
Tanzanian star criticized by his followers for cross dressing

Dulla Makabila, a Tanzanian singer, has been criticized by his followers for his new appearance. The rapper posted pictures of himself wearing a wig and hoops, alongside his wife. He captioned the photos, “About last night.”

Makabila admitted that his wife had dressed him up. This is not the first time that the rapper has changed his appearance at the request of his wife. Just a few days ago, he revealed that she had shaved his dreadlocks.

Makabila’s new look has not been well-received by his fans. Many have commented on the photos, expressing their disapproval. Some have even accused the rapper of being “unmanly.”

Despite the criticism, Makabila seems to be unfazed. He has continued to post photos of himself in his new look, and he has even defended his wife’s decision to dress him up.

“My wife is my queen, and I do whatever she says,” he said in an interview. “If she wants me to wear a wig and hoops, then I will wear a wig and hoops.”

It remains to be seen whether Makabila’s new look will help or hurt his career. However, one thing is for sure: his fans are definitely talking about it.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
