Ruto as Catalyst for Change: More Than Just Rhetoric

The presidential office is a potent symbol of power and influence. But beyond the pomp and circumstance, the true measure of a leader lies in their ability to translate promises into tangible change. While the road to transformation is fraught with challenges, several key strategies can guide President Ruto and his government in their pursuit of a better nation.


Firstly, a president must be a visionary. This means Ruto must set a clear, inspiring, and achievable agenda. It’s not enough to identify problems; solutions must be proposed and communicated with conviction. A compelling vision can galvanize public support and motivate the necessary actions.


Secondly, effective leadership demands a deep understanding of the people. William Ruto must be attuned to the hopes, fears, and aspirations of the citizenry. This requires more than mere polling data; it demands empathy, active listening, and a genuine commitment to public service. By connecting with the people at a human level, a president can build trust and create a shared sense of purpose.


Thirdly, a president must be a skilled builder of coalitions. Change rarely happens in isolation. It requires collaboration across diverse groups, including political opponents, business leaders, civil society organizations, and international partners. President Ruto must be adept at negotiation, compromise, and consensus-building to forge the alliances needed to drive progress.


Fourthly, accountability is paramount. Ruto must be willing to be held accountable for his actions or inactions. This means transparency in governance, access to information, and a willingness to admit mistakes. By fostering a culture of accountability, a president can inspire confidence in the government and encourage citizen participation.


Lastly, a president must be a relentless advocate for their people. Whether it’s championing economic growth, improving education, protecting the environment, or promoting social justice, a president must be unwavering in their commitment to the public good. This requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to stand up for what is right, even in the face of opposition.

It is essential to recognize that change is a gradual process. Quick fixes and superficial solutions are often counterproductive. Sustainable progress requires patience, persistence, and a long-term perspective. A president who embodies these qualities is more likely to leave a lasting legacy.

Ultimately, the success of a president in driving change hinges on their ability to inspire, unite, and lead. By combining vision, empathy, coalition-building, accountability, and advocacy, a president can become a catalyst for positive transformation.

Ruto Orders The Release of Protestors From Prison

William Ruto has ordered the immediate release of individuals who were peacefully protesting in various parts of Nairobi yesterday.

In a national address today, President Ruto expressed condolences to the families who lost loved ones. He directed that those who were inadvertently caught in the events be released and charges against them dropped.

Regrettably, there were instances of excessive, unlawful, and harmful behavior during the demonstrations, resulting in numerous arrests and charges,

William stated.

I urge law enforcement agencies to swiftly release individuals who were innocently caught up and not involved in criminal activities, withdrawing any charges against them.

This decision aims to enable agencies to concentrate their efforts on investigating and prosecuting serious criminal offenders who exploited yesterday’s peaceful protests to vandalize both public and private property.

William Ruto Names the Remaining Cabinet Secretaries

President William Ruto last week named 10 Cabinet secretaries, with a promise to name additional nominees soon. Today he has done so, with a cabinet that includes some Azimio officials and 5 CSes recycled from the previously dismissed Cabinet. The additional nominees are:

3. TOURISM & WILDLIFE – Rebecca Miano
4. ENERGY & PETROLEUM – James Opiyo Wandayi
5. YOUTH AFFAIRS, CREATIVE ECONOMY & SPORTS – Onesmus Kipchumba Murkomen

List of the New Kenyan Cabinet Secretaries

After the Finance Bill protests, one of Ruto’s measures to appease the public was to sack his entire cabinet. He has today proceeded to name 11 new cabinet secretaries as a “first batch” as he awaits to fill the other 11 positions remaining. Here are the names he has proposed:

  1. Ministry of Interior and National Administration – Professor Kithuri Kindiki
  2. Ministry of Health – Dr. Debra Mlongo Barasa
  3. Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development – Alice Wahome
  4. Ministry of Education – Julius Migosi Ogamba
  5. Ministry of Defence – Aden Duale
  6. Ministry of Agriculture – Dr. Andrew Mwihia Karanja
  7. Ministry of Environment – Roselinda Soipan Tuiya
  8. Ministry of Water – Eric Murithi Munga
  9. Ministry of Roads and Transport – Davis Chirchir
  10. Ministry of Information, Communication and Digital Economy – Dr. Margaret Nyambura Ndung’u
  11. Attorney General – Rebecca Miano


Consultations continue on the balance of the cabinet to be completed shortly.


