
“Tell it to those who are at your level, I’m not at your level” check out the harsh words Wema Sepetu told upcoming rapper Harmorapa who had proclaimed his love for her

Wema Sepetu has finally responded to Harmorapa’s public outbursts of love and trust me she has no kinds words to say.

The upcoming rapper who’s currently riding high with the tune Kiboko wa Mabishoo has for the last couple of weeks being engrossed in declaring his love for the bongo movie star alleging he was ready to marry her no matter what.

Also read: “I am making you proud my FIRST LOVE…” Wema Sepetu pens down a heartfelt message to her late father

He even shot a video and showed off a ring just to make his point clear.

Mama however has other plans and not by any chance do they involve Harmorapa. Actually, they guy has been shelved in the brother zone and he should do his best to stay there.

And if not, he should pick on someone his own level and not the legendary Wema Sepetu.

These are the harsh things she told the poor fellow:


Sijawahi kumchukia yeyote anayehangaika kutafuta riziki yake kwa kuwa nami pia natafuta. Ila mdogo wangu Harmorappa u are getting too much. Pigana na namna utakavyo kupeleka muziki na jina lako juu but get me out of this. Nakuheshimu kama msanii mwenzangu lakini hili la kunadi kunitaka kimapenzi na kuonyesha utayari wa kufanya mambo kadha wa kadhaa kwangu please waambie wengine unaodhani mnawezana ila mimi sio wa aina hiyo. Usiiharibu image yangu niliyoipigania muda wote, usiniharibie heshima yangu ninayoijenga sasa ktk chama changu CHADEMA, usiniharibie kwenye familia yangu, marafiki zangu na usiniharibie kwa niliye nae. Ni utoto na ujinga kuposti kila uchao picha za wanawake eti wanakutaka au unatoka nao *DO U THINK NAMI NI WA AINA HIYO?* Usinidharaulishe…. Nadhani kuna busara ya wewe to look for another one but *AM NOT FOR U* and i hope utanipa heshima yangu kama dadaako, msanii mwenzako *LETS STOP THERE*

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About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
