Willy Paul threatening his girlfriend’s boyfriend doesn’t make sense

Willy Paul is currently trending following an expose done on him by a fella accusing him of sliding into his girlfriend’s DM; and for a minute – we couldn’t understand why the said guy was overreacting and if anything –  he should have taken up the issue with his woman and not Pozee, right?

Willy Paul 

But just when we thought that was low, Pozee who we assumed would handle the matter like a mature man even made things worse by hitting back at his girlfriend’s boyfriend; and from the post share on his page – ill assume he threatened to have him shot.

This is after he posted a photo if a gun and on the side a box full of bullets….probably just to show how what he can do….but again – Pozee didn’t caption the post:

Pozee needs to change his strategy

Having been linked to so many women and even accused of rape – its funny that Willy Paul never changes his strategy on how he approaches women; or rather keeps going for the same type…lightskin, petite and pretty.

More of like a weird Jeffery Epstein in the making or something of that sort…. but whats more surpring is how he decided to go after the YouTuber….when he is the one on the wrong. Or wait, could it be that Pozee has real feelings for the lady?

But again….having realized that the lady had willingly shared her contacts with Willy Paul proves she hasn’t left the streets yet…..and maybe just maybe – the boyfriend should first put his house inorder.

Willy Paul feeling unsafe in his own house, explains why he was forced to install CCTV cameras

Willy Paul has been missing in action for a while now, but just recently he shaved off his dreadlocks hoping to make news…but oh well, fans don’t seem bothered about him like they used to a few years back.

Of late it’s just him hyping his music through social media but mmmh times are tough. Anyway, did you know that Willy Paul has camera’s installed around his house, simply because he feels unsafe?

Willy Paul
Willy Paul

Yes, Pozee owns a home/apartment in Syokimau but apparently thanks to his friends he cannot risk not having surveillance 24/7. This is because he has thieves for friends and jezebelle’s for female friends who want to allegedly lie about him just for exposès.

Trust issues

However most of his fans feel he shouldn’t have wasted on the money on cameras, but should have booked himself a therapy session to help with his insecurities.

Willy Paul

Others suggested maybe it’s about time he changed his circle of friends, to stop living a life of fear. I mean, he pays for that house – yet lives in fear. Speaking about his cameras, the guy wrote;

Do you know know why I have CCTV all over my house? Because I have friends, wezi, thieves…and also there jezebelles you come to my house you lie…I exposè you and sue your stupid ass dummy!


Well, for the young ladies hoping to have themselves some Willy Paul – I guess you’ve been warned. There are CCTV cameras now.

Willy Paul makes U-turn after taking legal action against ex lover, Miss P

Singer Willy Paul has had his share of drama with pretty, petite light skinned ladies in this town. Actually most of them are usually around 19 to at-least 24 years; which is the perfect naive age for girls who want to date ‘super stars.’

Luckily for Willy bPaul his charm never dies; despite the many bad stories that have painted him as a pretender for the lack of a better word; but I guess he often gets away because his prey is above 18 years. I mean look at Miss P.

Willy Pozee in another scandal

Anyway after claiming to have been sexually assaulted by Willy Paul, not once or twice I wonder how that works; the controversial artist is now talking lawyers after his image for ruined…wait image? Is Pozee not abit too late to worry about his image?

Legal statement

Anyway, just how he likes doing things; Willy Paul this past weekend shared a copy of a statement from his legal showing that he was planning on suing young Miss P.

Willy Paul

For a minute….just a minute I actually thought he was being serious but turns out; it’s another move to clout chase for his latest song with Juliani. Bure kabisa!


I say this because Pozee already deleted the post from his page replacing it with his new projects; which for sure will do well – but not because of talent but all thanks to Juliani’s scandal.

Shika adabu yako! Willy Paul suffers yet another block and rejection after sliding into stunning lady’s DM (Photos)

Willy Paul has found himself making news on social media after young Kenyan singer (Lulu) shared a couple of  screenshots; showing the DM she received from the controversial singer.

Lulu blocks Willy Paul

This comes just a few days after the singer ‘exposed’ Shakilla for allegedly breaking into his house in Syokimau. According to Pozee the young socialite has been obsessed with him for a while now; but after her interview with Xtian Dela – seems like she crossed the boundary.

However thanks to the footage showing Shakilla visit Willy Paul; there was no sign of breaking in but just a normal girl walking into a house she had been invited to. So basically, Pozee plan to ruin Shakilla image failed; and now he is on to the next.


Also read:Willy Paul threatens to sue Shakilla with new string of evidence (Screenshots)

Blocked and Deleted

A lady identified as Lulu has come out to expose the singer for sliding into her DM where he also requested for her number too. However having made a negative name for himself; the lady in return went on to block and delete the guy.

Also read:Shakilla gives her side of the story, exposes Willy Paul for violence and misusing her

Through her Instagram page Lulu Kenya captioned her post;


Willy Paul