The solution to Kenya’s debt and tax problems

We have had a contentious finance bill which has been violently opposed by Kenyans in yesterday’s protests. In a previous post, I proposed that the root cause of the problem is devolution. You can read that post here:


Ruto is not the problem


The basic fact is that we can’t afford to sustain this large government we currently have. To give you some basic figures, our current tax revenue annually is 1.4 trillion, while the annual government spending is 3.2 trillion. Since figures in the trillions are not very relatable, let’s cut off some zeros. Imagine a man named Ondiek had an income of 14,000KSh, but his monthly spending was 32,000KSh. How would Ondiek survive? He would have to become a loyal customer of loan apps to make up the difference!

This is the exact same thing the government is trying to do on a larger scale. We have this massive government after devolution and it needs a hell of a lot of money to be sustained. Therefore the government has to take loans, and to pay back those loans, they have to keep increasing taxes.

Now let’s go back to Ondiek. If he was to decide to get out of that debt trap, he would have two options: to either find a new job that pays him at least 32,000KSh, or he would have to cut back on his expenditures to fit his 14,000KSh salary. These are also the two options the Kenya government has: to either find new industries that can generate tax revenue, or to cut back on expenses.

Increasing revenue vs cutting back costs

Let’s look at the first option: finding new industries to generate tax revenue. In the last 10 years the new industry that has boomed in Kenya was betting. The Kenya government has already taxed this sector to near death and still the tax revenue can’t match the government spending. We also had discovery of oil in the Northern region which would have been massive for tax revenue, but that has amounted to nothing.

Therefore the only option we are left with is cutting back on expenses. For me I propose drastic cutbacks, where we even consider a referendum to take us back to the 8 province system. When you look at Kenya’s debt chart, that is we could comfortably afford

We have tried the devolution system for 11 years now. It is time to admit that, while it was a good idea in theory, it hasn’t worked in practice. We simply can’t bear the amount of tax it takes to sustain the devolved government and we need to roll back to the province system which wasn’t straining us so much as a country.

Ruto is not the problem

With the anger over the recent finance bill, it is tempting to look for individuals to put the blame on. For some people, they want to put the blame on Ruto. For others, they want to look for the culprit who planned the Finance bill protests. To politicize this issue would be a mistake as there is no one individual responsible for the mess we find ourselves in.

The issue at hand is that the Kenyan government is deeply in debt, and they are now trying to overtax us to repay those debts. Therefore the pertinent question must be:

What is driving us into debt?

To explain that, let us use this chart of Kenya’s debt to GDP ratio





As you can see, the Kenyan government’s debt started shooting up at some time in 2013. We can all agree that people get debt to spend more on something. So what is it that Kenya needed to spend more on starting in 2013?


The new, devolved government


That is the culprit behind the increased debt. That is the reason the government needs to borrow and overtax people.


Since devolution came into force in 2013, the government went from 8 provinces to 47 counties. From 10 ministries to 21. From 262 parastatals to 349. From 188 MPs to 349. Introduced entirely new categories of the senate, women reps etc. We all know how salaries have been rising in every group mentioned. That’s nearly double the spending or more in every major sector of government. All of these new positions created each want a substantial budget for their operations and also to line their personal pockets through corruption. The government simply cannot afford all these government expenditures right now, therefore they have to borrow and increase taxes to manage the costs.

The bloated size of the government is what led to the Finance Bill. Not Ruto. Any person you put in the presidency will be faced with the same dilemma of looking for money to sustain this inflated government. I will propose a solution in a later post.

Ruto: Explanation for selecting Gachagua as my deputy

On Sunday, President William Ruto revisited the rationale behind his choice of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua as his running mate for the 2022 General Elections, speaking at Nakuru Boys High School during the Akorino Annual Prayer Conference. Ruto explained that despite recommendations from a caucus suggesting younger candidates, he opted for Gachagua because they shared the same age and believed they could work together effectively.


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He reiterated his commitment to mentoring young leaders, emphasizing that selecting Gachagua was part of his strategy to fulfill this promise. Ruto stressed the importance of unity and condemned tribal politics, affirming that Kenya should not engage in such divisive practices. He also highlighted Kenya’s role in supporting peace efforts in countries like Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Haiti.

