Jony the hairdresser must be tripping judging from an expose he did on Size 8 where he claims the preacher is a judgemental person….and although she preaches the word of God, she doesnt practice it at all.
This was after Size 8 turned down his services and from Jony The Hairdressers view, this happened because – Size 8 believes he is gay. Well, being one who cross dresses and wears full makeup – i mean what else would the preacher assume?
Anyway sharing his experience with his followers, Jony through his social media pages wrote;
True story loves , the so called “gospel ladies “ apparently canceled on me based on the fact that I’m “gay” from the things I post here . I’m a believer of Christ and one thing I know ,God is just and loving . He has sustained and elevated me all my life , so if anyone doesn’t want to associate themselves with sinners they might as well leave their adulterous partners. Real question though,how do y’all get to judge based on someone’s sexuality?This is an “A class hypocrisy “.And y’all should be ashamed .I understand we all have preferences but let it be work related , my delivery of the work ! . Kwanza who said I’m gay ?
Entitlement much?
Okay Okay….I know Jony the hairdresser just tried to pull the gay card by asking who even said he is gay…..but darling – your page says it all.

But then again, were not here to point fingers – but show Jony the hairdresser why his rant was irrelevant and unnecessary to share online; yet – this is something he would have addressed in private – keeping in mind that everyone is entitled to their opinions…and whether LGBTQ or not – Size 8 is allowed to say no.
Also, what are the chances that Size 8 is the first and only client that has ever refused services from the stylist? I mean….these things are never that serious to a point they end up online, right? You can easily walk into a store and they refuse to serve you, will you through tantrums or cause drama? It’s there right to do that….and if unhappy, sue them and see how far the case will go. Sigh.
Unless there is proof of name calling or insults ….Jony needs to hold his horses next time.