Diamond brother Romeo Abdul Jones popularly known as Romy Jones has been put on spot by angry netizens after he made a remark to intentionally provoke Zari.
Romy, who is also Diamond’s official DJ, took to instagram to welcome Diamond’s son with Hamisa Mobeto to their family. This after Diamond confessed that he was the child’s biological father.

In another post on IG, Romy taunted Zari when he shared her photo and captioned it with words that are likely to rub Diamond’s wife the wrong way.
“And the winner iiiiiiiiiiiss!!!!!!!!!!MALIZIAAA” wrote Romy Jones.

Netizens were quick to fire at Romy over his insensitive post. See some of the reactions below:
tracyfins: What an evil family. You’re just taunting her now. Rubbing salt on the injury. Every future baby mama and papa, beware of this family.
carol_is_bae: Fake family,hypocrites, traitors from the word Goooo!!!No one was in a competition point of correction…you all pretending… I said fake family, mother ,son,sister,cousins you can all go and burn ur asses in hell!!
shammy_1113: Wasenge siku zote mbona mlikuwa hamumpost achen ukuma tulizens mikundu yenu kukifuka moto ndio mnajifanya ww si ulikuwa unamuona kila siku Hamisa office mbona ukusema ???leo ndio unajichetua .chetua kujisafisha
mgonjamwantum: Winner wa nn!?? Mmezingua sana muwe mnatumia condom mnafanya wengine waonekane wabaya bila sababu.
anania26: Kwani ilikuwa ni competition? nyie wanaume ni MA MBWA wa kutupa hamna ata adabu , kweli unapost eti the winner is …fuck you faggot wanafki nyie !
anania26: Kuma la mamako romy
cutehamisamabetto: Mnafiki mkubwa we mnampka mafuta kwa mgongo wa chupa nyoo sura mbaya kama uchi wa mzee
dorinitrump: Ngoja upewe dole lakati ndio utatulia qumanina wewe
li_salva: Wewe mbwa @romyjons kaa kimya. Nyinyi you all knew what Dia was doing and now you wanna be on Zari’s good side, kajambeeee.
shebyfighter: punguzeni povu mngine hayawahusu siafu nyie
khoee_vee: Was she competing the last i checked she wasn’t fighting over a d***
shadyashaban54: Ww kweli fara winner niyule aliekataliwa na leo kakubariwa upo ovyoo
foscakomuhangi_blessed: Fake people like for real..but Katonda teyebaka
_mwisho: Si bora ungekaa kimya tuu kama siku zote jamani.kwanini.mnaendelea kummaliza mtoto wa watu .muacheni ana majukumu ya kufanya
nasra_keza: Kumbe ilikuwa compétition @zarithebosslady lui wachaguye mwanamke atakae baki na chibu pole zari hui familly nimeichoka
laviniahturks64: Kim Kardashian!!!
monique5795: Please stop tagging our Zari, your chosen one is hamisa; don’t fool us . I hope she will never forgive your bro. Bande d’hypocrites
justineainembabazi: Confused family full of hypocritism…now you want to say you love Zari hehehehehh……anyway she has got every thing…to stay alone…besides ….cheap minds can’t build her..like you …
chaela910: I am no fan of Zari but y’all need to stop it. Y’all are so damn phony and hypocritical it’s a damn shame. What’s the point of even posting this crap? Knowing y’all know exactly was going on behind the scenes. Y’all need to stop it because at this point y’all only humiliating this woman even more and undermining Hamissa whom y’all are friendly with.
chaela910: You posting this is NOT beneficial at this point so it’s best to just be quiet and let Diamond handle his business. Phony ass mutha fuckers!
rashmasudi: Take away al ur hypocritical manners
rashmasudi: We dont want your support fale inlaws just
lady_lisa_collins: Y’all been playing Zari from day one and hope what does go round catches up with you lot. Sad how you think mentioning a winner makes it ok as though Zari deserves any of it now. Where have you been When Diamond has been playing Zari??? As much as you all kept it under the rug it’s not ok and pray that Zari opens her eyes to see through how evil you’ve all be and are. Diamond will never have peace⚔️
cecil_kadwash: Y’all are just fake as fuck
cecil_kadwash: If I were Zari I would never forgive you.everyone in the family and WCB family new. So sad .real sad