
He has taste just like the sister, Betty Kyallo’s brother unveils the woman in his life

Brian Kyallo is a man of taste, taste just like the sister Betty Kyallo who was married to Dennis Okari and an alleged beneficiary of Joho(oops).

After keeping us in the dark for a longtime as who was the woman in his life, he has finally unveiled and definitely worth the wait and she’s as hot as they come.

And she’s a nurse so you can only imagine all the silly little fetish games they play behind closed doors.

“When you are in hospital, your friends ask: How are you holding up dear? ” But your boy asks : ” Bro, how’s the nurse? ” ???????????? Well … here’s another reason for renewing my NHIF ???? #WCW #tibim ! Niskie mtu akiniita fisi,” He said before posting this photo:

Betty Kyallo



About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
