Meet Zari Hassan’s hot & younger look alike from Tz (Video)

Diamond Platnumz went all the way to South Africa to bag Zari Hassan while all along – there was a younger version of the boss lady living in Tanzania. But then again – she’s obviously not the original version – and if not for Zari’s existence we wouldn’t even know her right?

Anyway thanks to Zuchu’s latest fire challenge the singer introduced a young lady who surpringly looks like mama Tee; and the fact that she also captioned the video;

Zari’s look alike surfaces

Duniani wawili wawili

proves that she too noticed the uncanny resemblance between the boss lady and the lass identified as Christiner beiby on Tiktok.

Zari’s twin

Looking at the video shared on social media, we cannot argue with the fact that these two look something like twins; but – well there is no but judging from the many comments who complemented the lady.

Zari Hassan (Left) Look alike (Right)

Some even went ahead to tag the boss lady to come see her younger version on Zuchu’s IG page; but of course boss lady didn’t react to the many comments trying to catch her attention.

Anyway watch the video here courtesy of Zuchu.


‘Girl is glowing’ Zari Hassan on style makeover after bagging young boy-fling (Photos)

Zari Hassan has always portrayed herself as a classy Sophisticated woman who steps out in nothing but outfits that command attention with her style. We saw it back when she was with late husband Ivan and also during the time she dated Diamond Platnumz.


From what we’ve seen over the years is that she has maintained her style – but once in a while spices her style with new playful looks. However, never did we think she would want to fit in with the cool kids – who are currently all about flare jeans, long coats and curly hair.

Well thanks to new photos, we believe Zarinah might have switched up her style to match her glow now that she has a new young boyfriend. This is after she stepped out looking like a fashionable social media influencer and to caption her posts, she wrote;

Zari Hassan new style

You glow differently when your confidence is fuelled by a belief in yourself instead of validation from others.

Zari Hassan new baby boyfriend

With a new man in her life, clearly Zari Hassan is making an effort to stand out now she’s taken – but problem is – netizens feel the new guy is young enough to be her son. Ooliskia wapi?

Zari Hassan new look making it hard to tell she’s a mum of 5

Well as long as he is past 18 or 21 years I guess to her – this is a grown man capable of doing grown man stuff.

Anyway as many continue to speculate about the alleged relationship, the socialite continues to keep her head up and might continue toning down her style to keep new bae happy.

Zari Hassan sparks breakup rumors with Ugandan Tycoon, GK Choppa

It’s no secret that Zari Hassan likes her men young, handsome and rich. Apart from her later husband Ivan Don who was older than her, we’ve only gotten to see Zari bag herself young men since her separation.

Zari Hassan fed up with her latest relationship?

There was Diamond Platnumz who doubles up as baby daddy to her two youngest babies, then we heard she’d moved on with King Bae, Cedric Fourie who later said to be bisexual – and unlike her other bae’s, this one just brought fame to the table and nothing else – hence the breakup.

From there, Zari then started keeping her relationships on the low until recently when GK Choppa happened. A billionaire, handsome and treats Zari right…well that’s a man we all felt could be perfect for Zari especially after the many heartbreaks.

Deletes photos

However having dated for 3 months, it appears that there could be trouble in paradise for Zari Hassan and her young tycoon bae. This is because Zari the boss lady has slowly been deleting her romantic photos with the guy leaving behind only those they’d taken in the company of other friends. Strange.

GK Choppa with girlfriend, Zari

But again, this is not the first time the mother of 5 is pulling such a stunt on social media. Right before she officially dumps her boyfriends, Zari often starts by deleting the photos – then makes the announcement (which we’re waiting for) but clearly somethings up with her relationship.

Unlike the honey phase where she’d parade her bae to her 10 million followers, Zari lately prefers showing off her grown up sons.

Just the other day, the lass left her followers amazed by how grown her second born, Ralph has grown and although he was a teenager – his physical appearance is that of grown man…but I bet they got the genes from their late dad.

Zari with firstborn son, Pinto Ntale

Anyway, with the boys growing into fine young men – it’s probably time Zari Hassan also quit picking her potential husband’s from the boys club. Right?

Zari Hassan’s second born, Raph

Weuh! Zari Hassan leaves no stone unturned, finally tells Diamond Platnumz why he failed as a father and a partner

I want to believe that by now most people have had he chance to watch Young, famous and African. Okay, I know Kenya was not featured – but again, this doesn’t mean we won’t watch or keep up with this reality show.

Young, Famous and African

So far it’s obvious to see that Diamond Platnumz and Zari the boss lady are the reason most tabloids from East Africa are making noise about the show…and yes we love it since we are also learning new things about our two East African celebrities.

