Comedian Eddie Butita speaks the truth, and KOT calls him out for hypocrisy citing his love alliance with Mammito

The popular comedian and talk show host Eddie Butita stirred the hornet’s nest by slamming netizens falling over themselves to wish American rapper Nicki Minaj good tidings for her alleged pregnancy. While the outspoken media personality is known for witty comebacks on The Trend show, his post on Twitter elicited mixed reactions.

Immediately after the sassy American rapper broke news of her pregnancy online, her Kenyan fans were quick to congratulate her. This is what prompted Eddie Butita’s blunt bashing on Twitter, calling out netizens for double standards.

In a nutshell, Butita had branded this as mere hypocrisy. How do you rush to shower a star living in a faraway continent with love and good wishes, while closer home, you continue to ignore friends, family and relatives?

This post prompted a barrage of savage trolls, with KOT brashly referring to the actor’s clear alliance with popular comedienne Mammito. The Kenyan comedy power couple has since confirmed their relationship. They had taken the good wishes aftermath in stride, though none of their fans really knew them.

Ain’t that a similar scenario to the Nicki Minaj pregnancy breaking news?

In a wider view, though, Eddie Butita is right.

Kenyans have peculiar habits. A typical Kenyan lady will ignore the neighbor with a Mama Mboga stall full of fresh vegetables and fruits. She’s bound to shop for the same – stale and refrigerated – at the high end mall for double the price. Kenyans do not support each other.

This is why youth may opt to rock the latest NBA gear, at exorbitant prices. Yet, they live with a gifted stylist dealing with Ankara fabrics, but doesn’t once consider to rock this authentic wear. Where’s the sense of belonging?

Comedienne Mammito (file image)
Comedienne Mammito (file image)

On the art scene, a Kenyan is up to date with the latest box office release and affords the narcissistic Hollywood personalities a significant portion of their devotion. How many Kenyan film productions and actors do you know?

Nil. Nada. Zero.

Why do we not build our own?

Cindy Ogana: Popular TV station rejected me because I wasn’t light skinned 

With presenters and TV hosts in Kenya currently moving left, right and center looking for greener pastures, Cindy Ogana has shared how her skin colour once eliminated her from a job she was well qualified for.

Speaking on Ebru TV’s ‘Let’s Talk Show’, Ogana, who used to host Hot 96 FM’s breakfast show and the Trend on NTV alongside Larry Madowo, shared that she was rejected because she was natural.

“I was in a reality show on TV where they were looking for a presenter and it did not help that one of the criteria why I wasn’t selected was my skin colour and hair.

“My hair was a topic the judges mentioned but then again remember it was a different time where you could not be a broadcaster when you had dreadlocks. It was seen as unkempt and it was seen as unruly. You had to have a weave and you had to have the skin tone,” she said.

Cindy Ogana

Won’t bleach

She went on to add that the issue made her promise herself that she will never bleach, unlike what many ladies have done.

“I am dark skinned, I have my dreads and I have my big mouth and then I’m also not very keen on the makeup and everything. Leaving that show further cemented my resolve to always be natural, to never bleach myself. Whatever season my womanhood takes me through whether its my menses, my pregnancy I will always be natural and will always keep my natural hair.” She revealed.

Ciru Muriuki lands a new job at K24 after leaving NTV’s The Trend

Ciru Muriuki quit the Trend on Friday November 10th. The former Trend panelist didn’t reveal where she was headed but now we can confirm she is joining K24.

The Trend lost two presenters in a span of four months. Larry Madowo was first to leave before Ciru also left for greener pastures.

Madowo left the Trend to focus on the new political show ‘Sidebar’. Ciru however left the Trend to replace Amina Abdi at K24.

“I did my final show on The Trend. It has been three crazy years. When what later became the #TTTT segment started, it was literally 10 minutes of television with me and Anto Neosoul in the Nation FM studios. At the time, i had no way of knowing how big the show would get. This show has opened doors beyond my wildest dreams, and I’m walking through one of those doors now. I’m very excited about what the future holds and I will be sharing the next stage of my journey with you all as soon as I’m allowed to!” Ciru Muriuki wrote when she left the Trend.


Amina Abdi used to host ‘Alfajiri’ show on K24 before she joined the Trend. Ciru Muriuki has replaced Amina as the new host of ‘Alfajiri’.

Ciru will be hosting the show alongside Serah Ndanu Teshna and Jeff Mote. Serah Teshna previously hosted KTN’s The Skin Therapy show while Jeff Mote was also a panelist on the Trend. The trio will officially start their duty on 4th December 2017.


