This is simply because they have gotten to a point in their music careers where everything they touch instantly turns into gold. Their songs get instant love from their fans and I don’t even think they struggle to market/push them
Sauti Sol
The group which comprises of; Bien Aime Barasa, Willis Chimano, Savara Mudigi and Polycarp Otieno has mastered the art of making good music.
Having been in the industry for 15 years or so, the have learnt the dos and don’t, studied market trends so they know when to release new music and improved the qualities of their videos and audios.
Sauti Sol
In addition to that, they also don’t make random songs. The Kenyan boy-band make songs that create conversations and are enjoyable at the same time.
I’m sure you have noticed that Sauti Sol is never in a hurry to release new music. This is because they know that they have a ready market and the demand for their music is high. So they take their time the end product is dope.
They have a different approach to music and I hope that other artists can borrow a leaf from them if they also want to make music that will be played for many years to come. Timeless music.
One thing that makes me really happy is that Sauti Sol has taken talented artists likes; Nviiri, Bensoul and Kaskazini under their wings which means that we will still be treated to good music even after they hang up their boots.
It goes without saying, that not everyone will like you. Sauti Sol released their latest track dubbed Insecure which was loved and hated in equal measure.
The melody is one song from the boy band´s album truck labeled Midnight Train that is set for release on Friday, June 5th.
Insecure was meant to speak to our flaws, our insecurities, that which we grapple with in our everyday lives, that which we struggle to come to terms with, even though it is but the reality.
Kenyan afro-pop boy band, Sauti Sol
Each of the band members came clean about their insecurities and just to mention a few: for Bien, his frail body frame back in high-school and feeling inadequate in his marriage came out strongest.
Anyway, the song is a little mild – according to me – if I am to compare the recent track to the likes of: Suzanna for example. But that doesn´t mean I dislike it, it just didn´t hit my soft spot like Suzanna did.
Sauti Sol´s Suzanna
A couple of fans have loved it, especially since it speaks to their insecurities and the fact that the song shed light on life´s realities that we tend to push into the dark.
However, there was this fan, unreserved, who bluntly told Sauti Sol that Insecure is ´flat´. Yes flat, like there are no additives or stuff to spice it up to the fan´s taste.
Music sensation, Sauti Sol
To explain and emphasize his point further, the fan stated:
Yaani very boring, Pathetic and waste of space.
Ouch! That did hurt.
But honesty is rare and a characteristic only a few bare. The fan was just being honest about what they felt and there is nothing wrong with giving your opinion.
However, Sauti Sol were not going to table the fans´ honesty, brushing them off, asking them to probably wait for the next release that might impress them. Or rather, the entire album.
Sauti Sol
To which fans responded:
themwangiera Uyu ako insecure juu hakuelewa message ???????? I love how you guys never fall into the hate world! Your music is AWESOME! Greetings from México. ????????❤️
yvonneafrostreet Taste insecurities… ear needs to be checked too
I mean… there’s always that one comment for clout ????????????
shehendy I bet it was his first insecure time to use the word ‘Oomph’ poor chap.. regardless we move
There has always been this insecurity among family men on whether they are able to effectively deliver on their mandate in the family set up.
Kenyan boy band Sauti Sol´s member, Bien Aime Baraza opened up on the same, admitting that at times he feels he might not be bringing enough to the table to his wife´s satisfaction.
Bien and Chiki had their nuptials on Friday, 6th March 2020 in an exclusive affair having dated for a long while before then.
Bien Aime with wife, Chiki Kuruka
However, barely 2 months and 2 weeks into their marriage vacation, the Kenyan artist already has his insecurities.
In my relationship, I am sometimes insecure I am not doing enough. Like I bring home bread to my wife and maybe I am not doing enough for her to be happy in the relationship. Sometimes I am very insecure about what I bring to the table as a man.
This comes in the light of their new music release dubbed ´Insecure´ set for today, Friday 22nd May 2020.
Body size
Well, Bien´s insecurities are not just a thing of yesterday, it all started back in highschool – this tall, teenage boy whose body physique only betrayed him the more.
Kenyan songwriter and guitarist, Bien Aime
¨I was so insecure that I was so thin,¨ he expressed adding that this disadvantaged him not just in terms of food portions he would receive but also in his kind of vibe with girls during funkies.
What I am insecure about is, growing up, I was so insecure that I was so thin. In high school, the biggest boys get everything – the food, the respect, you know. Based on how aggressive you are and I was the least aggressive, the thinnest guy in my class and the weakest guy.
This resulted to him getting tagged ´skele´ meaning the skeleton of the school.
I was the weakest link physically and guys called me skele (skeleton) for a long time and because I was so thin, I was insecure about my size.
Sauti Sol´s lead vocalist, Bien Aime Baraza
Speaking of events planned in a girl´s school, Bien resorted to always wearing sweaters to hide his ´skele´.
A stereotype developed about him that eventually became his part of life – stuck in his mind and forming perceptions about himself based on his frail look.
Every time we went to a girl´s school, I used to wear a sweater. I couldn´t take it off no matter how hot it was because I was afraid people could see my frail physic and think I am too thin. It all came from everybody calling me skele (skeleton) and it stuck.
Part of life
Not just in high school, even after that. Throughout his career, Bien would never fight for the camera.
Outspoken band member, Bien Aime
If anything, he loved never appearing in any videos or images. All because ´he was not the handsome guy´.
Further growing up I would look at myself in the mirror and be like I am not the most handsome guy in the world. I am not a mainstream kind of handsome and I am not photogenic and it just made me insecure. Throughout my career actually, I am not big on pictures and videos. I stay away from all kind of visuals and it is vital now because music has become an audiovisual experience and it requires me to be seen. Taking videos makes me insecure and how I look in every picture makes me insecure.
For his dearly beloved girl, Chiki Kuruka, her message to his handsome boy was one:
You. Are. SO. Beautiful
Married couple, Chiki Kuruka and Bien
Check out the boy band´s new hit ´Insecure´ that dropped just 2 hours ago on YouTube.