Also read: Fans react to Zari Hassan’s break up with Diamond Platnumz

For example, imagine 4 years after Zari dumped Diamond we finally get to know why she decided to pack her bags and walked out. Well I mean, no one saw it coming…. that is judging from how this woman stuck around her baby daddy despite infidelity stories; and just like that, one day she says it’s over and that’s all we know.

Zari opens up

But thanks to the new reality show, Zari let’s her fans know her main reason for walking out; and turns out that she wasn’t bothered with the cheating and the kids Diamond Platnumz was said to have around but because he wasn’t man enough to defend both her and their kids.

Co-parents, Zari Hassan and Diamond Platnumz and their children

Also read: Zari Hassan dumps Diamond Platnumz on Valentine’s Day

Zari revealed this while speaking to Diamond Platnumz where she asked;

Do you ever miss us? Do you ever sit down and say I wish I had my family, I wish I had my kids here I wish I had her here?

Diamond Platnumz had no option but to say yes – but what he didn’t know is that Zari would use this same answer against him; especially judging from how he carried himself back in the day.

Being one who is not easily convinced Zari in returned countered her baby daddy saying;

It’s one thing to say I (Diamond Platnumz) messed up and you’re trying to prove I have changed.


Even the times I knew you messed up, I’ll just go quiet for the sake of peace.

Bitter truth

Having put him where she wanted him, Zari went on to explain to Diamond Platnumz why she couldn’t keep hanging on to him despite the fact that she was ready to settle down with him.

Zari Hassan talks getting back with Diamond Platnumz and ditching King Bae (Video)

You gave me away. You know I was here for you like I would deny for you I would take a bullet for you. But every time I stood up for you, you did the opposite. The 20 times I did that for you, you only came through two times when I did 20 times. Me and your kids were being attacked I had nowhere to hide baba T.

And lastly,

I believe you were my partner, you being my partner you’re supposed to be the head of the family. Your job is to protect me, guide, lead, advise and you didn’t do that for me. I was left alone standing…thinking where I’m I supposed to go? You were supposed to be there for me. You were never there for me.

Zari Hassan introduces son’s girlfriend months after he came out gay

Zari Hassan is desperate to have her son one day settle down with a wife and have kids. I mean, don’t all parents what that for their sons?

However in today’s world things have changed. There are men who find love in each other – same as to women – hence the LGBT community which Raphael, Zari’s openly admitted to he part of.

Just to show how serious he was, Raphael came out during a live IG session confirming that he was a proud gay man. But being a minor, his mum quickly countered the video by claiming her son was just being a rebellious teenager and that nothing about his statement was true. Zari playing the mum card right there.

Also read: Zari Hassan’s second born son comes out, declares he is gay! (Screenshot)

Raphael comes out

Zari unveils son’s girlfriend

Having been put in such a position as a parent – of course Zari went in all out to protect her son against his own statement. Speaking about the issue, the mother of five said;

Also read: Zari is barking up the wrong tree as pertains to her son being gay

He has a girlfriend, he is tired of old women who keep texting  and asking him for money, he is tired of it. Maybe it was a good thing to say he is gay. Now you all will chill and leave him alone.

She further went on to deactivate his account hours later.

Well, one year later and Zari Hassan is proud to introduce her son’s girlfriend and to my surprise she even blessed the couple. Mmmmh mama’s working overtime to prove a point right?

Also read: Zari Hassan’s son turning out the way he did should not shock anyone

To caption the post, Zari wrote;

God bless you guys rose ???? ????

Such a cool mum huh? I can bet that most African parents would never catch themselves pulling such stunts for their 14/15 year olds….they’d actually rebuke the demon of hormones running in your veins.

Zari Hassan upgrades her body with ‘small waist and big booty’ months after Tanasha Donna bought new figure (Photos + video)

It’s been a while since we saw Zari Hassan make headlines in East Africa. In fact, I think it’s the whole Diamond Platnumz family that seems to have lost their touch with fans; but again – out with the old, in with the new.

Co-parents, Zari Hassan and Diamond Platnumz

Anyway with Hamisa and Tanasha Donna trying to salvage what remains of their image in the entertainment industry, the two ladies keep using their altered bodies to keep netizens talking – but even that, fans can’t seem to get back to the old days when they worshipped these two.

Also read: Zari needs to stop dating and focus on raising her children

Well I guess survival for the fittest especially now that they can’t keep using baby daddy to get more fame. Think it’s a joke? Well, the latest baby mama to spend some cash on a good plastic surgeon is Zari Hassan.

