
The final moments of my son: Nazizi breaks her silence

Image: Nazizi introduces son, Jazeel

Since the tragic loss of her three-year-old son on Christmas Day, renowned music icon Nazizi Hirji has been struggling to cope. Speculations surrounding the circumstances of her son’s death have only added to her anguish.

Addressing the rumors circulating about her son’s passing, Nazizi expressed frustration with bloggers spreading misinformation that has deeply affected her family. She recounted the tragic events of that day when she received a call notifying her of the accident involving her son while she was visiting her cousin, Jaffarai, a well-known musician in Tanzania.

Contrary to reports, Nazizi clarified that her husband, Tanaka Adam, was not on the phone when their son fell off the balcony. She explained that she had left Tanaka to spend time with their son while she visited relatives in Dar es Salaam. The accident occurred unexpectedly, and her husband, devastated by the incident, could not have foreseen it.

Regarding the transportation of their son’s body, Nazizi explained that they opted to drive back to Kenya due to the lengthy process involved in flying the body. Three months later, the family is still grieving, with Nazizi struggling to come to terms with the loss, compounded by the death of her younger brother over 15 years ago.

Reflecting on her past experiences, Nazizi recalled canceling a tour in Germany with Wyre as Necessary Noize following her brother’s death. Despite the challenges, she remains hopeful of overcoming her current ordeal, acknowledging that healing will take time.

Source: Sunday Nation’s Buzz

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
