share with the public much to their detriment. They do not have a care nor concern about what they post along as it goes viral. As a result, they are beginning to make their relationship and family the butt of jokes.

Kabi wa Jesus
The WaJesus brand new car purchase

Just as the Bahatis have learnt that they aren’t respected by the general public, Kabi and Milly Wa Jesus are beginning to find out that their fans have gone from seeing them as anything worth respecting and are now treating them as one long joke. That is why when Milly wa Jesus decides to have a QnA session on her social media, useless topics such as whether or not she was a virgin at the point of her marriage come into focus.

We refuse to conform to negativity in marriage – Kabi and Milly wa Jesus

If you say that a year ago people would have dreamed to ask her such a question, you’re a lying sucker. But they opened that door. Then there is Kabi wa Jesus. having a child out of wedlock is not too far from the norm these days for young people but the savage nature of the personal attacks that were sent his way is because people are tired of his hypocritical bullshit. And that ire is what is yet another example of just how far their brand has dropped from where it stood this time last year.

Kabi wa Jesus
Milly WaJesus surprises Kabi with brand new Audi A4

And if they keep grinding along this path, sure they will get more views but at the cost of the integrity of their brand. Or maybe, like the Bahatis, they have realized that the powers that be at the corporations really do not care for how their brand is perceived as Kenya’s influencer industry is still very new. Time will tell.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
