
The untold story of how Redsan caused Khaligraph Jones career

Redsan aka Dancehall Baba is one of the longest-lasting Kenyan acts and that is no mean feat. There are literally no artists left from before 2000 who are as relevant as he is. And the simple fact that Redsan survives is the reason Khaligraph Jones can be accepted by Kenyans.

When he first came onto the scene, the one criticism everyone and their mother had for him was… Drum roll please…

His accent!


Redsan finally speaks after his fight with producer, Sappy

And if you are old enough to remember, that one factor acted as a chain and ball for his career. He was constantly derided by comedians and society at large for maintaining the accent. Dancehall Baba would be mocked every time a Jamaican would come to town to perform. He would be derided for being a sell-out or for being fake.

So by the time Khaligraph Jones was making his entrance onto the scene, Kenyans had been treated to the idea of a Kenyan artist maintaining an accent and espousing a culture not of his own. The idea wasn’t new and offensive. Yes, Khaligraph Jones was also mocked and derided but it was all made easier by the fact that a generation earlier, Kenya had Redsan.

Magix Enga links up with Redsan on ‘Bus’ (Video)

You see, most people are offended by the idea of a Kenyan maintaining an accent because they feel like it is a rejection of the Kenyan way of life. This is a facet of our collective low-self esteem. And he bore the brunt of the resultant ire. And Khaligraph Jones didn’t get even an iota of what his OG had to deal with.

So this article isn’t to question Khaligraph’s talent. Nah. It isn’t to say he birthed Khaligraph. Nah. This article is simply to show that he set the pace.


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About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
