Ivy Namu reveals unique qualities that attracted her to Willis Raburu & why she’s never leaving!

Ivy Namu has been hearing things about herself on social media  making her wonder where the rumors are coming from. However I guess her protruding belly is what has fans saying she is prego!

Well despite knowing this is the rumor making rounds online about her, Ms Namu still hasn’t confirmed whether she’s pregnant on not. Responding to a fan asking the same question, she said;

Baby number 2 for the Raburus?

This question is very funny& not in a haha way. With all the factors surrounding pregnancy, surely it should be up to the peeps involved to share the news at their own time? Idk I find it impolite to ask such a personal question.


And just like that she made her fans more curious about the rumors – while others felt like she may have just confirmed this indirectly.

Man like Willis Raburu

Well, if indeed she’s expecting a second child with Raburu means that she may have found the man she’d always dreamt of.

So far she’s made it known that he is not only her partner but also her best friend. Describing some of the qualities that attracted her to him, Ivy Namu said;

He’s kind, compassionate, honest & a man of his word. I feel safe & secure around him & never had to ask about what his feelings or plans with me coz he’s always been so open about it.


Also I never had to change, hide or fake anything about myself (good&bad) around him; I can always be ???? Me and that makes me feel free. I love it here.


Willis Raburu and girlfriend Ivy Namu expecting baby number 2? (Photos)

Ivy Namu and Willis Raburu could be expecting their second child together that is judging from the latest photos we’ve seen from the lady. Okay, I know most of y’all will be like how do you know, you womb watcher… but calm down we have photos to explain our theory.

Well, looks like either Ivy Namu quit working out and has been enjoying some carbs which would explain her protruding belly – but again – chances are that she could also be with child. This is because, lately she has been trying to conceal her stomach on most photos, like…

Ivy Namu expecting baby number 2?

Like I said, we really can’t confirm until the couple officially announces this but as of now – the photos will do just fine.

So far we’ve seen about 5 people photos where she appears pregnant and thing is… her fans have also noticed this too. One of her fans wrote;

The Raburus

Having seen how Willis Raburu’s grown over the past few months after bagging himself a wife like Namu, their fans feel this couple is a match made in heaven.

Baby number 2 for the Raburus?

Looking at their online videos, these two always appear to compliment each other’s energy and their chemistry is full of sparks.

Ivy Namu rocking low key baby bump?

Anyway pregnant or not – clearly the Raburus are one happy family!

Willis Raburu forced to explain why he cancelled lavish birthday

Willis Raburu was supposed to hold a lavish birthday event for April babies this past weekend; but unfortunately, this did not happen following an illness that forced him to cancel his attendance at the special event set to happen at Garage Thika.

According to Willis Raburu he has been battling a stomach infection that left him weak  and unable to function. The celebrated media personality made this known in a detailed post  shared on his social media pages saying;

This evening I was slated to host April Babies party along side industry greats and many of my friends at Garage Thika. Unfortunately this evening a stomach infection began that has left me feeling weak and unable to function at 100%. I would do anything for my fans, many of who had already turned up and sent me messages saying they were ready for me.

Well for anyone who understands how stomach infections work or better yet –  has experienced the challenges it comes with…I bet y’all can understand why Willis Raburu couldn’t risk leaving home, right?


On the same statement, Raburu apologizes to the guests and fans who had been looking forward to the event.

I am seeking medical help and I’m sure it will blow away and I’ll be back on my feet in no time.


Once again I apologize to the fans and to the management.

Raburu’s statement

His illness comes barely a week after girlfriend Ivy Namu shared a post complaining of her son’s illness – that had left her helpless.

But having her not talk about it again – means baby is now better; and it’s time to take care of her other baby, big man Bazu – and you still wonder why she complained of fatigue?

Willis Raburu’s girlfriend admits feeling helpless and tired after son fell ill

They say motherhood is a full time job and I’m pretty sure Ivy Namu now understands what that means not forgetting what it takes to be a mum.

I’ve  heard that it’s tough – there are days that include sleepless nights, fatigue and worse – tending to a sick baby and all you can rely on medication alone. Well, Ivy Namu and partner Willis Raburu have not been having it easy after their son fell ill recently.

According to the new mum – despite all the advise she’s gathered from fellow mums and even her own mum – nothing would have ever prepared her on how to handle a sick baby.

Ivy Namu with son

 Nothing could’ve prepared me for how intense it is to have a sick baby.


In a detailed post shared on her Instagram page, Namu narrated her experience with a sick baby saying;

I feel so sorry for him and helpless. And I am also very tired. He is tired of the meds but hatuna otherwise. I hope today is even better than the last couple of days. For now it’s lots of cuddles & TLC for my little one.

