
A tale of two clowns: Professor Hamo and Jemutai

Professor Hamo and Jemutai have been the talk of the town as the couple that conducted their relationship in secrecy have decided to involve us all in their affairs with the female comedian accusing her former paramour of being a deadbeat dad.

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The thing that is ironic about all this is that when they were involved with each other, they kept their affair secret. And make no mistake about it, it was an affair because Professor Hamo is a married man.

Churchill Show comedians Wakimani and Professor Hamo

And given that situation, Jemutai still decided to go forward and sire two children for the comedian who saw a rise in his stock as he began to get nearly every cooperate gig and even got a ten million shilling contract from Star Times.

Churchill steps in to intervene after Jemutai and baby daddy, Prof Hamo air their dirty linen in public

And now that he is being accused of being a deadbeat father, we are being thrust into their personal affairs because she cannot afford to take care of her children and he isn’t supporting her but this is the type of situation that would not have happened if these two belligerents weren’t clowns.

Jemutai with her kids by Prof Hamo

Everyone sucks in this situation because it was not like the two are innocent. Professor Hamo was cheating on his wife. Jemutai knew she was the other woman. Why didn’t they just do the brave but right thing and just decide to settle into an openly polygamous marriage?

Adorable! 7 photos of Comedian Jemutai’s months old daughter giving many baby fever!

Why would Jemutai decide to bear children for a married man knowing those children were going to have to be a secret? As I have said before, my mentor always tells me that there is a difference between secrecy and privacy. Secrecy locks the demons within. It deals in shame and guilt. Privacy locks the demons out and seeks to protect from unwanted interference.


As for Professor Hamo, if he is indeed a deadbeat father, then that says alot about who he is as a man. Trash. And after the first child, why did he continue trying for a second? Why didn’t he wisen up and start using protection? Clearly, he wasn’t thinking about the future and he also has poor impulse control.

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It is great to see his mentor, Churchill Ndambuki step in the middle of their affair and attempt to help them come to an amicable solution but my word, things shouldn’t have been allowed to get so out of hand. But what do you expect from two clowns who don’t know to think ahead? When two clowns date, expect the circus to come to town shortly afterwards.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
