
The curious case of DNG and why your girlfriend is shaming him

DNG was recently involved in a scandal involving leaked photos and videos of an adult nature -the type you would watch animals get down and dirty doing on the Discovery Channel. As a result, he has been the talk of the town with many a woman running to her Twitter account to “expose” him for sliding in their DM.

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Now let me get this out of the way and say I am neutral on the issue of the leaked photos and videos. Innocent until proven guilty. But away from that, I will delve headfirst into the matter of DNG sliding in many Nairobi lasses’direct messages. On that issue, I believe he does indeed do that.

DNG looking dapper
Davidson Ngibuini alias DNG

But so what?

What does DNG going in on many a fair maiden’s DM’s have to do with the rate of the artificial insemination of wombats in Maragua? It is inconsequential because DNG is simply attempting to actualize his mating strategy. He is trying to smash. And no force nor coercion is involved so these are consenting adults. So why is your girlfriend so upset about the fact that DNG has decided to use IG as a dating app?

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Could it be your girlfriend is upset because DNG did not slide into her account? Perhaps. You know her as does the other guy she is smashing that you believe is just her friend so I cannot speak to her motives.

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At the end of the day, the lasses who are giving DNG their contacts outside of IG and then one thing leads to another and they end up having coitus is optimizing her own sexual strategy. She is attempting to optimize hypergamy. By any stretch of the imagination, DNG is a high-value male. He has a successful business, he is a famous media personality and he is a single male. So a lot of these lasses crying about being used forget that they were trying to finesse a relationship and commitment from DNG.

DNG with his ex-wife

Add to that the fact that most of these lasses willingly and enthusiastically jumped his bones and you realize your girlfriend’s objections are the noise a randy goat makes out of frustration when it cannot get to mate. Your girlfriend probably is upset DNG did not deem her alluring enough to risk the damage to his name by sliding in her DMs.

DNg the chairman of toxic men

DNG has done nothing wrong. He is a hunter on the prowl and all the pretty lasses on IG are fair game. Whether or not they have the intelligence to partake in the dance of seduction with him.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