Zari Hassan keeping you with the girls

Remember a couple of months back when Zari Hassan visited Tz and to our surprise – the boss lady didn’t look anything like what we were used to.

From the photos taken at the WCB offices, Zari looked more like a school lunch lady as Mange Kimambi put it; but yea – her body weight back then took many by surprise.

Zari and Mange

Talk about the pandemic effects….

Also read: “Problem is you are fake and you lie too much” Mange Kimambi blasts Zari Hassan after socialites ‘fat’ photos emerge online

Zari’s body weight

Zari buys new body

Anyway with the pressure of keeping up with 20 something year olds, Tanasha Donna and Hamisa Mobetto – looks like the boss lady recently had her body done and no….we won’t lie she lost all that weight through dieting or working out.

We can confirm that she now has a teeny tiny waist that she couldn’t help but show off on her pages. This comes days after Hamisa’s visit to Kenya where she hang out with co wife, Tanasha Donna; and yes, these young ladies are clearly giving Zari a hard time.

Also read: Tanasha Donna responds after Risper Faith accuses her of failing to pay cosmetic surgery worth Ksh 850,000

I mean, what are the chances that Hamisa gets some work done on her body, the. Tanasha does the same…and in January 2022 – Zari unveils new curves? Pressure. Anyway check out Zari snatched waist and big bum bum below.

Zari Hassan’s new body
Zari buys new body

Zari Hassan on how she almost seduced her pastor

Sometimes I often feel like some of these celebrities pull some stunts to keep bloggers talking; but hey – who said we are complaining?

Anyway boss lady Zari Hassan has lately been keeping a low profile on her social media pages; until this past weekend when she opened up about a skimpy black dress she wore to church.

As seen on the post, Zari says she forgot herself and ended up wearing a dress with a very long slit to church.

Boss lady, Zarina

Also read: Zari Hassan needs to enjoy Ivan’s wealth in peace and silence

Nilijisahau nkawa nimevaa gauni lina mpasuo mrefuuu balaa.

Zari talks about tempting her pastor with long slit on her dress

Adding that the only thing that saved her from showing the pastor her brown and thick legs and thighs is the fact there were no seats at the front.

Zari flaunts archers of skin with short dress

Uzuri nilipofika nikakuta viti vya mbele vimejaa. Bila ivo sjui ingekuaje? Maskini Pastor???? Sina tabia, ntajikerebisha….

Also read: Life is for the living: Zari Hassan comes clean on inheriting late husband’s wealth

Judging from Zari’s playful caption, well i can say that once in a while the old girl likes to keep things spicy; hence the knee level black dress that would have left the men of God totally destructed by the flesh.

But hey, if she got it from her mama – then why not flaunt it, right?

Zari’s hot church dress


“He almost suffocated me” Zari Hassan on living with an insecure and abusive husband

Zari Hassan who was once married to the late Ivan Don recently sat down to have a candid interview with YouTuber Toke Makinwa and for the first time she opens up about her marriage, revealing some unknown things.

Okay, since we already know that her marriage to the late Ivan Don was toxic; Zari gives an insight of how their love slowly started getting affected by jealousy and how he started abusing her.

Also read: Zari Hassan comes clean about her private wedding in Uganda (Photos)

Zari with late ex husband, Ivan

According to Zari, the first time Ivan hit her was when she was only 3 months pregnant; but being in love – she ignored this not knowing this would grow into a habit.

Speaking about violence in relationships, the mother of five said;

Abuse starts with a word, it can start with verbal abuse. something that diminishes you as a person. Sometimes it gets very physical and very violent.


Zari with her boys at Ivan Don’s funeral

With time, Zari says that her late ex husband perfected his art at hitting her to a point that her boys even noticed the fights. She went on to narrate how her son once confronted about the fights asking why she (Zari) was allowing their dad (Ivan) to hit her;

Also read: Zari Hassan on why ladies should not mismanage their ‘honey pots’

It got to a point where my son asked me why he kept doing that (abusing me). It hurt me so badly, it was like a sword had been pierced through my heart.

Well if you thought that this was only happening at home, turns out that Ivan had gotten so much power that he could even hit her in-front of people.

Narrating about one of their public fights, Zari said;

It was something that was in him. He once hit me so badly in a club because someone looked at me. I was never allowed to look at other people. That night he beat me so bad that he almost suffocated me.

But all in all, Zari made it known that her reason for leaving the guy despite being her high-school sweetheart; is because she couldn’t let her boys continue seeing her in such a state.