Ruto thanked Nakuru residents for rejecting tribalism and supporting Kenya Kwanza in the previous election. He announced the imminent resumption of the Itare Dam construction and plans for a one-gigawatt data center in Naivasha, in collaboration with various partners.


President William Ruto Addresses The Recent Mūgūka Ban

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua echoed Ruto’s sentiments on national unity and pledged to support the country’s economic transformation. Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika emphasized the need for unity among leaders to facilitate effective service delivery, while Tharaka-Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki called for equitable revenue sharing and unity for peace and development.

Cabinet Secretaries Zachary Njeru (Water and Irrigation), Moses Kuria (Public Service), and several MPs also attended the event.

Gachagua Praises Ruto After His US Trip

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has showered Ruto with praises after he landed back to the country from his US trip days ago.

Gachagua started off by praising Ruto for his exquisite English that he exhibited while at the states.

“Allow me to tell you just a little about your successful trip in the United States. Kenyans are very proud of the way you presented us in that great country. Your speech. Hiyo kizungu likua sawa kabisa. And Kenyans were very happy that you put Kenya on the world map and the gains that you negotiated for the country.” Gachagua stated.

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Ruto Grabs Attention

Apart from Gachagua stating the positive side, he also admonished Ruto to avoid holding hands with his wife while at public functions.

“Your excellency, allow me as a truthful man to tell you, there was some little challenge, rising from your trip to most of us here, all Kenyans were monitoring what you were doing in the states…
There was something that you were doing here that created problems for many husbands across the country. When you were walking there holding the hand of the first lady, it put us back here under a lot of pressure. Our spouses, led by mine, pst. Dorcas, were demanding we emulate the president and hold their hand. But the matter is now sorted; that was an American thing.”

Apart from that, Ruto also clarified that his trip was not hefty as many netizens thought. He claimed to have spent less than 10 million. But his statement remains a doubt to numerous citizens.


Ruto intends to increase taxes from 14 to 22 percent by the conclusion of 2024

President William Ruto has justified the government’s decision to implement additional taxes on Kenyans, asserting that it’s imperative for steering the country away from debt.

“I refuse to lead a nation in financial ruin; I refuse to lead a nation drowning in debt. We must tighten our belts,” Ruto affirmed.

He outlined plans to increase the country’s average tax rate from 14 percent to 16 percent by the close of 2024, aiming for a range between 20 and 22 percent by the end of his tenure.

“My goal is to elevate Kenya; this year, we’re targeting 16 percent. I aspire, with the grace of God, to leave it at 20 to 22 percent during my tenure,” Ruto asserted.

“It will be challenging; I’ll have to explain a lot, and there will be grievances, but I believe people will ultimately understand. We must learn to live within our means.”

Ruto delivered these remarks during discussions with Harvard Business School students on Africa’s trade and investment potential on Tuesday.

His comments come shortly after the unveiling of the proposed Finance Bill 2024.

Published on May 9, the Finance Bill, 2024 is slated for public participation thereafter.

The bill encompasses tax proposals aimed at bolstering revenue to fund the government’s ambitious projects.

One notable proposal is the introduction of a Motor Vehicle Tax, set at 2.5 percent of the vehicle’s value.

The minimum tax payable per vehicle upon insurance cover issuance is proposed at Sh5,000, with a maximum cap of Sh100,000.

Calculation of the tax will be based on factors such as make, model, engine capacity, and year of manufacture, as outlined in the bill.

President Ruto Replaces Ogolla With Key Promotions & Appointments

In a move to bolster the Kenyan military’s capabilities, President Ruto, the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, has announced a series of promotions and appointments effective May 2nd, 2024.

New Chief of Defence Forces

Lieutenant General Charles Muriu Kahariri takes the helm as the new Chief of Defence Forces, filling the vacancy left by the late General Francis Ogolla.

Strengthening Top Leadership

Major General John Mugaraival Omonda assumes the role of Vice Chief of Defence Forces, leveraging his experience leading the Kenya Air Force.

First Female Air Force Commander:

Major General Fatuma Gaiti Ahmed makes history as Kenya’s first female Major General and takes command of the Kenya Air Force.

Additional Leadership Changes:

Major General Paul Owuor Otieno is appointed Commander of the Kenya Navy.

