
The Reason Mungai Eve Has Yet to Have a Child

Kenyan YouTuber and influencer Mungai Eve recently shared her perspective on having children, particularly her desire for twins.

In an interview on her YouTube channel, Eve explained her ideal family size would be two children, ideally twins, mentioning her chances are higher as her father is a twin. “I’d love to have two kids, and if God blesses me, I’d want them to be twins. I love twins—two maximum going forward,” she shared.


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Eve also voiced frustration about people having multiple children without proper planning, as this can impact a child’s well-being. “Sometimes you see someone in a small home with 10 kids, and they’re still expecting. Personally, I don’t like that. I think it’s selfish to bring a child into the world without knowing how you’ll provide for them.”

At 24, Eve, despite being financially stable, doesn’t feel ready for motherhood. She emphasized the importance of mental readiness, financial stability, and choosing the right partner for the journey.


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“Many ask me what financial stability means regarding having a child. I don’t debate it online, but I feel unprepared. Yes, I’m financially stable, but I envision a particular lifestyle for my child. Choosing the right father is important, too. I think rushing into parenthood without thoughtful preparation is selfish, which is why I may wait another five years. Bringing a child into the world should take time,” she added.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