But the good thing is that baby is responding well to his medications; meaning this will be over even before Ivy Namu and Willis Raburu realize it.

Willis Raburu opens up about divorce from ex wife, MaryaPrude’s – says he tried everything to save marriage

Willis Raburu and ex wife Maryaprude are legally divorced after 2 years of marriage. Their divorce however came as a big surprise since it happened only a few months after Maryaprude gave birth to a still baby.

With the whole grieving process, looks like both Maryaprude and Willis lost the passion and love they had towards each other hence settling for divorce. The media personality confirmed this through a recent interview where he opened up about his divorce from Marya.

Also read: Husband & Wife- Juliani Shows Off Ring After Wedding Lillian Ng’ang’a (Photo)

tbt: Maryaprude and Willis Raburu

According to Raburu – divorce was the only solution to his marriage with Maryaprude. This is because before deciding to part ways, he tried talking, therapy, going to church but still it did not work. And for the sake of their mental health – divorce then became the last option.

Speaking during recent interview with a vernacular TV station Willis said;

It was very difficult because when you decide to settle on divorce, it means you have tried so many other things like talking, therapy, tried going to church…But when it reaches a point where all your misunderstandings are pointed towards hurting your partner then it’s better to just stay as friends.

Toxic relationship?

Although he did not make it obvious, something about Willis Raburu’s statement says his relationship with Maryaprude was slowly getting toxic. And being the man in the relationship – Willis was forced to bottle up emotions which later came out and as you can see – it didn’t end so well.

Also read: Governor Joho’s 32 year old hot wife files for divorce, says she’s done holding on

Ex couple; Willis and Maryaprude

Bottling a lot of issues in marriage is not healthy. Men are told they need to be strong and not cry but in reality, I was sad and crying on the inside. When I left the house I used to cry as well.


You can only be strong for so long as it is assumed men should be. But it reaches a point when you have had enough and can’t take it anymore. And when you reach the end, you start to be resentful towards your partner as they are towards you.

And if you thought divorce is an easy process where you pay up lawyers and let them handle the whole process on your behalf….guess what it’s actually a nightmare that Willis Raburu says he cannot wish on his worst enemy.

Divorce and child loss is something I wouldn’t wish even upon my worst enemy,

Willis Raburu pens emotional love letter to celebrate late daughter’s 2nd birthday

It’s been two years since Maryaprude and Willis Raburu were blessed with a baby girl who was unfortunately born still.

Well despite it all, the two have been keeping their late daughter’s memory alive; and to prove this – on New Years Me Raburu decided to mark his daughter’s 2nd birthday on Instagram.

Also read:

As seen on the emotional post dedicated to the late Adana, Willis Raburu went on to express how much he misses her beautiful face; adding that he still remembers the time he spent with her in the cold room – something that left his fans in tears.

Through his Instagram page, Willis Raburu wrote;

Willis Raburu celebrates late daughter

Happy 2nd birthday Adana. My angel. I think of you each time, I have. I miss you and your beautiful face. I will never forget it as I spent that time with you in the cold room and not even my kiss would bring you back! I guess that’s only in fairy tales. ???????????? I should have been celebrating your milestones but instead I sit here jealous of the angels because they get to experience you each day.

Pain remains fresh

Although it’s ever easy to get past the death of a loved one, Raburu says Dec 31st has become a hard day for him since he is torn in between celebrating the new year and marking his daughter’s death anniversary.

Also read:

Speaking about this, the dad of two went on to add;

It’s always a tough day because I donno whether to celebrate a new year or mourn you. I know you would have wanted us to celebrate you and so here I am. Make a lot of noise in heaven today let them know who your parents are! ???????? I love you.

And if you thought Willis Raburu has any blood towards his ex wife, Maryaprude – then I guess you’re wrong as he concluded his love letter to his late daughter saying;

Ex couple; Willis and Maryaprude

Mommy and daddy will love you forever and always! ????????????❤️????

Willis Raburu’s beautiful letter to late daughter, Adana will leave you in tears

Willis Raburu must be one of the best dads out here and I think he knows it. Despite having been blessed with a bouncing baby boy 2 years after losing his daughter with ex wife, Maryaprude – the father of two still says he remembers his angel.

Well, just a few hours ago the BAZU entertainment CEO happened to share a new message we all believe was dedicated to his late daughter, Adana. Judging from what he wrote, looks like Willis Raburu still holds his daughter memory close to his heart and has not forgotten her.