Major General Thomas Njoroge Ng’ang’a takes on a new role as Deputy Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance at the National Defence University.

Promotions to Major General include Brigadier Peter Nyamu Gitihinji (Air National Defence College Senior Directing Staff), Jattani Kampare Gula (Kenya Meat Commission Managing Director), and George Okumu (Kenya Ordnance Factories Corporation and Food Processing Factory leader).

Brigadier Samuel Kosgei Kipkorir is appointed Deputy Commander of the Kenya Air Force.

Strategic Reorganisation:

These changes, recommended by the Defence Council led by Cabinet Secretary Aden Bare Duale, aim to optimize leadership within the Kenya Defence Forces and enhance national security preparedness.

Ruto purchases a second vehicle for his collection at Sh20 million

Kenya’s President William Ruto is renowned for his affinity for luxurious goods, including jewelry, shoes, clothes, and vehicles.

Often seen sporting watches worth millions of shillings, shoes valued at hundreds of thousands, and attire from prestigious fashion houses, President Ruto’s opulent lifestyle has drawn attention.


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His considerable wealth was highlighted when an opposition leader once suggested that he sell one of his expensive watches to compensate striking medical personnel locked in a pay dispute with the government.

Adding to his collection of luxury items, President Ruto recently acquired a second vehicle with a price tag of Sh 20 million.

On April 25, 2024, he debuted his new acquisition, a 2024 Lexus LX600, valued at $93,915. The vehicle is available in various colors, including “eminent white pearl,” “atomic silver,” “nori green pearl,” “caviar,” or “manganese luster.”

Equipped with a powerful 409 HP Twin Turbo V6 engine, full-time 4WD, and the Lexus Safety System+2.5, the LX600 promises both performance and safety. Its exterior design exudes sophistication and strength, complemented by an F SPORT Handling package for a more dynamic driving experience.


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President Ruto’s penchant for luxury vehicles is not new. In January 2023, shortly after taking office, he unveiled a Sh20 million Lexus LX 570. This vehicle boasts features like a sunroof, keyless entry, a power liftgate, parking sensors, and a 360-degree surround-view parking camera system. It is capable of navigating remote and rugged terrain while providing comfort and luxury.

In addition to his Lexus vehicles, President Ruto also has access to a Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 for official use.

While many Kenyans struggle with the high cost of living and unemployment, President Ruto’s lavish purchases may seem out of touch with public sentiment.

Ruto Pours Millions Into Farming, Vows to Secure North Rift and Beyond

The Maralal Goat Auction saw a hefty boost of Sh40 million on Friday, December 15th, with President William Ruto leading the charge. In a show of support for local farmers, he and his deputy pledged to purchase 1,000 goats, insisting on cash transactions to bolster the immediate economic impact. This commitment, alongside the sale of over 3,000 goats, sent a clear message of economic revitalization for the region.

But President Ruto’s visit wasn’t just about goats. He reaffirmed the government’s unwavering resolve to tackle the long-standing issue of insecurity in the North Rift. He announced the deployment of 1,500 Kenya Defence Force officers and 3,000 police personnel, marking a significant escalation in the fight against cattle rustling and other criminal activities plaguing the area.

“This government will end cattle rustling and insecurity in the North Rift and other places,” declared President Ruto, his voice echoing across the packed auction grounds. He emphasized that restoring peace and security was non-negotiable, as it forms the bedrock for Kenyans to pursue meaningful livelihoods and contribute to national development.

This commitment wasn’t limited to the North Rift. President Ruto assured the nation that troubled areas like Lamu County would also see heightened security measures. He reiterated his goal of creating a secure environment for all Kenyans, paving the way for poverty reduction and a brighter future for all.

His focus on addressing insecurity transcends mere statistics. It’s about recognizing the human cost of violence and displacement, and actively working to create a safer, more prosperous future for the entire nation. The Maralal Goat Auction, with its promise of economic rejuvenation and President Ruto’s unwavering commitment to security, becomes a symbol of hope and progress for the North Rift and beyond.

Ruto asserts that Kenya is living beyond her means as a nation

President Ruto calls for a change in Kenya’s spending habits and pledges to crack down on corruption.

In his State of the Nation address, President Ruto acknowledged that Kenya has been living beyond its means and that this needs to change. He called for an end to counterproductive subsidy interventions, which he said have led to the country’s debt burden.