Take notes: Zari Hassan explains how most women end up in toxic relationships

Zari Hassan has lived long enough to differentiate between a good man and a user. So far she has dated the likes of the late Ivan Don before moving to singer Diamond Platnumz and of course many others we know nothing about.

Zari Hassan with Diamond Platnumz

However what we know is that back in the day when she dated Diamond Platnumz; Zari faced a lot of humiliation from her baby – something that helped her get wiser with time.

Since then she now understands why women should never try fixing a broken man; with hopes of ‘he will change’ or will get over a certain phase.

Dont be part of the construction crew – Zari Hassan

Well, I guess the lesson were learnt after the many times she tried putting Diamond Platnumz in check;  only for him to continue cheating on her with younger girls.

Zari with Diamond Platnumz and their naughty son, Nillan

Anyway, the boss lady shared the piece of advice through her Instagram page where she wrote;

He is just broken, I think I can fix him’. Sis, he’s got 8 other women trying to fix him. Don’t be part of the construction crew…Some situations don’t require faith, hope or patience but common sense #forever

Well – I don’t know who need to hear this but Zari May have helped a sister or two with her post.

Zari Hassan on why ladies should not mismanage their ‘honey pots’

I am thinking at 40 years, Zari Hassan has faced enough challenges as a woman moving from relationship to another.

With an almost 20 year experience of relationships, Zari Hassan has learnt the importance of managing her time, energy and mostly her honey pot!

Zari Hassan

Well, of course time has changed over the years but according to Zari one thing that remains constant is class! Yes, Zari Hassan recently shared a post through her page urging women not to mismanage the power they hold.

As seen on the post Zari Hassan wrote;

Also read:

Hunnies don’t mismanage your time, energy or va***a.

Explains why

Well according to Zari it’s better off to leave people assuming one has attitude; than being available for every Tom, Dick and Harry; not her words but you get it right?

Anyway to make her point clear, Zari went on to explain saying;

They will think you have an attitude, but strong women have boundaries and standards!!

Also read:

Zari’s the boss lady

Although at first Diamond Platnumz didn’t know the kind of woman he was dealing with; truth is, the Bongo singer may have lost one of the classiest women he could have bagged in his life.

Well, I say this because it’s no secret that Zari Hassan may have had her ratchet years in her 20’s and 30’s; but something about her changed and is now among the top boss ladies with businesses in Africa.

From her lifestyle to how she carries herself, I think young women taking advice from her isn’t that bad. Right?

Zari Hassan’s friend reveals what led to their nasty breakup (Video)

For a minute Zari Hassan almost convinced us that her circle of friends are mature, busy and drama free people.

Zari’s circle of friends

However, just like most women, they too have drama; and scandals involving men and the gossip is way nastier than that of real housewives series.

Just a few hours ago, Zari shared a post telling off one of her former friends, Norma; who she claims has been gossiping her around. From the post, Zari not only threatened to expose the dirt she has on this former friend (Norma); but also promised to make sure the ex husband finds out the kind of woman he had been married to. Like I said, drama!

Norma with Lasizwe

Norma speaks

However turns out that the whole drama was sparked from Lasizwe’s YouTube show Drink or tell the truth; where Norma happened to spill some details on Zari being a fake friend. (Lasizwe is a gay South African Socialite said to have dated Zari’s king bae) Alaaar!

Anyway, according to Norma, Zari allegedly bad mouthed a while back while on a trip Zimbabwe; which led to the current drama. Speaking to Lasizwe, Norma said;

Our friend that we hooked Zari with told me what Zari said about me while they were in Zimbabwe.

Zari said I must stop talking to you (Lasizwe). So I decided to ignore Zari and take your side. I didn’t like a friend that was honest only in my presence but in my absence, you’re not. I didn’t feel the need of explaining myself. I distanced myself.

Well, most of these South African divas (Zari circle) are clearly people over 40; but damn, all that money still got them doing teenage girls drama in the name of ‘boyfriends.’

“I’ll strip you naked” Zari Hassan threatens to expose former fake friend

Boss lady Zari Hassan is back on social media;  and unfortunately she is not happy with one of her former friends believed to be bad mouthing her. Women.

According Zari despite having fallen off with this particular friend; the drama  from their past relationship continues to follow her – however this is something the boss lady will not be putting up with.

Just to prove how annoyed and irritated she is about this former friend; Ms Zari through her IG stories posted a photo of the alleged lady to which she captioned;

 I’m living a drama free life because I no longer hang out with fake people like you. You were here for the likes and followers. Every time I tagged you, you got excited when you got followers like a kid in a candy store.