Also read: Adorable: Willis Raburu’s father meets his look alike grandson for the first time (Photos)

Willis Raburu’s tribute to his late daughter

In remembrance of her memory, the new daddy through his Instagram page wrote;

I love you Adana, forever in my heart. Daddy is always thinking of you. Make sure you make the laugh in heaven and make so much noise so they know who your daddy is.

Also read: Maryaprude hints why marriage to Willis Raburu was extremely t***c

Willis Raburu – Father of two!

His post comes days after he introduced his 4 month old son to his family back in the village. Seeing how everyone reacted to photos of his son and granddad – of course Willis (maybe) didn’t want his ex wife to feel that he didn’t appreciate the child they had – but lost.

Willis Raburu with son

Speaking about his kids a while back – Willis Raburu made it know that he considers himself as a father of two – and that’s a fact no one or any situation would change.

It has however come to my attention while reading some of them that I am constantly referred to as a “Father of One” This however is not the case. As many of you know I lost my daughter Adana. For those who have gone through such loss, you know that it Never leaves You.

Adorable: Willis Raburu’s father meets his look alike grandson for the first time (Photos)

Media personality Willis Raburu was blessed with a bouncing baby boy about 4 months ago when girlfriend, Ivy Namu welcomed their first child.

The two love birds however decided to keep their baby off social media for the first 12 weeks before unveiling his first photo. As seen on social media, Ivy Namu was the one who unveiled her son’s face and for a minute fans thought that the young man looked more like his mother.

Also read: Willis Raburu and girlfriend unveil adorable son’s face, he looks everything like his mummy

Willis Raburu’s girlfriend with their son

Probably because of the facial structure and the adorable small nose that matches that of mummy, Ivy Namu. However we now stand corrected that Raburu’s baby boy is actually a replica of his grand dad, Mr Raburu.

Granddad meets 4 month old grandson

This can be seen in the new photos shared on Willis Raburu’s page, where he flaunts two photos showing the three generation of the Raburu boys.

Also read: Adorable photo of Willis Raburu’s girlfriend hanging out with her ‘mother in law’

Just by looking at grand daddy’s mouth, eyes  and facial expression; one can say that baby Raburu and his grandpa are actually twins. More like Nitolee photocopy story .

The Raburu boys

Well probably the photo shared above doesn’t show much of the resemblance; but I betcha the one shared below brought out the striking resemblance.

The people in this picture all respond to: Mr. Raburu ????????????????

Grandpa Raburu meets grandson

Maryaprude opens up her first miscarriage before losing baby Adana in 2019

Mary Irungu popularly known as Maryaprude or rather Willis Raburu’s ex wife is finally opening up about; the other side of her unknown life with the 10/10 host and TV personality.

Maryaprude and Willis Raburu exchanging vows

Having been married for close to 2 years (5th May 2017)  the duo unfortunately fell off in early 2020; whivh led to their untimely divorce and now – social media ‘failed marriage scandal.’

For months we waited we waited to hear about what led to the break up; but judging from the interviews Maryaprude’s is giving – let’s just say she is taking one day at a time!

Ex couple; Willis and Maryaprude

Opens up about two pregnancies

Speaking recently to Word Is; Maryaprude for the first time revealed that she actually got pregnant for the Willis Raburu twice.  However, the first pregnancy was in 2018 – was an an-embryonic pregnancy; which did not last for more than 3 months as it had to be terminated.

Tbt: Pregnant Maryaprude before stillbirth

The lady opened up saying;

What people don’t know is that I had lost another pregnancy in 2018 at nine weeks then. In 2019, I got pregnant with baby Adana,”

Trouble conceiving

From Marya says, one can assume (actually confirm;) that they were really putting in a lot  pressure to have children as she went on to add;

It was really tough for us since we were trying to get a child.

Maybe they both wanted to start a family asap hence the back to back pregnancies; but again, could it be that Willis Raburu really wanted a child of his own that bad?

I mean, didn’t he just have a baby barely a year after his divorce; which explains the ‘trying to have a child’ Marya is talking about.

Maryaprude hints why marriage to Willis Raburu was extremely toxic

Maryaprude’s healing process seems to be slowing down; now that it is no secret that her ex husband already moved on so quickly.

Barely a year after they broke up – Willis seems to have forgotten what they shared and even has a child with new girlfriend; when Maryaprude who had been his wife for 2 years; has nothing to show from the relationship after losing her child during birth.

MaryaPrude flaunting baby bump

Well, it must be hard for the two of them but truth is, life has to move on with or without the pain; and hopefully this is something most fans are wishing on young Ms Prude who is still hurting.

Toxic relationship

For the first time in a while; Willis on Wednesday 18th shared a couple of videos having a good time with his new girlfriend; a move that seems to have triggered Maryaprude’s latest post.