Ruto also said that the government is committed to reducing the cost of living by supporting agricultural production. He pointed to the country-wide farmer registration and fertilizer subsidy program, which has made available 5.5 million bags of fertilizer to farmers across Kenya. The President also said that the government has reduced the price of fertilizer from Sh6,500 to Sh2,500 and increased maize acreage.

On corruption, Ruto reaffirmed his commitment to ending it in his administration. He said that all corruption cases will be dealt with ruthlessly, with finality, and expeditiously. He added that corruption, wastage, inefficiency, and negligence are serious threats to the transformation agenda.

President Ruto blames COVID-19, geopolitics, and drought for Kenya’s broken economy

In his State of the Nation address, President Ruto said that disruptions in the global supply chain, low agricultural investment, and prolonged drought have all contributed to the country’s economic woes. He also blamed the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical conflicts for driving up interest rates and inflation.

Ruto said that the Kenya Kwanza government was elected to address these challenges and transform the economy. He promised to protect judicial integrity, efficiency, and independence, and to ensure that the law and order chain is aligned. He also urged Kenyans to give the new administration time to address the high cost of living.

A recent survey found that 79% of Kenyans believe that the ever-rising cost of living is driving the country in the wrong direction. The Kenya Kwanza administration has assured Kenyans that they are working to lower the cost of living, but has asked for patience.

President Ruto Mourns The Loss Of Beloved Coast-Based Singer, Ally B

President William Ruto has joined the nation in mourning the tragic loss of the beloved Coast-based singer, Ally B.

Ally B, renowned for his chart-topping single “Maria,” passed away while en route to the Coast General Hospital on Wednesday, November 1. His death followed a recent pneumonia diagnosis and came only days after he was discharged from the hospital.

In a statement, President Ruto expressed his condolences, recognizing Ally B for his musical talents and dedication to fostering unity and harmony across Kenyan society.

“Ally B was a gifted musician who used his talent to unite and inspire Kenyans,” the president said. “His songs carried a message of peace and hope, which resonated with people from all walks of life.”

President Ruto also commended Ally B for his commitment to his community. “Ally B was a proud son of the Coast region, and he used his platform to promote its rich culture and heritage,” he said. “He was also a philanthropist who gave back to his community in many ways.”

The president concluded his statement by offering his condolences to Ally B’s family, friends, and fans. “May God grant them solace during this difficult time,” he said.

Ally B’s death is a loss for Kenya’s music industry and for the country as a whole. He was a talented artist who made a positive impact on the lives of many people. He will be deeply missed.

Reason Akothee is desperate for meeting with Ruto

President William Ruto made a cultural statement on Tuesday when he donned traditional Maasai attire to open the inaugural Maasai Cultural Week in Narok. The event, which coincides with the annual wildebeest migration, is taking place at Sekenani in the Maasai Mara region.

Ruto’s decision to wear Maasai attire was met with mixed reactions. Some praised him for his respect for Maasai culture, while others criticized him for cultural appropriation.

Singer Akothee was one of those who praised Ruto’s decision. She took to Instagram to say that Ruto’s photo “killed it” and that she envisioned a national cultural month that would showcase Kenya’s rich heritage.

“The rich culture we have in our county is to die for,” Akothee said. “Let us embrace it. If this is documented and shared with the whole world, the Kenyan tourism sector will take a different turn.”

Akothee also shared her experience of being let go from the Talanta Hela initiative along with other nominees, without any prior notice. She called on Ruto to give her 30 minutes in his office so that she could explain how they could move forward.

The Talanta Hela initiative is a government-led program that aims to promote talent development in Kenya. It was launched in 2022 and has since supported over 10,000 artists and creatives.

Ruto’s decision to wear Maasai attire has sparked a conversation about cultural tourism in Kenya. Some argue that it is a positive step that could help to promote Kenya’s rich culture to the world. Others are concerned that it could be seen as cultural appropriation.

Only time will tell how Ruto’s decision will impact cultural tourism in Kenya. However, it is clear that the photo of him in Maasai attire has captured the imagination of Kenyans and sparked a conversation about the country’s cultural heritage.

President Ruto Reprimands Latecomers Of Executive Members Of Parliament

President William Ruto was displeased with members of the executive who arrived late for the signing of performance contracts at State House, Nairobi. The event was scheduled to begin at 8:00 a.m., but many officials were not present until after 9:00 a.m.