Zari with the shade

Well not quite sure what led to this nasty fallout; but truth is – from how Zari threw the shade, chances are that this is about gossip and rumors surrounding boss lady’s life and way of living.

Anyway on the same post, she went on to add;

The real reason behind my breakup with you was more than gossiping for TV Clout. I’m the last person you want to provoke. Norma I will expose you, I’ll strip you naked. Don’t come come me unless I have called for you. Your ex husband will be shocked married to a mahosha or a wife. come slow sis, I don’t do drama, I burnt that all building. I no longer live there. Peace.

In another post, the boss lady went on to add;

Zari Hassan reveals why she broke up with Nigerian boyfriend, thee dark Stallion

Boss lady Zari Hassan says that she recently decided to let go of someone she truly misses but since the said person did not build her in any way – she therefore has no regrets.

Ftom the cryptic text shared on her social media pages; it’s obvious to tell that she was referring to her current hot dark stallion Nigerian boyfriend.

Zari dumps boyfriend, Dark Stallion

The two had dated for close to 5 months or more before Zari Hassan decided to call off the relationship.

This comes as a big surprise considering that fans felt thee dark Stallion was an upgrade for the boss lady; who also couldn’t keep her hands off him. She wrote;

I miss him, but I had to let him go. If it doesn’t build me I won’t keep it.

Zari slippery after reconnecting with baby daddy?

Well, so far we all understand that Zari and Diamond Platnumz have an upcoming reality show that will focus on both their lives and that of their kids.

This may also explain the breakup since we might just get to witness Zari and Diamond Platnumz rekindle their old flame; and yes, for the sake of a successful show indeed thee Stallion had to go.

Diamond Platnumz with Zari and their kids, Tiffah and Nillan

Looking at her social media pages, you’ll also notice that Zari already deleted all her photos with thee dark Stallion; which means, she’s back in business with baby daddy as their reality show is about to start airing on Netflix.

Zari Hassan’s South African reality show lands at Netflix

Netflix has swooped in to land a reality series about Zari Hassan and boy are we excited for the boss lady setting standards to allAfrican women.

The excited mother of 5 shared the good news through her social media pages where she introduced the new show dubbed, Young, famous and African. From the caption this show will be based on Zari’s life and those of her friends in Mzansi.

Zari Hassan

Being one who was married and divorced to a rich husband, there is so much fans are yet to learn about the boss lady; and what better way than a reality show that will allow fans to get to know Zari better.

Introducing the show through a poster shared on her page, Ms Zari wrote;

Zari Hassan and Diamond Platnumz

Born in Uganda. Flourishing in Mzansi. Now we’re taking over Netflix! See me bossing it up on @netflixsa and @naijaonnetflix’s first-ever African reality show, coming soon! #YoungFamousAndAfrican

Celebrity Mum

The show, which is part of a larger, overall content and brand alliance will definitely feature Diamond Platnumz and other celebrities; meaning this is indeed a big show and obviously will take viewers inside Zarinah’s glamorous, stressful and high-speed personal and professional antics of the 40 year old mum.

‘Aliwacha filter SA’ Zari Hassan ruthlessly trolled over new photos

Whenever Zari is in Tanzania, social media pages especially Instagram get flooded with her photos; but we always tend to see a difference between her normal photos and that from Paparazzi.

Zarina Hassan

Of course this is because those taken by Paparazzi are raw unedited material; while the ones posted by the boss lady are from either Snapchat or a photo editor application.

Her recent visit to bongo has once again given fans a reason to talk mostly because the Zari seen in these pictures is different from the one we are used to. The new photos show an aging Zari – and expected Tanzanians had to step in and make use of this opportunity.

Zari minus filters

Although these photos tend to make the boss lady look different or rather old; word has it that she actually looks 20 years younger when you see her in person.

Most fans who have had the chance to mingle with her couldn’t let haters dim Zari’s light as most defended her beauty; saying those spreading the photos clearly have malicious agendas.

Anyway checkout these photos below.

Weuh! “I want to work with Johnny Sins” Zari Hassan’s son reveals (Photo)

At this point we honestly cannot laugh at Zari or the posts shared by her teenage son, Raphael. Most parents will tell you that raising teenagers is quit hard but in this case; Raphael is driving his mother crazy!

A few months ago the young man came out to announce that he was gay; and blamed those raising him for lying that boys only date girls. This is after realizing that he finds guys more attractive; so yea, meaning he is not straight.

Raphael comes out

This post was however deleted really fast by his mum who later issued a statement saying that her son is straight; and if not she would fully support if he indeed turns out to be gay.