Exes: Marya and Willis

From the videos, we observe Willis and Ivy Namu having the time of their lives while bowling; and although they are allowed to move on – the hard part is that Maryaprude on the other hand is yet accept the harsh reality.

Just to prove this, the lady shared a new post I believe explains her marriage to Willis Raburu. Her post read;

I remember when people used to gaslight me. I would;

  • Question my sanity
  • Apologize for things that weren’t my fault
  • Wonder if I got things mixed up
  • Blame myself
  • Trust others more than myself
  • pretend to agree
  • Force connection
  • Ask other people if I imagined things

And the last point which explains her current mental breakdown read;

  • Soothe the person who hurt me because they were mad that I was upset.

Clearly, Maryaprude is yet to accept that her relationship with Willis is over; and problem is, being bitter about it – won’t help her mental health either.

“I will fight when it comes to my son” Willis Raburu’s girlfriend issues warning to critics insulting month old baby

It’s no secret that Willis Raburu has already moved on with Ivy Namu; following his failed marriage with Maryaprude.

Although there are those who feel that Willis may have moved on abit too fast; all we can say is different people -different healing process; so why prosecute and his new family for their happy family?

Willis Raburu and new girlfriend pregnant with their first child

Anyway seems like the bile targeted at Ivy Namu for ‘throwing herself’ at Willis; has now been redirected to her new born son who apparently is facing cruel comments from bitter fans.

Keep off my son

This was revealed by the month old boy’s mum (Ivy Namu) who has issued a stern warning to anyone who feels they can insult her baby. In a detailed post shared on her Instagram stories, Ms Namu wrote;

Willis Raburu introduces day old baby

I’m captain of the “don’t care what people say” battalion but when it comes to my son, I feel like fighting coz of how much it hurts.

She went on;

Social media has really given mean and bitter people confidence to talk shit about anyone or anything without shame or any shred of decency. Yaani grown folk take time out of their day to say shit about a baby it’s just so wild to me.

I know better

Well being a new mum and understanding the pain, sleepless nights, zombie mode lifestyle; and sacrifices she has made since her son’s arrival, I can promise you that Ivy is not joking about for her baby.

Anyway, with that out of her system Ivy Namu went on to conclude her post by saying;

And I know for a fact that such people can’t utter the same sentiments in person because they know they are on some bullshit.

And lastly,

Anyway, imma need to drop my habit of going through such nonsense even for once in a while. All it does is infuriate me and I know better than to engage such people. Haters gonna hate and potatoes gonna potate.

Loss Is Painful, Please Refer To Me As A Father Of Two- Willis Raburu’s Request To Bloggers After Daughter’s Untimely Demise

Media personality Willis Raburu has expressed his deep feelings for his late daughter by issuing a statement about being referred to as a ‘father of one’ by bloggers. The Citizen TV presenter has taken to his Instagram to disclose his treacly sentiments to bloggers and requesting them to refrain from the same; adding that he still feels the pain of losing his daughter, Adana; who passed on during the process of birth in 2019.

In the statement released by him; the nostalgic presenter also noted that he’s not a first time parent as blogs put it; reiterating that he now has a son; whom he loves dearly;

Adorable daddy and son moment: Willis Raburu shares new photo cuddling his newborn - Ghafla! Kenya
Willis Raburu Holding His Son-Google

”Recently, I got an amazing young boy. I see Heaven each Time I look at him. He truly my heart. I am therefore without a shadow of doubt a FATHER OF TWO. Not a new father.”

He continues to plead bloggers to refer to him as a ‘father of two’.

”I would therefore like to request the blogs who know me to refer to me as such. Loss is painful but can never be negated, no matter what or who thinks so. It’s humble request not a demand, should you still continue to refer to me otherwise is Ok. I know my Truth. That Willis Wayne Edwin Opiyo Otondi Raburu is a father of Two”

Well, from his humble request, I bet it’s high time we change this for good.

Like father like son: Willis Raburu’s baby mama pens down heartfelt message to their baby boy

Willis Raburu and girlfriend Ivy Namu continue to keep a low profile weeks after their baby boy was born.

Willis Raburu introduces day old baby

As expected the new couple in town seem quite excited and happy for the far they have come; but again, they two aren’t rubbing their relationship on Maryaprude’s face like other people do after separation. But such is life!

Anyway although the Raburu’s are really trying to keep off their baby boy off social media; they can’t help but post baby Raburu every now and then – and boy does he look like his papa.

Never seen before photo of Raburu’s son

Namu’s message to her son

Well, being a first time mum Ms Namu recently shared a long post dedicated to her baby boy who will soon be turning a month old.