President Ruto demanded a written explanation from the latecomers, and he specifically called out Interior CS Kithure Kindiki and Trade CS Moses Kuria, who were not present at the time he left his desk.

The head of state reiterated that all government officials are obligated to fulfill the terms included in their contracts, and that failure to do so will lead to termination.

In his remarks, President Ruto expressed his frustration with the lack of seriousness that some officials have shown towards performance contracts. He said that these contracts have been in place for 28 years, and that there is no excuse for not taking them seriously.

President Ruto’s remarks are a reminder that all government officials are accountable for their actions. If they do not fulfill the terms of their contracts, they will be held responsible.

Ruto Reveals Details Of His Anticipated Private Meeting With Raila

President William Ruto and Raila Odinga have agreed to commence talks aimed at addressing the issues that have caused protests in some towns in Kenya. The two leaders met on Friday, July 28, and were joined by former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, who is mediating the talks.

The protests, which have been taking place in Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu, have been sparked by a number of issues, including the high cost of living, corruption, and political marginalization. The protests have also been marred by violence, with several people killed and property destroyed.

In a statement, President Ruto said that the two leaders agreed that violence is not the answer to the country’s problems. He said that the talks will focus on finding peaceful solutions to the issues that have been causing the protests.

Raila Odinga also welcomed the talks and said that he is committed to finding a solution that will benefit all Kenyans. He said that the talks will be open and transparent, and that all stakeholders will be involved.

The talks are expected to begin soon. It remains to be seen whether they will be successful in addressing the issues that have caused the protests.

President Ruto Hails Police For Upholding Peace During Anti-Government Protests

President William Ruto has praised police officers for their role in maintaining peace during the Azimio la Umoja-led anti-government protests on Wednesday.

Speaking at a roadside address in Isiolo on Thursday, Ruto said that police officers were steadfast in protecting the lives and property of Kenyans, even as the protesters engaged in fierce running battles with anti-riot police officers.

“I want to congratulate our police for being bold and ensuring that there is peace and ensuring that action is taken on all offenders so that we ensure that there is peace in Kenya and people’s property is protected,” he said.

“Kenya is the only place we call home and we must protect it by all means.”

Ruto also condemned those who engaged in the vandalization of property across the nation, asserting that any sabotage of the nation’s healing economy will not be condoned.

“The people of Kenya do not want violence, chaos, anarchy, or destruction of property and businesses. The people of Kenya have said we are a democratic country, we respect the votes of ordinary citizens and when the people of Kenya have spoken it is like God has spoken,” he said.

“There is no way we are going to change what our democracy stands for and what our country stands for. All of us must protect our country and every Kenyan has said that we cannot sabotage our economy using violence.”

The aftermath of the day-long protests saw a total of 5 people being killed, 38 injuries were reported and 300 people were arrested.

Ruto’s sentiments come after the United Nations censured local authorities for what they termed as use of deadly force to stamp out anti-government demonstrations across the country.

The UN human rights office said in a statement that it was “deeply concerned” by the use of live ammunition and tear gas by police against protesters in Nairobi, Kisumu, Nakuru and Mombasa.

Ruto Open To Dialogue With Opposition, But Sets Strict Condition

President William Ruto says he is open to dialogue with the opposition, but only if the talks do not involve a power-sharing agreement.

Speaking in Kericho County on Wednesday, Ruto said that the Kenya Kwanza regime is willing to engage with the Azimio One Kenya Coalition in order to end the ongoing protests. However, he made it clear that he will not be part of any negotiations that would lead to a sharing of power.

Ruto said that the Kenyan people will decide who will be the next president in the upcoming elections, and that there is no need for the two sides to agree on a power-sharing deal before the polls.

He also urged the opposition to find peaceful ways to address their concerns.

“We want to be a nation that respects democracy,” Ruto said. “Democracy is decided by votes, not by violence.”

Ruto’s comments come after the Azimio One Kenya Coalition held a series of protests across the country on Wednesday. The protests were called in response to the recent arrest of Babu Owino, a vocal critic of the government.

The protests turned violent in some parts of the country, with protesters clashing with police and looting businesses.

Ruto condemned the violence and called on the opposition to hold peaceful demonstrations.