Pornstar career

Well, like we said – this is not a laughing matter especially now that Raphael has once again shared a controversial post claiming he wants to work with pornstar, John Sin.

The 13 year old boy shared this in a QnA post which was later deleted; but thank heavens for screenshots. In the post a friend asks Raphael what he would want to be in future saying;

What is your dreams? I mean who you want to be in future.

To which Raphael commented with a photo of adult actor John Sin and wrote;

I wanna work w him

Zari’s son into porn actor, John Sin

Well – let’s just say that Zari is not having an easy time as a mum especially with one teenager giving her sleepless nights. But come to think of it, could this be a cry for attention? Or is he

“Naomba uniwache” Wema Sepetu after Zari mocked her for being too skinny

Okay, we get it that Zari Hassan and Wema Sepetu will never get along; but hey, it’s been 5 years since their crazy drama that involved Bongo singer Diamond Platnumz – are they not tired? But who are women!

Wema Sepetu bedding with Zari over lost and found dog, Manunu

Anyway last week we had Zari blast Wema Sepetu in a comment where she trolled the Bongo actress for the weight loss; and for some reason – Ms associated the sudden weight loss to lack of food. Ouch.

As seen on the post, Zari wrote;

It’s Ramadahan na natoa msada. She could use some free food, naona kabakisha kichwa tu. Iyo njaa, let her eat some food, she will be fine.

Wema tired of beef

Well… Zari being one who savagely pays back at those bad mouthing her; clearly she did not leave any room for Wema to clap back.

Wema Sepetu with gossip monger Juma Lokole

Seeing that this word war is getting out of hand, the petite lass through her gram shared a post where she muted comments and wrote;

Naomba niseme hivi, Sipendi chokochoko… Maana Kunya anye kuku, akinya bata kaharisha sio… Kama maneno always yanaanziaga upande wa pili but ilivyo ada Wema ndo huonekana mwenye tatizo…

According to Wema Sepetu, she is now fed up with the insults and shady beef people (Zari) keep dragging her into. For this reason the lass concluded her post saying;

Nimechoka… Cause mi mdomo mchafu ninao haswaaaa but kuamuaga kukaa kimya nisionekane mjinga basi… Its Eid at the end of the day… Sitaki chokochoko…‼️ Ifike point niachwe jamani…. Akhaaa…‼️Jus wanted to address this na sitohitaji maoni ya mtu yoyote… Mkadiscuss huko kwa page zenu na sitaki kuziona… Nitakuwa busy na Eid yangu mie… Hope everyone has fun… Too much Love from me to You…

Zari Hassan distances herself from rumors linking her to Tanzanian baby Daddy

Rumor making rounds is that Diamond Platnumz who is in South Africa may be planning to get back with ex, Zari Hassan.

This was also indirectly confirmed by Romy Jones post where he bragged about being Zari’s in law; and in the comment section he was backed up by his bro, Diamond Platnumz who commented with a bomb emoji.

Romy Jones original post

However Judging from Zari’s posts we understand that the only relationship she has with baby daddy; is that of two parents coparenting. The lady seems to have finally moved on – and the man she chose has the likes of Juma Lokole hating; but oh well – isn’t he paid to publicly hate a person on behalf of his bosses?

Zari posts Dark Stallion

With Ramadan here and Diamond Platnumz in South Africa to ‘see the kids;’  thee dark Stallion took some time off his girlfriend’s place to give Diamond some ample time with his kids.

This however left many assuming that things between him and Zari Hassan were over; until Ms Zari on 11th May shared an adorable photo with her dark bae – to prove that her love for him remains the same.

Well, not quite sure why she chose to share the post – but one thing is for sure; she’s already aware of the rumors linking her to ex baby daddy – but problem is – she bagged a finer man at the end.

Checkout Zari’s post below.

Zari with new found love

Haiya! Zari Hassan’s new boyfriend ‘Thee Stallion’ reveals why he is fed up with Diamond Platnumz fans

Zari Hassan’s life changed the minute she started dating and Diamond Platnumz. This is because her life was now exposed to ruthless Bongo fans who enjoy trolling and larking; just to keep their lives entertained!

Deapite breaking up with the Bongo star, Diamond Platnumz – the same fans refused to let go of Zari Hassan; as most continue to dig deeper into her life.

Zari with bae, Dark Stallion

So far we understand Zari’s eldest sons still blame her for exposing their private lives to these people; and the latest victim happens to be Thee Black Stallion – who cannot stand the harassment he continues to suffer in the hands on these fans.

‘I can’t deal’ Black Stallion

As seen on one of his IG stories, the handsome Nigerian man complains about the number of DM’s he receives from the Tanzanian fans; looking to find out more about him.