The Trend’s new host Amina looks likes a househelp without makeup (Photos)

Amina Abdi stunned netizens with her makeup free appearance.The new Trend host was nearly unrecognizable when she hanged out with Larry and Ciru Muriuki.

Amina was unveiled as the new Trend host last Friday November 17th. She took over from Larry Madowo who left The Trend to focus on the relatively new political show Side Bar.

I look like a househelp

Amina Abdi with her makeup on

Larry, Ciru and Amina hanged out together on Tuesday noon. Amina wasn’t wearing any makeup when she went out with the two former Trend host and panelist.

Larry took to Instagram to share video of their lunchtime meeting. The new Trend host is seen hiding her face as Larry tries capturing her in the video.

“Oh! I look like a househelp without makeup,” Amina protested as Larry recorded her.

“Isn’t that the way you look every day?” Larry Madowo jokingly asked Amina.

Checkout the photos below to see how Amina looks without makeup:


“The Trend has helped me find a better hustle” Ciru Muriuki explains why she quit the Trend

Last Friday November 10th was Ciru Muriuki’s last appearance on the Trend. She quit the NTV show after three years of service.

Ciku’s exit comes only four months after Larry Madowo quit the show. The NTV anchor left the Trend to focus on the new political show ‘Sidebar’.

Ciru Muriuki and Larry Madowo

Ciru Muriuki started out as a radio presenter at Nation FM before she was sacked. She however remained on the Trend until last Friday when she quit.

Ciru explains why she quit

The former Trend panelist acknowledges that the show opened doors of opportunities for her. She explains that she left the Trend to walk into one of the doors that the show opened for her.


Ciru says that she will announce the next step of her journey soon. She thanked her fans for the love and support they showed her during her stint on the Trend.

The Trend family as it was formerly constituted

“Good morning! Last night, I did my final show on The Trend. It has been three crazy years. When what later became the #TTTT segment started, it was literally 10 minutes of television with me and Anto Neosoul in the Nation FM studios. At the time, i had no way of knowing how big the show would get. I gained an on air family in @larrymadowo @eddiebutita , @mamarthur @anitanderu @blessednjugush and @jahmbykoikai. This show has opened doors beyond my wildest dreams, and I’m walking through one of those doors now. I’m very excited about what the future holds and I will be sharing the next stage of my journey with you all as soon as I’m allowed to! Thank you all for your love and support and I hope you will join me for the next chapter!
As always, ? by @festolang,” Ciru wrote.


Citizen TV’s Willis Raburu tipped to replace Larry Madowo on The Trend

10 Over 10’s bid to overtake the Trend as Kenya’s most thrilling entertainment show has hit a snag after NTV reportedly poached Willis Raburu.

The Trend’s main host – Larry Madowo left the show to concentrate on relatively new political show- Sidebar leaving a gap that needed to be filled.

Also read: NTV gives Larry Madowo extra airtime to inject life into new show after he quit the Trend

Citizen TV’s Willis Raburu has been tipped as Larry Madowo’s likely replacement, word in the street has it that Raburu resigned from Citizen TV two weeks ago so that he could join NTV as the Trend host.

Raburu used to host The Trend’s replica – 10 Over 10 alongside Joey Muthengi. The Citizen TV show ran concurrently with the NTV show.

Willis Raburu has however remain mum about claims that he’s will fill Larry Madowo’s shoes. Meanwhile Njambi Koikai continues to host the Trend until the new host officially takes over.


5 things Larry Madowo revealed on Friday night before he left the Trend for good

Larry Madowo held his last show on the Trend on Friday June 30th 2017. It was the longest show ever as it aired until 1.32am, July 1st.

Larry’s ‘goodbye’ show on the Trend was a show like no other, he hosted the likes of Jidenna, Janet Mbugua, Sauti Sol, Bebe Cool, Nameless, Edith Kimani, Boniface Mwangi, Willy Paul, Muthoni Drummer Queen etc on  a single night.

In his parting shot, Larry revealed 5 things about Trend and himself:

  1. He joined the Trend by accident

“After James Smart left, Smriti Vidyarthi was doing the show and when I rejoined NTV in December 2012 – what I like to call my second coming, Smriti was away one week and I was as yet anchoring the news, I was not on a regular schedule. So I offered to do the show that one time and she never took the show back because she didn’t doing it because at the time the Trend was a political and current affairs show,” Larry said.

  1. The Trend was shaped by Larry’s personality and the audience’s feedback

“It (the Trend) was shaped by my personality and interest of the team as it was influenced by so many of you who watched and reached out to us with your comments, ideas and criticisms – they made the show better.”