“We must protect our country and our democracy by making sure that our politics is devoid of violence, chaos or destruction of private businesses or public property,” he said.

Ruto also warned that the government will not tolerate any attempts to undermine the rule of law.

“The police must be firm on hooligans, criminals, people who want to destroy other people’s properties and life,” he said.

Ruto’s comments are likely to be welcomed by the Kenyan people, who are tired of the political violence that has plagued the country in recent years. It remains to be seen whether the opposition will agree to Ruto’s conditions for dialogue, but his willingness to talk is a positive step.

Kenyan Catholic Bishops Call For Repeal Of Finance Act, Condemn Police Brutality

The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) has expressed deep concern over the disillusionment and agitation among Kenyans due to severe economic hardships.

In a statement on Wednesday, July 19, the KCCB appealed to President William Ruto to repeal the Finance Act 2023, saying that it places an unsustainable burden on already distressed citizens.

The bishops noted that the high cost of living has made it difficult for many Kenyans to make ends meet and maintain a decent standard of living. They also said that basic needs have become increasingly unaffordable, making it challenging to access essential goods and services.

“Within this background, the recently enacted Finance Act 2023 places and an unsustainable burden on already distressed citizens especially those within the low income bracket,” the statement read in part.

The KCCB also condemned acts of violence and abuse of power during demonstrations, saying that the police must exercise restraint and focus on apprehending those responsible for chaos, rather than resorting to brutality against innocent citizens.

“We strongly condemn police brutality that has marred recent demonstrations. While acknowledging the presence of criminal elements among protesters who resort to violence and destruction, we emphasize that the police must exercise restraint and focus on apprehending those responsible for chaos, rather than resorting to brutality against innocent citizens,” the statement said.

The bishops conveyed a message of solidarity to those who have suffered at the hands of law enforcement officers, acknowledging the pain, trauma, and injustice experienced by the victims and their families.

“We call on the government to take steps to ensure that the police are held accountable for their actions and that the victims of police brutality receive justice,” the statement said.

The KCCB’s statement comes amid a wave of protests against the high cost of living and the government’s economic policies. The protests have been met with a heavy-handed response from the police, with reports of widespread arrests and brutality.

The bishops’ statement is a strong condemnation of the government’s handling of the protests and a call for the repeal of the Finance Act 2023. It is also a reminder of the need for the police to respect human rights and the rule of law.

President Ruto Accused Of Intervening To Save Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol From Impeachment.

27 legislators casted a ballot to save Oduol while 16 supported the charges evened out against him. During the vote, 36 officials were available in the chambers while 3 casted a ballot essentially.

The DG had been viewed as at fault for gross infringement of the Constitution and different regulations, as well as deceiving the general population by giving misleading data by the Senate extraordinary Impromptu council.

Notwithstanding, tables turned when the report was brought before the house, where a greater part of representatives dismissed the report.

Various congresspersons aligned with President Ruto straightforwardly upheld Oduol while those aligned with Raila Odinga looked to impugn him.

Azimio administrators guaranteed President Ruto impacted the democratic.

“This administration doesn’t represent the battle against defilement. On the off chance that State House had not meddled, William Oduol would have been impugned by the Senate.

“William Oduol was viewed as at fault of two offenses, however Kenya Kwanza Representatives chose to save him from almost immediately when the issue came to the floor of the House no matter what the panel’s report,” Makueni congressperson Dan Maanzo said in a meeting.

Vihiga Congressperson Geoffrey Osotsi depicted what happened was an affirmation that Parliamentary vote based system was being investigated.

“The Senate unique board found Siaya Appointee Lead representative William Oduol blamable however that changed rapidly after Kenya Kwanza individuals were called to State House to be against the report,” he said.

Then again, Ruto’s camp guarded that the head of state cared very little about the matter, it was excessively occupied to say his office.

“It’s foolish for Congressperson Osotsi to blame President Ruto for taking part in the choice of not arraigning D.G. Oduol. The President’s timetable is jam-pressed, with occasions like the Safari Rally, outings to Paris and London,” Uasin Gishu Lady Rep Gladys Shollei said.

Ruto Claims To Have Spent Ksh250 Million On Boda Boda Fundraisers

President William Ruto has claimed that he has organized 200 fundraisers for boda boda operators and spent a total of Ksh250 million on the sector.