Being the first time she has a little human who will soon be calling her mummy; Ivy Namu through her IG went on to shower her son with a heartfelt message where she wrote;

It’s been a couple of weeks since I heard your first cry & held you in my arms; my firstborn, my very own sonshine & our divine blessing????We are so blessed to have you in our lives & I’m glad you made & chose me to be your mother ???? I love you deeply & beyond words my boy❤️

Ivy Namu’s mum with grandchild

She went on to add;

I speak God’s blessings & favor in abundance into your life; good health, peace, light, prosperity & genuine love my son.
You are worthy & deserving of all things beautiful my baby; your father & I will make sure we give you all this & more????✨???? “Oh taste & see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that trusts in Him” ~Psalms 34:8

Willis Raburu’s girlfriend explains why their baby was born out of wedlock

Women always have this idea of a perfect life where it includes marriage before babies; but the reality is, you’ll only find such scenes in movies; or wait, even movies are now avoiding to give their viewers such expectations as times have changed.

Willis Raburu’s new girlfriend at her baby shower

Anyway Willis Raburu and his new woman Ivy Namu have become the talk of town after their baby boy was born a few weeks ago; although this is a good thing – there are those who feel that Raburu may have acted desperate as he moved on really fast.

But again, why wait when time waits for no man; and again, didn’t he bag himself the perfect match, months after breaking up with ex wife, Maryaprude?

Willis Raburu sheds off 16kgs

I mean, things weren’t working between them, so why hold on?

Ivy explains why baby came first

Anyway, although Raburu’s relationship with Ivy Namu remains private to fans; the lovely new mum in town recently gave fans a chance to ask a question or two about her life.

With such an opportunity,  Raburu’s fans swooped in with serious questions such as; why they decided to have baby out of wedlock to which Ms Namu responded by saying;

Willis Raburu with son

Cause it’s my life & I do what I want, when I want and how I want.


Also hii life haina manual or one size fits all formula please

Adorable daddy and son moment: Willis Raburu shares new photo cuddling his newborn

Willis Raburu finally knows how it feels to be a parent.

This is after his new woman, Ivy Namu; gave birth to a healthy baby boy just a few weeks ago – as revealed on social media.

Willis Raburu

Although this is Willis Raburu’s second child – this time around he got to home with his baby; unlike the first time when both him and ex wife Maryaprude went home empty handed; following a complication that led to a still birth.

Willis and Namu welcome son

Anyway, with the rumors of his newborn making rounds on top blogs; the news presenter recently decided to confirm the news  through his social media pages; where he shared a photo introducing his newborn.

Willis Raburu introduces day old baby

From the caption he used, it’s obvious to see that the not-so-young man had been desperate to have a child of his own; and thanks to Ivy Namu – his prayers were finally answered.

This past weekend Raburu once again left his fans all excited after unveiling adorable photo spending time with his boy. Although he chose not to say anything on his post; the way he cuddled his newborn said it all!

Below is the adorable photo of father and son that left fans really excited this past weekend.

Willis Raburu with son

Is it a baby boy? Willis Raburu’s girlfriend flaunts newborn (Photo)

It has been confirmed that Citizen TV’s news anchor Willis Raburu; and girlfriend Ivy Namu we’re blessed with a bouncing baby this past weekend at the Nairobi Hospital.

Willis Raburu introduces day old baby

Thanks to one of Edgar Obare’s student who was also at the hospital confirmed that; Ivy Namu delivered through a successful CS; and the now popular couple have a child of their own.

This however Willis Raburu’s second child. In 2020 January his ex wife, Maryaprude gave birth to a still baby; and from the stories making rounds on social media is that Maryaprude had a complicated normal birth; but this time around seems like Willis opted for CS birth for his new lady.

Willis Raburu and new girlfriend pregnant with their first child

Is it a baby boy?

Judging from the colors picked out by the couple one can tell that these two were blessed with a baby boy; but we cannot really confirm but the color blue screams baby boy!

If indeed this is a baby boy then I guess Willis Raburu is one happy man to have a rainbow baby; (baby born after losing a child) and although there are those criticizing him – at the end of the day his happiness comes first.

Checkout Ivy Namu’s mum with the newborn.

Ivy Namu’s mum with grandchild

Finally a dad! Willis Raburu introduces his newborn baby (Photo)

Radio presenter Willis Raburu is a father for the second time; but this time around, he got to take home his newborn.

The media personality introduced his newborn baby through his Instagram page; where he shared a photo showing off the newborn’s hand which perfectly held his index finger.

Willis Raburu’s new girlfriend at her baby shower

Well, the photo must have also been used to confirm the rumors linking him to his new Ugandan-Kenyan girlfriend Ivy Namu; who is believed to have taken over after Maryaprude.

