For once, Tedd Josiah finally gets a message on masculinity right
Tedd Josiah often busies himself discussing masculinity and just like his brother Mike Wachira, he often makes it out to be some abstract concept of weakness and foolish pride as he tries to steer men towards becoming a pale shadow of their forebearers because he doesn’t want them to reach out to a notion and idea bigger than themselves.
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However, for once, I find myself agreeing with this deadbeat father (he abandoned his eldest children from his first marriage) and I am reminded of the saying, “even a broken clock is right twice a day”.
Tedd Josiah recently shared something about his journey raising his daughter, the one in whose life he is entirely and actively involved in and the fear he discussed with regard to being at his weakest and having to face his fears actually made me question how someone with this level of introspection can so often be off the mark when it comes to his understanding of masculinity.
”A great misconception is
“You’re a man you got it figured out.
Men can get through anything they are tough.
Life favours men…..”
Am gonna speak from my heart
Raising a child from infancy alone is not a joke and it’s triple tough for a man to raise an infant with no knowledge…. learning on the job and still having to provide.
”More scary is having to face your mortality and wondering what would happen….
This society thinks men got it good. Now with that info please think again.
We are all struggling to live, stay healthy and put food on our children’s tables (some of us more than others).”
To understand what I am talking about, I need to start by explaining my understanding of classical masculinity as it was taught to me by my father and my mentors: classical masculinity is understood as a set of attributes, roles and behaviours that are largely biologically determined but society too factors in to influence it. These include strength, stoicism, courage, independence, leadership, nobility and assertiveness.
Tedd Josiah and the dishonesty of men blaming Jalang’o
That is why whenever a heroic figure or personality was mythologized, they embodied all these characteristics. And as men evolved more and more, these traits were put to use to not only conquer our environment but to also build up civilization and then deal with adversity as it came along.
And even that abstract notion of paternal authority that feminists and their male allies like Tedd Josiah rail against, the patriarchy, grew from the concept that men created to keep their families safe from physical harm or any other level of manipulation. That was set by a code known as chivalry. Because the understanding was that women and children are weaker than men and need to be protected from the worst of men and from the harsh realities of life.
My first wife left me because I was a really bad boy and immature – Tedd Josiah
But the one aspect that Tedd Josiah, would do well to teach himself to embody is that of stoicism. That is one of the most important aspects of masculinity.
You see, when a boy grows up with a father or involved father figure around, he learns an aspect of stoicism that will help make him a much better man. Whether it is how to manage his emotions or how to face adversity in a calm and collected way, these all fall under that one aspect.
And it is an important one for men to learn because at the end of the day, whether you’re at the top of the mountain or in the bottom of the trench, you will face adversity as a man. A man building his empire will face challenges and turmoil. A man at the top of his empire has to defend it. And though the adversity men face are different, they need to face it with dignity and stoicism. Tedd Josiah is often basically telling men to emote like women or to identify as victims and keep crying or telling them to “stop being toxic” as if every man is a criminal.
The thing about being a man, a father is that you shoulder the burdens of your family. You shoulder their hopes and dreams and today’s world does not celebrate the sacrifices you have to make to provide for them. That is why on Mother’s Day, mothers are celebrated and on Father’s Day, single mothers are celebrated. But men like Tedd Josiah need to learn to leave their emotions off social media and actually find a group of men, a tribe of like-minded men aspiring to be greater today than they were yesterday to talk to about his insecurities.
Government Doesn’t Care About Us, Let’s Buy Kenyan Products And Jumpstart Our Economy- Tedd Josiah
Tedd Josiah has given his followers a glimpse of the thoughts that burden men but it should not end there lest it be ignored as a pity party rant. Yes, men bear a great burden but it is what we were designed for. We were built for fighting and war. But we were also build to lead. And it is not easy but it was never meant to be. That is what separates mice from men. Why some follow and others take charge. Stop making excuses and keep keeping on. And when you feel weak and defeated, turn to your brothers for help and a listening ear. For that is why male friendship and camaraderie is important.
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