‘Bazu’ the term, from a street’s perceptive, refers to someone who’s true to oneself.
Someone confident enough to live life in accord to one’s own values. While this is a salute to absolute independence, it pays no tribute to the actual career of a person – it could be a run-of-the-mill street hustler peddling confectionery to make an honest living.
Someone working hard to make the world a better place.
A ‘Bazu’ is not overly concerned with the trappings of success, especially those linked to a hereditary origin. Wealth, position, fame, status of self and spouse, et al.
This term salutes someone with morals, convictions, and an independent and fiercely open mind. It’s a definite plus to possess a strong work ethic, and fuses all these as guiding principles in life.

A ‘Bazu’ does in life what they feel called to do.
Someone invests in a fun and optimistic perception about life and the future.
How then, can one be optimistic about life and the future if they do not party in moderation and responsibly?
A ‘Bazu’ doesn’t emotionally manipulate and fleece partners to make a living.
It’s wise to invest in self-improvement – evening classes to earn a coveted promotion at work – as compared to pulling tribal strings. That’s a definite ‘Bazu’.
To be a ‘Bazu’ means observing a healthy lifestyle. A regular, and steady exercise regime. A careful diet, with, perhaps, occasional splurges to self-treat and medicate.
While at it, drugs are a no-no. At least not within the excesses of getting in trouble with the government, or their mother.
When things go sideways, as they sometimes will, a solid ‘Bazu’ has no excuses. Time wasted blaming others, or the faceless government is better spent accepting failure and learning one more way of not failing.
A ‘Bazu’ doesn’t need to own a building – but, pays rent on time, and doesn’t randomly pick pegs owned by neighbors from the hanging lines.
A ‘Bazu’ will water and feed the neighbor’s cat in their absence – and, will ignore the new pair of high heels on the door across the hall.
This is someone who respects the mantra: Not my circus. Not my monkeys.
Simply, someone who minds their business.
A ‘Bazu’ combines working smart, with working hard as this fuels the baseline ambition to achievement.
On matters family, a ‘Bazu’ respects the basics of family and upholds the integrity of that unit. Their first priority is their spouses, and their children.
A ‘Bazu’ invests in their kids.
To grow gainfully, kids need an all-round mentorship. There’s the social aspect, like people skills. But, then, all these pale if unsound financial basics aren’t imparted.
One of the fundamental basics of financial mentorship is the need to teach the culture of savings in money management.
In this sense, a reckoning ‘Bazu’ embraces new technology.
In days gone by, people would save in holes and nooks in walls and tree trunks.
Presently, there is a banking institution that’s got a structure specifically meant to handle kids.

The Jumbo Junior Bank Account, with Co-op Bank.
Co-op Bank has a transitional kid’s account. It’s designed for children below the age of 18 years, for the safe keeping of money.
Besides, it offers automatic membership to the elite Jumbo Junior Club.
To sign up, or learn more about Jumbo Junior, visit the nearest Co-op Bank branch, or click here.
The Big Bank Account….For Little People!