Juma Lokole and Zari Hassan have really never liked each other; but until now we still don’t understand these two don’t have a friendly vibe towards each other.
Just a few hours ago Zari Hassan went on a rant telling off people claiming she teaches Tiffah what to say on her videos. As seen on several clips making rounds on social media; the lass clearly defends her daughter from online bullies but also makes the mistake of abusing other people’s children.
Unfortunately Zari blasted her followers children saying some are ‘brainless’ and cannot learn anything; which makes their parents pick on Tiffah for being smart.
Zari also went on to add that her daughter’s English is perfect since she attends an expensive private school that has helped bring out the intelligent Tiffah we get to see on IG.

Fashionable and still sexy!
On the video, Zari calls out most of her critics who continue calling her an old woman. This time around the mother of had not come to play as she hit back with a major clap back that seems to have annoyed Juma Lokole.
On the video Zari made it known that she looks way better than some of these 20 year old looking for attention with her name. According to Zari she is still fresh as the morning dew and young despite idlers calling her old.

Juma Lokole clap back
Having come across the video, Juma Lokole went on to correct her former sister in law in a post that has left many talking on social media.
Lokole who is known for his Zero chills reminded Zari to act her age; instead of comparing herself with young beautiful women who are now enjoying their youth.

Apo kwenye uzuri apo na udogo nakataaa zari ???????????????????????? uzuri huna kabisaaaa ngozi imeregea Kama sanitaiza …… na udogo Pia huna labda wa kucheza. Titok ????????????????????
He went on to add;
Mengine nakuunga mkono wakome kufatilia maisha ya watu …… Chambaaaaaa mama chambaaaaa wamekuchokoza wenyewe ……. NAKUPENDA ZARI WANGU CHAMBAAAAAAAA VIJUSO WAMEZIDI …… ngoja niingie insta live nikusaidie ????????????????????????♂️????????♂️????????♂️????????♂️????????♂️ @babe_255 njoo niliyakumbuka kweli aya mambo ya michambo yake ????????????