
The pain of losing a brother and father to cancer! Carol Radull almost in tears as she narrates her story

Radio presenter Carol Radull knows all to well the pain of losing loved ones to cancer. The Classic FM presenter opened up about how she lost her father and brother to the chronic disease.

Radull shared an old family photo and reminisced about how the family was happy back then when all of its members were still alive.

A young Carol Radull (second left) stands close to her father in the old family photo
A young Carol Radull (second left) stands close to her father in the old family photo

“Allow me to tell you a story about this photo. There was a time when if you wanted a cool family photo you had to go to a photo studio in town; the most popular being Ramogi’s near Kenya Cinema or in Kisumu. This was one of those days when my parents cleaned us up and we drove from Bondo to Kisumu to take a rare studio photo. And for Mr and Mrs Radull, the photo was well thought out and had to be perfect. Now unlike today when you can see the photo that’s been taken and if you don’t like it then you take another; no-one would be able to see the photo until it had been printed.  So imagine the surprise and annoyance on my parents’ faces when the photo came out and I had rolled down my socks because frankly I hated pulling my socks up (they tickled me) and I hated shoes – period – and had unbuckled my shoes because I felt I had worn them for too long. I was 7 and outside of school I would be permanently barefoot,” wrote Radull in part.

Lost brothers and father

Radull reveals her younger brother died of cancer in 1987 while her dad also died from the same condition 26 years later. The Classic FM presenter also lost her older brother in 1998.

“My brother Robert was also in trouble because he put his hands in his pockets. He had to look cool.
Years later though when we were sitting at home in our living room where the photo hung; my Dad suddenly said “I love this photo just the way it is. It shows Robert’s rebellious character and Carol’s independance. If Carol isn’t comfortable; she speaks up; sometimes with her actions. In this case; she clearly hated socks and shoes.” Mum agreed and we all laughed about it. It was a relief though knowing that I hadn’t ruined our last studio family photo.
My small brother George died of Cancer on 15th May 1987. My brother Robert died in November 1998. My Dad passed away also from cancer on May 19th 2013. Today in Bondo we hold family prayers for them. It’s been difficult for the Radull Ladies without the strength of our brothers and father around. My Mum and my sis @floradull are my rock! That’s how I manage,” wrote Radull.

Carol Radull with her sister Florence Radull and mother Patricia Radull
Carol Radull with her sister Florence Radull and mother Patricia Radull

“I really miss my brothers and especially my Dad. Dad had a way of making me believe that everything would be alright; especially when I felt I had made a mistake in life and rolled down my socks. I was far from being a perfect daughter or sister but he made all his children feel perfect. I miss his unconditional love,” Carol Radull wrote.


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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