Speaking during the launch of the Boda Boda Care program at the Kenya International Convention Centre (KICC), Ruto said that the money was from his own pocket and that he has been organizing fundraisers for boda boda operators for the past nine years.

“I have used about Ksh250 million for the last about seven to nine years in harambees (fundraisers) to raise money for the people in the boda boda sector,” Ruto said.

He added that he values and respects the boda boda sector, stating that the sector is like “any other business”.

Ruto’s claims have been met with mixed reactions. Some people have praised him for his support of the boda boda sector, while others have questioned the accuracy of his claims.

It is difficult to verify Ruto’s claims without access to his financial records. However, if his claims are true, it would suggest that he has been a significant benefactor of the boda boda sector.

The boda boda sector is a major source of employment in Kenya, and it is important to support the sector in order to create jobs and boost the economy. Ruto’s support for the boda boda sector is a positive development, and it is likely to benefit many people.

Ruto Calls For New Global Financial System

Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto has called for the creation of a new global financial system that is not controlled by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Ruto made the call during a round-table discussion with French President Emmanuel Macron, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, and World Bank Group President Ajay Banga at the New Global Financial Pact Summit in Paris on Thursday, June 23.

Ruto said that the current global financial system is unfair to developing countries, which are often forced to take on debt at high interest rates. He argued that a new system should be based on a financial transactions tax, which would ensure that countries pay their fair share for the use of global financial resources.

The President also expressed skepticism about the World Bank’s proposal to have the private sector help fund crucial services that are not profit-generating. He said that the private sector is driven by profits, and that it is unlikely to invest in services that do not generate a return.

Ruto’s call for a new global financial system is a significant challenge to the status quo. The IMF and World Bank have been the dominant players in global finance for decades, and they are unlikely to give up their power easily. However, Ruto’s arguments are persuasive, and it is possible that he will be able to build support for a new system.

Ruto Claims Housing Fund Will Help Create 1 Million Jobs

President William Ruto has defended the proposed housing fund under the Finance Bill 2023, which has been met with criticism from some quarters.

The proposal would see a 3% deduction from both employees and employers, with the money going towards a national housing fund.

Speaking during Madaraka Day celebrations in Embu, Ruto said the fund would be beneficial to Kenyans, as it would help to create jobs and provide affordable housing.

“This is a fund that will be used to build houses for Kenyans. It will also create jobs for our youth,” he said.

Ruto said the government is committed to addressing the housing deficit in the country, and that the fund is one of the key measures that will be used to achieve this goal.

The proposal has been met with criticism from some quarters, who argue that it is a tax on workers and will put a strain on their already stretched budgets.

However, Ruto has defended the proposal, saying that it is a necessary step to address the housing deficit in the country.

It remains to be seen whether the proposal will be passed into law. However, Ruto’s comments suggest that the government is committed to seeing it through.

The housing fund proposal is one of a number of measures that the government is considering to address the housing deficit in the country. Other measures include the construction of affordable housing units by the government and the private sector, and the provision of mortgage loans to low-income earners.

The government has said that it is committed to providing affordable housing for all Kenyans by 2030.

President Ruto Finds KSh 100 Note During Winas Sacco Opening

President William Ruto found a KSh 100 note during the opening of Winas Sacco in Embu town on Wednesday.

The president was addressing a crowd of people when someone handed him a piece of paper. Ruto looked at the paper and said that it was a KSh 100 note that had been dropped on the ground.

“Whose KSh 100 note is this?” Ruto asked the crowd.

No one came forward to claim the money. Ruto then said that he would keep the money and use it to buy a goat for a feast.

The crowd laughed and cheered. Ruto then continued with his address.

The incident was a light moment during a serious event. The opening of Winas Sacco is a sign of economic growth in Embu. The sacco will provide loans to small businesses, which will help to create jobs and boost the local economy.

President Ruto’s willingness to find the owner of the KSh 100 note shows his concern for the people of Embu. He is committed to helping the people of Embu improve their lives.

The incident also shows that the people of Embu are honest. No one came forward to claim the money, even though it was a large sum of money. This shows that the people of Embu have a strong moral compass.

The opening of Winas Sacco and President Ruto’s willingness to find the owner of the KSh 100 note are both positive signs for the future of Embu. The sacco will help to create jobs and boost the local economy, and President Ruto’s commitment to helping the people of Embu will improve their lives.