According to the fella, in a day he receives close to 30 messages; and I’m pretty sure most of them are usually about Diamond Platnumz and Zari getting back together in future. To caption the screenshot, Black Stallion wrote;

Imagine 30 people per day. SMH

Zari’s man complaining about messages from fans

Not quit sure why he is complaining with such a small number in his DM; I mean, the late – Ivan Don was said to be receiving about 1000 message trolls in a day; and he never complained.

But come to think of it, Zari is still a star….he should have expected worse trolls!

Can your mother even? Zari Hassan reveals special present she will be gifting son on 18th birthday

Boss Lady Zari Hassan is proud of son, Pinto Tlale. Apart from being a calm young man, we understand that Pinto is also smart (hence the many scholarships) and above all; Zari Hassan has always spoken highly of this young man she gave birth to back in 2003.


As seen on a new post shared by Ms Zarinah, we understand that Pinto will be celebrating his 18th birthday in August; and this being a new chapter for the young man – Zari (mum) feels that it’s also the best time to spoil him.

Through her IG stories the mother of 5 mentioned that Pinto’s good behavior; and selflessness has earned him the right to own a car. Although the boss lady does not mention what type of car she will be gifting Pinto, I can bet that it will be sleek. She wrote;

18 in August…Mama needs to get you a ride ???? You are a good kid. You deserve all good things @Pinto tlale.

Pinto turning 18 years in August

Zari and her soldiers

So far the boss lady has been playing the role of both mum and dad to her 5 kids despite having Diamond Platnumz as a baby daddy to Tiffah and Nillan.

Thee Ivan Don’s handsome sons

However word has it that the new boy friend has also been playing daddy; and the good thing is that kids love him for their mum.

Menopause ni wewe! Zari Hassan giving many sleepless nights with never seen before lingerie photo

This Easter many couples decided to show off with their spouses on social media; and guess what, Zari Hassan and bae, black Stallion were not left behind either.

From Ms Zari’s post we understand that the couple took a short vacay with the boys while the younger kids stayed back home with their nannies. Goals.

Of course hiring a yatch is a big deal and Ms Zari and her boys could not stay quiet about it either. They all went wild by sharing a number of photos on social media; until Zari dropped her hot lingerie/swimsuit photo on Snapchat.

Judging from the photo Zari is seen wearing a matching green bra and panty; which has left many wondering whether this was swimsuit or a lingerie – since we can all spot Black stallion in  the back with a towel around his waist.

Zari with bae

Zari at 40 years with a body of a 20 year old

Well, we cannot really tell whether the green ‘outfit’ was meant for bedtime or for swimming; but the kimono says this could have been more of a swimsuit – but hey!

Anyway with the new photo of Zari turning heads on social media; her former in-laws i.e Juma Lokole also seem to have been caught off guard as they cannot stop talking about her. Check out the new photo below.

Zari Hassan speaks about her struggle to conceive a baby girl – before Tiffah’s birth

With 3 boys back to back from her previous relationship with the late Ivan Don; Ugandan socialite Zari Hassan could not imagine a life without a baby girl who would at least take after her.

I mean the boys were okay – but having a girl in the house would just make everything better, right? Anyway, just like most mums with sons – Zari could not help but wish that someday she would have her own baby girl to bond with.

It may have taken time but, after meeting Singer Diamond Platnumz – ms Zari’s dream was finally fulfilled; as Simba gave her one of the cutest babies we have come to see on social media.

As the world marks a ‘Happy Women Day’ Ms Zari has joined in by sharing a couple of photos with daughter Tiffah. To caption the posts, Zari opened up about the prayers she offered just to have a daughter; and with Tiffah here – the prayers were indeed answered.

Zari explains relationship with daughter

Having a daughter who looks like just like her -ms  Zari remains one of the most proud mums out here. The socialite cum business lady went on to express her joy for the only daughter she has saying;

I prayed for you….I imagined us. And yes, we are here now. #MyBBF! I just love how you always pull up my back zips @princess_tiffah

I guess this is the kind of love that knows no boundaries; and although many claim daughters get undivided attention from their dads – wait till you see how much fun Zari has with her baby girl.


Savage: Zari Hassan claps back at critics predicting new relationship will end in premium tears

Zari Hassan has been making headlines thanks to her new man, Thee Stallion. Just like his nick name, yes Zari’s new man is hot, tall, dark and handsome; making fans jealous of the boss lady now that she has a real man by her side.