Finally a dad

Although Willis Raburu has his own child right now, we can all agree that the journey has not been easy.

Willis Raburu introduces day old baby

Before the arrival of his newborn, we understand that Willis Raburu suffered his first loss back in 2020 after ex wife; Maryaprude welcomed a still baby – and as rumor has it – things got worse between the couple hence the divorce.

He however moved on a-bit too fast; but we also understand that age and time are not on his side which could explain his rushed moves.

Anyway now that the cat is finally out of the box – probably it’s also time he introduced the new lady that brought happiness his way.

Ex wife, Maryaprude

Although Maryaprude continues to maintain her silence even after divorce; I’m pretty sure it hasn’t been easy on her part; especially after the pain of losing her baby during one year ago.

Tbt; MaryaPrude flaunting baby bump

Meet Willis Raburu’s hot 26 year old baby mama turning heads on social media (Photos)

It’s no secret that Willis Raburu found peace in his new lady identified as Ivy Namu; a golden brown skin queen that has taught Raburu to keep his private life off social media.

Rumor has it that the couple already welcomed their first child together and unlike before; this time around Willis Raburu is not over sharing details about his relationship and private life. This could be probably to avoid hurting his ex – but si ni life?

However it’s been almost a year since he parted ways with Maryaprude; meaning it’s only fair that the exes move on and find love elsewhere…since we all want to know what’s happening in their new lives.

Meet the hot Ivy Namu

Thanks to tea master Obare we can at least say we finally found Raburu’s new heartbeat; and truth is – just like MaryaPrude…the new lady is hot, curvy, down to earth and above all makes Raburu behave like a grown man.

Although we don’t know much about Ms Ivy, there are a few who blame her for interfering with Raburu’s marriage; but again – why stay in a dramatic relationship/marriage when you only get to live once?

Anyway below are just a few photos of the hot Ivy Namu that will leave many men envying Mr Raburu.


Turn up! Willis Raburu’s ex wife living her best life after divorce (Photos)

While Willis Raburu is spending hours at the gym; his ex wife, Maryaprude on the other hand is living life to the fullest!

This is after getting married at 23 years, conceiving and losing baby at 24 years – not forgetting her divorce; well, I guess Ms Maryaprude is allowed to have as much fun as she can!

Marya Prude and Willis Raburu

The lady this past weekend joined the many Kenyans who visited Nakuru for a lit event dubbed ‘Amapiano’ where she let lose; at least to experience the happier side of life!

Maryaprude proved this with several photos shared on her page; and judging from her smile – the lady did indeed have some great fun!

Tbt: Pregnant Maryaprude before stillbirth

Maryaprude postpartum depression

Truth is, we are happy to see the lady bounce back on her feet after 2020 robbed her of everything she was in love with.

For those wondering – Ms Prude delivered a still baby on 31st 2019 as we crossed over to 2020; and in less than 6 months, her marriage to Willis Raburu failed leaving her with double stress hence depression.

However thanks to her support system, Maryaprude managed to take one day and a time; and although the stress contributed to her quick weight loss – were glad she made it through without the dark thoughts and memories that kept eating her alive.

Although she insists on maintaining silence on what led to her divorce; she once hinted that forgiving those who hurt her (Willis Raburu) has helped her sleep better now that she has no anger bottled up like before.

Also, we cannot help but notice the happy and healthy glow she now has. If you doubt this, then check out Ms Maryaprude turn up like never before!

Maryaprude with that pink Gin
Willis ex enjoying party life and drinks

Back and better: Willis Raburu unveils new photo after shedding off 16kgs

Willis Raburu took a few months off social media to focus on himself especially after his nasty divorce/break up with ex wife, Maryaprude.

Citizen TV presenter, Willis Raburu

For some reason Maryaprude made it seem like Willis was to blame for whatever happened to their marriage; but hey, ni life! Away from that Willis Raburu has been off social media for close to 3 months now; and thanks to a new photo we understand that he took time off to work on himself!

By working on himself, I mean both emotionally and physically that is judging from  how skinny he now looks; and boy is he fine! Thanks to a new photo shared on his page, Mr Raburu is seen looking quite skinny and yes – he worked on his fat which had now turned into muscles.

Introducing his new image, Raburu wrote;

Willis Raburu sheds off 16kgs

Happy new month! It’s been such a task trying to get consistency but getting a hang of it. I have lost 16KGs so far!!! Fitness is a journey full of ups and downs,it takes time, but it’s WORTH it. Thanks coach @o_maurice . Started at 153KGs now we 137KGs! #ItCanBeDone

New and better?

