
Tanzanian woman blasts singer TID for claiming he fathered a baby with her, says Prezzo is the father

A Tanzanian woman has denied that veteran singer TID is the father of her kid as he has been claiming for the better part of last week.

The woman, who goes by the name Shekha, blasted the singer and warned him to stop spreading lies. Shekha as a matter of fact, ended up revealing the farther of the baby and it’s none other than veteranrapper Prezzo.

Speaking to a local news paper via phone from Germany, the woman warned TID from posting his pictures and claiming he’s the dad.

“Nimenyamaza kwa muda mrefu lakini sasa nimeshindwa kabisa kuen­delea kuvumilia ndiyo maana naweka wazi na TID ajue kuwa mtoto siyo wake bali ana baba yake. Uzuri ni kwamba Prezzo ambaye ndiye baba wa mwanangu naye ni mwanamuziki hivyo kama TID anataka amuulize mwenyewe atapata jibu kuhusu nani anastahili kuitwa baba wa mtoto”. she said. 

Would have been a secret

The woman said that she wasn’t going to reveal who the dad was but TID has forced her to because of his recent antics.

“Haya mambo yasingefika huku ila TID ndiye aliyesababisha maana anang’ang’ania vitu ambavyo siyo vyake, naomba aniache jamani na mai­sha yangu huyu mtoto ni wa Prezzo nimemaliza.” she said. 

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