Don’t get me wrong – but after breaking up with East Africa’s finest – Diamond Platnumz; fans felt that Zari would never find a man enough to shake East Africans again. And with her ex husband Ivan Don dead, indeed there was no man left to play the boyfriend role in Zari’s life.

Zari Hassan with new bae, Thee Stallion

However just a few days ago, Zari Hassan  unveiled the new man keeping her bed warm; and judging from the comments left by fans – thee Stallion was indeed good enough to leave a few characters here and there talking on social media.

Zari responds to critics

With Zari over sharing photos of her new bae – fans on the other hand couldn’t help enjoy while it lasts; as most claim that this relationship will not last like the rest.

Pretty mean – but hey…the boss lady is always ready to handle her critics in the best possible way. Clapping back at those claiming that the relationship will end in premium tears; Ms Zari wrote;

Even if it ends in premium tears, are they your tears? We will have an after party. People surely love misery, you simply hate seeing others happy. Well, it’s all good with me.


Well, let’s just say Zari grew thick skin after breaking up with Diamond Platnumz. This time around, she cares less about what fans say or think about her relationships.

Upgrade! Zari Hassan unveils Mr Stallion aka new bae’s face on Valentines Day (Photo)

3 years ago Zari Hassan broke up with baby daddy, Diamond Platnumz; leaving many talking on social media.

Zari dumps baby daddy

For some reason she made fans believe that the lovers day was one of her least favorite days; until the special 2021’s Valentines Day – where we finally met her new man.

As seen on her social media pages – it’s obvious to see that Zari just upgraded her boyfriend game; and boy is her latest boyfriend quite a catch. The boss lady proudly parades him on her Instagram page; where she captioned the post saying;

Zari’s new boyfriend

This was indeed a happy moment for miss Zari   who took it upon herself to introduce the handsome man to her followers. As we already know, this lady is not one to post just anybody on her page – and I guess this is why Mr Stallion should be counting himself lucky!

New bae – don’t care

At 40 years, Zari who still looks like a teenager is proving that age is nothing but a number when it comes to money and love.

Youthful Zari Hassan

Thanks to her money she can maintain a youthful look; which makes it easier for her to bag any kind of man she wants. Luckily for Mr Stallion – Zari fell in love and she is not afraid to show it.

“So what if it ends in tears?” Zari Hassan responds to relationship critics

Zari Hassan appears to miss the old days when fans would criticize her new boyfriends; especially with most assuming that she has never moved on from singer, Diamond Platnumz since their online break up.

But such is life. The boss lady had to move on by force whether she liked it or not; besides her at that time Bongo baby daddy had another baby on the way, Dylan.

Anyway it has since been 3 years and a few fans on social media continue to troll Zari for flaunting her boyfriends. After a short term relationship with King bae – mother of 5 – Zarinah Hassan has yet again introduced a new dark guy she likes to call ‘Thee Black Stallion.”

Haters gonna hate

Just by his name….I can assure you that he sounds like the kind of man any woman would want to settle down with. I mean, what could be the reason behind Zari naming him the black Stallion?

Just to prove how serious about this new catch; Zari Hassan just a few hours ago went on to share ‘hand’ photos flaunting her new bae. In one of the posts Zari wrote;

The most miserable people will want to see you in their WhatsApp group. Don’t count me in that category a beg. I refuse to be one of you. Happiness lives here….if it ends in tears, let it. What will you as a person lose?


In yet another post, the boss lady bragged by writing;

Don’t break my lil hand errr I mean my ❤️ Mr man. Call him the dark stallion.

I guess it that season that most couples have to prove a point on social media, right?

‘The darker the berry…’ Zari Hassan’s young boyfriend finally unveiled (Video)

Zari Hassan may have broken up with Diamond Platnumz 3 years ago; but her East African fans cannot get enough of her. Unlike all the exes Diamond Platnumz has ever had, Zari remains the favorite to most East Africans who continue to keep up with her life.

However since the break up, Zari has made hard for many to know who she is dating; or is having fun with.

As far as the boyfriends are concerned – I can assure you that Zari has flaunted many faceless guys; but this past weekend, fans got lucky and unveiled the boss lady’s latest catch.

It all started with Zari sharing yet another faceless bae photo which she captioned;


On to the next

Having married the late Ivan Don and dated Diamond Platnumz – it’s evident that Zari likes  her men dark like her coffee!

As seen on the video the man believed to be involved with Zari is as dark as the night; and his catchy smile explains why Zari could not hold back from hinting that she now has a boyfriend.

Well, I guess beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder; and despite her former in laws hating on her current – it appears that there are those who love her for who she is! Anyway watch the video below.