Although he looks hot from the outside, we’re hoping that he looks the same from the inside! His online family quickly jumped in to congratulate the fella for the job well done; and so did his babe, Joy Muthengi who left comment saying;

And if you ask me, clearly these two would make a perfect couple. No?

Kwani Willis Raburu ulifanya nini? Maryaprude’s advice to young couples thirsting for marriage

I like to believe that marriage is beautiful. It’s like going to jail but with the perfect life partner who you wouldn’t mind spending each moment of your life with. However, MaryaPrude is starting to make many think otherwise – about this ‘marriage thing.’

Willis Raburu’s ex wife

So far she has admitted that Marriage is nothing but a scam; meaning she no longer believes the whole family concept teachings most women are taught while still young.

This comes after her failed marriage to Willis Raburu; but the only problem is that we do not know what really happened between these two. But judging from the posts shared by Maryaprude; it’s evident that Willis may have hurt the lady somehow. When asked by a fan why she did not fight for her marriage, Marya responded by saying;

No!!! Issa scam


Marriage advice

As seen on a new post shared on Maryaprude’s page, she talks about the importance of finding yourself; before deciding to share your forever with someone else.

Although the quote is from singer Beyonce, we have every reason to believe Maryaprude relates to it; hence the repost.

“Make sure you have you have your own life before becoming someone’s wife”

Maryaprude’s advice 


Willis Raburu’s ex wife flaunts her excellent dance skills for the first time (Video)

Maryaprude has not had an easy year. Just like most married couples who broke up with their spouses; unfortunately she also separated with husband TV anchor Willis Raburu, 5 months after having a still birth.

With such trials we cannot understand or pretend to know the kind of pain she has had to put up with; but judging from her social media posts we can see that she has been taking each day as it comes!

Ex-couple, Marya Prude and Willis Raburu

So far Maryaprude has not only cut down her weight – but has for some reason continued to look beautiful. Prude is also an inspiration to many young women who admire her humble character and simple lifestyle.

A dancer too?

Apart from her usual videos shared on Instagram, the lass this past weekend gave fans a reason to talk thanks to a new video where she is seen showing off her dancing skills.

Although the moves are from popular application ‘Tik Tok’ this is the first time we are getting to see the lass shake and move to the beat. The video is also proves that she is slowly falling back to her old self after months of pain and tears behind closed doors!

Well…. if you thought that Willis ‘Bazu’ Raburu is the only one who can dance; then check out how good his ex wife can move.

 “The healing process never ends” says Maryaprude after losing baby during birth and separating with hubby, Willis Raburu

Willis Raburu’s ex wife has been struggling with pain of giving birth to a still baby; and at the same time separating with husband right after their loss. Well, not quite sure how she has managed to handle this; especially with fans always asking what happened to her marriage.

Unlike Willis Raburu who has been having the time of his life judging from his social media posts; Maryaprude on the other hand has been taking each day as it comes but being the woman – chances are that the breakup hit her harder.

Well, she has confirmed this through a new post shared on her IG page where she talks about the healing process never ending; and in her opinion, one just gets used to the pain from their own wounds. He post read;

I don’t think the healing process ever ends. I just think there comes a time when you decide that your wounds aren’t going to stop you from becoming the person you want to be. Self love is a lifelong journey and sometimes it’s harder than others. You just have to commit.

Willis Raburu moving on?

Since the two separated five months after losing their baby, Willis Raburu has been living his life to the fullest; but during a number of interviews, Raburu has made it known that he will never address this matter unless ex wife. Marya is not present.

But as for now, I guess all Maryaprude needs to do is hang in there and await for things to fall back into place; that is if her relationship with Willis was meant to be.

“What forced me to put dreadlocks,” Willis Raburu speaks

Citizen TV presenter, Willis Raburu aka Big man Bazuu has finally come out to explain the story behind his new hairstyle – the locs.

The upcoming Gengetone artiste unveiled his new look late last week, something that left fans confused and questioning his ability to still present news in that state.

Also read: Willis Raburu speaks up after much-hyped Gengetone Festival turned out a mess

Soon after clarifying that that was going to be his last time presenting news at the station, but will still sticking to his popular night show 10 over 10.

Willis Raburu officially ditches the news after unveiling new hairstyle

But what many do not understand is why he had to go for that particular hairstyle, a question he has finally answered.

The story behind the locs

Up and close on Mseto East Africa, Raburu admitted that 2020 had taught him a lot, including the fact that tomorrow is not guaranteed, so do what speaks to your heart before it is too late.

Willis Raburu embraces the Gengtone look

Because, being a Gengetone artist and getting dreadlocks on, had always been his dreams.

