Yo! I was just having a chat with my mentor’s buddy and he pointed out something rather interesting about Mulamwah and Sonnie’s break up and it is the fact that when you do some quick math, you just might find out why the celebrity couple decided to go their separate ways: the child was not his!
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The two had been a model couple, constantly blasting their photos and videos on social media of the pair of them showing and celebrating their love. It was interesting to see as they formed a single, cohesive unit focused on the future.

Join me in doing the math. We can start right at the point at which they ended things. What is clear for all to see is the fact that Sonnie was dumped by Mulamwah. The reason was not clear though it seemed to have been a decision that he had come to over a period of time given how quickly things seemed to have unfolded for us, the audience.
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Then there is the fact that since the couple “decided” to part ways, Sonnie has been referring to her daughter as hers rather than as the couples… She doesn’t hint at Mulamwah having a role to play in the raising of the child.
“I tried but it seems it couldn’t work, I did what I could but haikuwezekana. I asked him for forgiveness… he said it was ok then all over a sudden he changed his mind. I tried my part. The baby is mine, I will cater for her. Not moving on anytime soon, I am focusing on myself and the baby.”
Mulamwah Introduces His New Girlfriend, Hours After Carrol Sonie Confirmed Their Break-Up (Photo)
And when she discussed the breakup, she did so almost exclusively to discuss the rumours people have been peddling that the child is not Mulamwah’s. Ask yourself why she would open her mouth to discuss this particular topic… Why not say, for instance, that Mulamwah did not cheat on her with his current partner? Why not say, for instance, that Mulamwah is not a deadbeat father?!

Hmm… And as if right on cue, Mulamwah has finally broken his peace about the relationship and he has revealed that he has indeed decided to hold his tongue because he is privy to information that could “ruin” her. I know, I know, hella dramatic but you can see he is still not entirely over the breakup.
“Everyone asks this I choose not to speak, because if I speak, I may destroy her life forever. Affecting the little one too. Men keep quiet to protect a lot of things. Laying out her linen in the public to clear my name will worsen the worst already.”
“If I speak I’ll ruin her life forever” Mulamwah on breakup with baby mama, Carol Sonnie
Not once has he referred to the child as his daughter. He is divorcing himself from the “little one” by referring to her as an entity removed from himself. And this is a man who is clearly hurting. He is speaking in a manner men often do when they merely want to signal betrayal from their partner rather than actually confront the notion.
And all this is before we begin to do the math: calculating the period between which they were split up and when the couple announced Sonnie’s pregnancy. Something my friend pointed out was that by the time she was announcing her bundle of joy on April 10th this year, the couple revealed that Sonnie was 17 weeks pregnant.
So were they sleeping together while they were in the murky waters of their first breakup? Or did Sonnie meet some dapper young man who managed to enjoy a night in her Migingo while she was still raw from the split with Mulamwah?
Till will tell whether or not I am right in my assumptions of the couple and the real reason behind their split but if indeed I am right that Mulamwah rejected the idea of raising Sonnie’s lovechild, then he has my full respect. He has been a simp in recent months but on this one he has redeemed himself. But… All this is mere speculation on my part.
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