While for many women it takes years to shed-off the post-pregnancy weight, for Ruth Matete, it seems to be a walk in the park. Barely two months after giving birth to adorable daughter, gospel singer Ruth Matete is back in shape and how!
The new mum in town welcomed her first child, baby Toluwa, on October 23, 2020. However baby Toluwa unfortunately arrived early (37 weeks) due to a few blood pressure related problems. According to reports Ruth Matete had to undergo a C Section at the the Ruai Family Hospital RFH.

According to a close relative, doctors advised Ruth to have the baby early in order to prevent more complications; and luckily for them, baby and mum ‘walked’ out of the theater alive and healthy.
The baby came at 37 weeks because the mother had blood pressure. It’s the doctors who recommended the CS to save both mother and child. Both are doing great
Back and better
Although Matete’s pregnancy had a lot of issues that were triggered by the death of husband, Beloved John Apewajoye who died in a fire accident at their Home in April.
Despite the pain and tears Ruth Matete managed to pull through; and is currently an inspiration to many women both married and single. Seeing her pull through this tragedy and still have strength to give birth and bounce back is what we call a miracle.
Below are a few photos taken 2 months after baby Toluwa arrived; and boy is Ruth looking amazing!