Stating that regardless of what society would think of him, he was going to do what he had always wanted to do and nothing would stop him.

“Dreadlocks was something I always wanted to have and also because of my love for Reggae music, I had to them put on. The money is mine, the hair is also mine.”

Willis Raburu’s new hairstyle sparks controversy

“What I am doing with 2020 is to do everything that I have always wanted to do. Because if there is one thing 2020 taught us is, everything can change in the span of a second, without you achieving what you always wanted,” Willis stated.

Responding to his ex, Marya Prude’s comment about his new hairstyle, Raburu claimed he never even came across her post and that it does not concern him what she has to say because everyone has freedom of speech.

Well, there you have it!

New photo of Marya Prude that has left many ogling over the single babe

Marya Prude, Willis Raburu’s ex massive transformation after losing her unborn baby and parting ways with the Citizen TV presenter remains an envy for many.

The beauty who would be a first time mom if the universe had just conspired to have baby Adana go through a successful delivery, has ditched her old, fuller looks for a fresher, younger and sexxier look.

Also read: “It felt like a stab wound to the heart,” Willis Raburu’s ex, Marya Prude speaks for first time since nasty breakup

This is if her timeline is anything to go by.

Marya Prudes new look

After her massive weight gain months into pregnancy, Mary Ngami has since decided to get rid of the excess fat and go back to looking like a campus fresher.

Marya Prude living her best life

The babe who has been seeking peace of mind and a breather from all the chaos the world has caused her this year, has actually proven that being single means she gives herself all the attention, which then reflects in her looks.

Stepping out looking happier, younger and curvier, Marya Prude has been serving hot looks that have left many looking for the secret ingredient.

In her recent photo, a happy, gorgeous Ms Ngami leaves tongues wagging with a bright, flattering ear-to-ear smile, that then perfectly brings out her fuller cheeks and the eyes are but a spectacle.

Mary Ngami serving hot looks

The simple yet classy-looking damsel looks like she is living her best life, carefree of what is going on in the world, filtering only the positive vibes.

A photo that has left the comment section colored up in love hearts and fire emojis, fans unable to help but drool over the stunning beauty.

Marya Prude slaying

Willis Raburus new look

Early in the week, Marya Prude told off fans looking to push her into commenting about her ex, Willis Raburus new Genge look.

To which she fired back; “Thanks to everyone that tagged me but hey!!! Let everyone live their best life!”

Raburu’s new look

A reply that shut off the trolls.

Willis Raburu speaks up after much-hyped Gengetone Festival disappointed fans

Willis Raburu has finally spilled the beans on what actually transpired during the much-hyped Gengetone Festival on Saturday that saw no artist perform and with countable fans in attendance.

The Gengetone Festival was one of the most-awaited public performances in the country, before COVID-19 struck and the event had to be brought to a halt until further notice.

Also read: Jalang’o hits backs after ‘Lewa’ hitmaker publicly calls out Kiss FM for discriminating the Gengetone group

An event that had been set for April 2020, with artists gracing the event already paid up half the amount but the situation could not allow.

The Gengetone Festival mess

Well now, time was up and the Festival was finally going down at Machakos Peoples Park on October 31. However, the evening event instead turned into a major disappointment.

It begins with a handful of fans turning up for the event, as the Citizen TV journalist tried to hype the crowd ahead of anticipated stellar performances from Gengetone groups later on.

Unfortunately, there were zero performances.

First, the Gengetone artists never got on stage, as late as 8pm with an event set to end by 9pm. With at least 6 Gengetone groups scheduled to perform.

Failed Gengetone Festival 2020

It later emerges that things behind the scenes were the problem.

Raburu speaks

In an angry rant online, an embarrassed and irritated Willis Raburu through a video, called out the event organizers for hyping an event, paying suppliers, the venue, sound engineers and all. But not a single artist got a share of the money.

Raburu Gengetone Festival 2020

According to him, no artist had been paid prior to them getting on stage so he told them not to perform. Event organizers threw in all sorts of lame excuses and fake promises that did not rub off well with the artistes.

They left the event, greatly disappointed and feeling used. Clarifying that never again will Gengetone artistes accept to be fooled and taken for granted by event organizers who think they are not worth the money.

Raburu labelled their actions as ‘immoral’, urging all artistes in the country to ‘speak up’ and get the respect they deserve.

Raburu speaks up after failed Gengetone Festival 2020

Because, if there had been International artistes to perform at the event, they would have been paid even before boarding their flight to Kenya.

A bad habit among organizers dealing with local artists that Willis Raburu brutally condemned and spoke against. Declaring it is time, this stopped!

Have a listen;
