
Terryanne Chebet forking out Kes 726,600 per term to educate her daughter at one of best international schools in Kenya

While millions of Kenyan parents are relying on free primary education to put their kids in public schools, rich Kenyans are forking out million of shillings annually to educate their children.

Former Citizen TV anchor Terryanne Chebet spends 2.1 million shillings annually on her daughter’s school fees. Terryanne’s 12-year-old daughter Imani is a pupil at Pembroke House.

Terryanne Chebet at Pembroke House
Terryanne Chebet at Pembroke House

“What a beautuful weekend. ? yummy mummying #ndume7s rugby tournament at my daughter’s school. She’s playing touch rugby!!!So cool!. ???,” wrote Terryanne Chebet when she visited Imani at her school.

Terryanne Chebet with daughters Imani and Talaa
Terryanne Chebet with daughters Imani and Talaa
Fee structure

At Pembroke House the termly fee for pupils aged 3-8 years is Kes 726,600. The school however offers discounts for parents who have two or more children at the school.



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