  1. Larry’s bosses don’t watch the Trend

“We never took ourselves seriously obviously… and I have always said that we are only on air because our bosses don’t watch, none of them are watching the show because they are all asleep at this time. And because of that we failed upwards and gave us an extra hour at 8pm to showcase more of our nonsense.”

  1. Larry was totally shocked when the Trend became most watched entertainment show in Kenya

“I only moved to Nairobi permanently in 2004, so it was a total shock to me that I occupied this place in the culture where I could be a taste maker and super fan of all the guest we’ve welcomed here.”


  1. The Trend is the greatest success for Larry Madowo

“I used to worry if I was cool enough, if people would ever accept me, if they would learn to pronounce my sir name right and would I ever amount to anything. And yet this is far greater than anything I could have imagined. It was all because of you the viewers who have made this undertaking worthwhile. I assembled possibly the youngest and hungriest team on television and they turned this into magic.”



“I can’t compete with my students anymore” Larry Madowo highlights reason why he quit the Trend

Friday June 30th will be Larry Madowo’s last show on The Trend. The NTV anchor announced his departure four days ago.

Larry Madowo took a swipe at other TV stations that copied the Trend, he said replication of the Trend was among the things that compelled him to quit and come up with something better.

“If you look at Friday night television in Kenya now, everybody is trying to do what I have done. Yes I said it, everybody is trying to do what Larry Madowo has done…they are copying the Trend, everybody and every channel. I think I can’t compete with my students anymore, people are trying to be me so it’s time for me to move on. That’s the simple reason,” Larry Madowo ranted.

Eric Njoka hosted Sharon Mundia and social media bigwig Xtian Dela when K24’s ‘Talk Central’ debuted in 2015

Sometimes in June 2015, Larry expressed his frustrations with K24 after the station came up with their own versions of the Trend dubbed ‘Talk Central’.

On his Daily Nation FrontRow column titled ‘Monkey see, monkey do: Kenyan copycats killed creative industry’, Larry put K24 on the spot for openly copying the Trend.

But it’s perhaps the launch of Citizen TV’s version of the Trend that hammered the final nail in Larry Madowo’s coffin. Citizen TV’s 10 Over 10 did not only copy the Trend but also runs on the same time slot with the Trend, giving the NTV show direct competition.

“It’s good to be able to leave something, especially something that you love and going to do something else…and for me am grateful that I had this chance to be a part of something that is great, I have worked with the best team in television… they are young talented guys and it has been a privilege and an honor to present their work because truly these guys that you’ve never met they are credit to this profession, they are truly the best that you could ever find in this business. And that’s why the work that we do here is copied by everyone else. I have said this before, Kenya’s TV idea of innovation is monkey see monkey do, we do something successful everybody else tries to do it. So am done trying to give people ideas, am gonna try maybe on different night of television maybe do something different so other people can copy it,” Larry Madowo said on The Trend on Friday June 23rd.

Citizen TV’s 10 Over 10 hosted by Willis Raburu and Joey Muthengi copied the Trend’s same central idea and also runs on the same time slot with the Trend

Apart from other Kenyan TV stations copying the Trend, Larry Madowo also cited his frequent trips abroad as the reason why he opted to quit the Trend.

“If you have watched the show you have noticed that I have been away a lot. Am travelling more and more now and I have felt that I wasn’t giving the show 100%. So it was time to step away so somebody else could have that chance, right? I think that’s great and whoever it is that’s going to take over the show I can assure you there gonna be great, they will be tremendous,” said Larry Madowo.

Watch Larry explain why he left the Trend in the video below:


Shock as Larry Madowo announces his decision to quit The Trend

Larry Madowo took over the Trend in December 2012 and made it one of the biggest television shows in Kenya. His sudden exit from the Trend has left many people completely shocked.

The Trend was the brainchild of James Smart, the TV show went on air for the first time in June 2012. The idea then was to indulge young audience without trivializing matters with issues that mattered the most, matters of governance, public, politics and the future.

When Larry Madowo took over in December 2012, he changed the Trend to focus on matters showbiz making it the most viewed entertainment show in the country.

Larry’s exit from the Trend was unimaginable as long as he was still an employee of Nation Media Group (NMG). But the popular journalist has quit the Trend anyway.

Larry took to social media to announce his exit, he said that he informed his team (the Trend crew) about his decision to leave weeks ago.

“‪A few weeks ago, I informed the team that I had decided to leave @theTrendLive. It’s been a great run but it’s time to move on. More details on tonight’s show” wrote Larry Madowo.

His announcement has sparked anxiety as people wait for him to reveal why he decided to quit and what his next move is.