It still seems so unreal that Tecra Muigai is gone. At least this is what Anerlisa says through her IG stories; and yes, we understand the pain that comes after loosing a loved one.
From most of the stories Anerlisa reveals about her late sister, we learn something new everyday. For instance, we knew nothing about her love for white flowers until her first death anniversary celebration; where Anerlisa unveiled her late sister’s favorite flowers.
Happy soul, Tecra Muigai
Well, Aner is back with a new revelation about her young late sister. According to the Keroche heiress, no one in her family could match up with Tecra’s intelligence.
She was a genius
Apparently the late sister was a bookworm who read hundreds of books from their home library; and to prove this Aner went on to show the book collection Tecra had in the study room captioning;
Free spirited Tecra Muigai
Can you imagine my sister read all these books????. She was so smart. Nobody was as smart as her in the family. Too genius.
With everything around their home reminding them of the late Tecra; I bet each day is a challenge especially to their mother, Tabitha Muigai; who we all know was greatly affected by the death of Tecra – her last born daughter.
From the photos Aner shares of her mum, you can tell the sudden weight loss; and it’s obviously that this was caused by the grieving process.
Things have taken an interesting turn after Tecra Muigai’s aged boyfriend, Omar Lali was charged with her murder in a Lamu court today.
Monday, July 13, Mr Omar was arrested as he awaits his arraignment at Garsen High Court tomorrow, Tuesday, July 14.
This is following a tweet from Omar’s close friend, Mohammed Shaib stating:
Just came out from the court!!! Now they are saying they have enough evidence to charge Omar Lali for Muder!! Will be taking plea at Garsen High Court tomorrow. #Mungutuu#FreeOmar
Omar Lali, Tecra Muigai’s boyfriend
The late Tecra breathed her last on Saturday, May 2 after which investigations into her murder were started.
According to earlier reports, police arrested the Lamu native over suspicion that he was behind the billionaire heiress’ fatal fall.
Tecra Muigai
However, after investigations failed to give conclusive reports, Lamu Principal Magistrate, Allan Temba refused to detain Mr Omar any longer therefore letting him free on May 26, after spending 21 days locked up.
Autopsy reports from Chief Government pathologist, Johansen Oduor however indicated that Tecra had succumbed to injuries sustained on the left side of her head.
Tecra with lover, Omar Lali
The deceased’s family gave the young heiress a deserving send off on May 16, at a private event in their home in Naivasha.
Tecra and Omar Lali had been residing in a cottage in Shella town, Lamu before her fatal fall.
More than a week since Tecra´s burial, the Lamu Court has finally set free her boyfriend, Omar Lali.
Wednesday, May 27th, the court declined to extend the detention of the roughly 50-year old Lamu native who had been implicated in the case regarding the billionaire heiress´ death, even though no evidence had been provided against him.
A decision the court arrived at amidst ongoing police investigations into the controversial fatal fall of Tecra Karanja.
Lovers, Tecra Karanja and Omar Lali
Yesterday marked exactly 21 days of Omar Lali behind bars, having been arrested on Tuesday, May 5th, in what police termed ´comprehensive investigations´ that did not need interference, therefore holding him back at Lamu police station.
But till date, no evidence has been provided against the family man, therefore setting him free.
Omar Lali detained
However, Tecra´s lawyers wanted the court to extend his detention but it found no reason to detain him further.
According to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI), Omar Lali needed to go with them to the crime scene as well as to the Jaha House in Shella where the late Tecra sustained severe head injuries.
This would have been the fourth visit by the detectives to the scene of crime before Principal magistrate, Allan Temba turned down the request.
Tecra Muigai with her parents
Omar´s case was set for mentioning on Tuesday, May 26th for the court to issue further directions. A court session held through video link.
Mr Temba stated that the detectives had been at the crime scene thrice and no evidence had since been unveiled.
Thirdly, according to the court, the pending phone extraction was not quite a process that needed Mr Lali to remain in custody.
Lovers, Tecra Muigai and Omar Lali
Tecra´s samples had been already taken with pending toxicology analysis still ongoing but independent of the key suspect – Omar lali.
Lali has no capacity to interfere with witnesses as he actually doesn´t know who they are. The court will therefore fix the bond terms on Wednesday at 2:30pm once Lali proves by documents his fixed abode.
Not to forget that the aging man had strong community ties and also had a family of his own.
Mr Lali is however set to be let free at around 2pm today.
Omar Lali with his daughter
Omar´s kin
This comes barely a day after Omar´s younger brother, Quswai Lali Omar took to Twitter to demand for his release.
Omar Lali stood as an inspiration and role model in the Lali family who could not understand why exactly their elder brother was being held up.
Sadly having to spend the Eid Mubarak festivities behind bars.
Release my brother Omar!! A good caring dad and our mentor!! He has been always good to us including the late Tecra Muigai. May Almighty protect you and come back home safe!!
Omar Lali´s kid brother, Quswai Lali Omar
Vouching for his release was Omar´s buddy, Mohamed Bin Shaib who works as a freelance journalist, also tweeting:
Although you are behind the bars, we still wish you a happy Eid Mubarak! Be strong and keep smiling!!! The President of Love!!!
The cry of the two and the masses has finally been heard and Omar is now free to return home.
Photos of the children of Omar Lali, the man who has been detained in connection with the death of Tecra Muigai, have surfaced online.
While it’s no longer a secret that Omar was in a relationship with Tecra who was the daughter of Keroche Breweries CEO Tabitha Karanja, very few people knew that he had children.
Tecra Muigai dining with Omar Lali
According to an online user, the 50-year-old man is the father of two girls named Sofia and Umi. However, details about their mother remains unknown.
Omar reportedly met Tecra in 2017 and convinced her to convert to Islam before he introduced her to his family.
Omar Lali with Tecra Muigai
The two lived together as a couple at a private house in Lamu until Tecra died on May 2, 2020.
Omar is being detained by the police as investigations continue. According to reports, he gave contradicting information about the incident.
He initially claimed that Tecra fell of the stairs before saying that she fell in the bathroom. However, both accounts are not consistent with where the first-responders found her.
It is now emerging that Tecra Muigai’s family were not seeing eye to eye with her boyfriend Omar Lali who was arrested on Monday, May 3, in connection with her death.
Reports indicate that Tecra, who is the daughter to Keroche Breweries CEO Tabitha Karanja, had been living in with Omar as a couple for more than a month before she passed away.
Tecra and Anerlisa pose for a photo.
Their neighbors at their apartment in Shella in Lamu revealed that they loved partying and more often than not, they would hear loud music being blasted from their house.
According to a source, at one time her family sent her brother Edward Muigai to convince her to leave Omar but she could hear none of it and claimed that she loved him.
The source further revealed that Tecra’s family strongly felt that the man was taking advantage of her because of their huge age difference.
Edward, Anerlisa and Tecra.
Tecra allegedly fell from the stairs of the apartment where they were staying. She was then rushed to a local dispensary before being airlifted to Nairobi.
Omar is being detained by the police as investigations continue. Nation reports that he gave contradicting information about the incident.
He initially claimed that Tecra fell of the stairs before saying that she fell in the bathroom. However, both accounts are not consistent with where the first-responders found her.