Risper Faith has decided to show off her master bedroom and I have to admit that it is exquisite! The room is so well done that you can’t help and understand why she was recently flossing about her life plan panning out.
The former socialite had last week spoken about how much better she’s doing than most of her more intelligent contemporaries in a live Q&A session on her Instagram account.
She claimed this was due to her marriage to a wealthy man and trust that the statement by Risper Faith rubbed people the wrong way with many of her fans coughing up a lung in a fit of rage!
Risper Faith showed off the house her husband Brian had built thanks to his family wealth (his family is based in America) and ever since the two got married, she’s been living the type of life very few Kenyans can even aspire to.
It is clear that she is the ultimate boss one would have to deal with when it comes to Kenyan bimbos as she’s proud that it was her bopdy that got her the access to this lifestyle rather than her brains.
To be fair though, she is one of the few socialites from her era who made it out relatively unscathed. Most of her contemporaries have either seen their fortunes dwindle once they were at “the wall” or after their fame was up.
Risper Faith even saw one of her class, a socialite by thename of Pesh get imprisoned for drug smuggling, Pendo is still hustling and many more are still forgotten.
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She recently opened up about how it was that she managed this feat and what she had to say was,
” I took some photos and posted them online that Brian sent me a direct message. Are visual beings and it is not about your personality. Did not have a big bum I would not be commercial.
At this point you can’t even be mad, you have to be impressed by the fact that Risper Faith is speaking the truth. She’s not trying to cast herself in the image of the mould of a businesswoman, she isn’t trying to say that she would have made it on her own, she’s literally saying it’s because of her assets that a wealthy man took notice of her and began pursuing her.
She went on to boast about the fact that her KCSE results weren’t impressive. She is mediocre mentally but that has not stopped her from living in a mansion in one of Kenya’s most exclusive estate.
” I scored a C plain but I am rich. Not so bright in school but I used my big nyash to win Brian’s heart.”
Risper Faith
It really has to hurt and skinny girls who realise that they’re not particularly bright and they might not have the assets that men desire. Leave it to former socialite Risper Faith to find a way to take digs at average Kenyan women.
Risper Faith has been called out online for constantly stealing photos and videos and photoshopping herself and her family in a bid to keep up with the Joneses, set standards and seem like she leads a jet-setter life.
She wants to be known as the lady who married up so much that her lifestyle is beyond what a lot of Kenyans can even aspire for. But why was she faking the funk? Well, she has just come out to reveal that it’s because she is was trying to build up traffic for her shops…
Whatever the reason is, she needs to pray to her heavenly father or whomever she places her faith in that the content creators she ripped off and tried passing there content as her own do not think to sue her because as we’ve learnt from Equity’s very recent court case, she will lose and be forced to pay a lot in damages.
Risper Faith has clearly unwittingly risked it all without realising just how dangerous what she did is. Because given the lifestyle she purpots to lead, anyone trying to sue her would go for the jugular and demand a crazy settlement or simply see the case out and then ask for a crazy amount in damages.
Risper Faith
Also, this entire affair has a secondary less insidious effect; no one is going to believe she leads the lifestyle she’s trying to claim. So now she looks like a poser. Add to that the fact that no one is going to want to work with her given her penchant to steal content she sees online.
She’s about to embark on a media run claiming she was a genius who came up with a genius strategy to help her businesses because she did what she had to do but the truth is, she is simply a lady who has delusions of grandeur and was caught up in trying to fascinate her fans and remain relevant without thinking of the ramifications.
Risper Faith has decided to continue with her extreme body makeovers where rather than doing the work to get the body she wants, she will pay a doctor to give the body she wants and I have no problem with that as it is her money.
That was technically a lie because like with everything in life, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. And now she is doing her teeth by getting dentures put in but is that where it is going to end?
Risper Faith showing off what her doctor gave her
She first started by complaining about the changes her body underwent as a result of bearing two children and this affected her mind and her appreciation for her body completely waned.
And while she revealed that she had done a lot of dieting and had even tried exercising but she felt that had failed… Well, that isn’t the truth, is it? We know that exercise actually works. If you get a professional personal trainer, he will also address the diet aspect and he will not just give you a fad-diet.
Risper Faith decided to have liposuction
And the thing about exercise that would have really helped Risper Faith is the fact that it not only works on the body but instils discipline and real body positivity. Because you actually have to put in the work to get what you want. As a result, you’re not only proud of your achievement but you also strive to maintain what you have attained.
And one of my mentors pointed out something; because the new body was not achieved through hard work or the change in a lifestyle, you soon fall back into your old habits and as people say in the gym, 80% of your body is made in the kitchen, 20% in the gym. And the changes that your body undergoes thanks to pregnancy can be mitigated by working hard. A great example of this is Akothee.
Risper Faith switches off comment section after being trolled when she posted this photo
What happens if she gains back that weight either through another pregnancy or because her diet has not changed? Will she go under the knife again? And what happens now that her waist is “snatched” but now her arms are flabby -or at least she will feel that way because her underlying issue -low self-esteem- has not been addressed.
And why am I saying all this is indicative of low self-esteem? Well because her husband, her primary support system had pointed out that he still found her sexy. But you see, Risper Faith had first come onto the scene thanks to her body and she would even pose nude. Her validation was based on how her body looks.
So if she gets another reason to feel like she does not look good, she could potentially go under the knife again and that is how you end up with some of the walking celebrity horror shows. And cue the delusional feminist voices demanding we ignore real issues such as body dysmorphia at whatever degrees it rears its head.
Risper Faith is a former socialite who was known for her derriere more than anything else. And she used that same derriere to create a brand for herself as a video vixen, a socialite and then thereafter, a reality TV star.
Her beauty (for those of you who found it so), was what made her money. She is one of the few socialites who actually made it out of the game and if you understand the lifestyle of Kenya’s so-called “socialites” then you know what Risper Faith managed to do is worthy of note. We have all seen some of the nonsense these socialites have to endure in the name of chasing the bag from their Johns but we are not going to dwell on it.
Risper Faith with her husband Brian
Risper Faith managed to land a high networth individual in the form of Brian and the two walked down the aisle and soo enough, their family had been abundantly blessed with two sons joining the young couple’s happy home. From there, the two have been laying low, opting to exit the cast and crew of Nairobi Diaries but they do have a YouTube channel that they post content on. And it was through this account that we found out about an issue she has that many Kenyan women have but never talk about honestly.
And that is the fact that they quickly realize that due to their childbearing or their “marriage weight”, they quickly become undesirable to their husbands. I would wager that Risper Faith isn’t the only one to have had to deal with this nonsense. Size 8 is an example of another woman though I am not sure she is aware that this is one of her biggest issues with DJ Mo cheating but at least one other celeb has been honest about it.
Risper Faith working out
And the biggest conundrum most married women (celebrities included) usually have is whether to put in the hard work in the gym and actually sweat out all that weight or whether to go under the knife like Risper faith committed to doing. You see, when money is available, going under the knife seems like a quick fix but it doesn’t address the major issue that is lifestyle so soon enough, like a certain celebrity who celebrated her 40th birthday by buying a new body and claiming she did the hard work, the weight soon piles back on.
And Risper Faith is right, you lose all your confidence because you’re aware that there are other hotter women out there who could potentially catch your meal ticket’s eyes. And that could actually be the trump card a lot of Kenyan couples settle for. They acquiesce to allowing their “better half” to go out and sow his wild oats just along as he keeps his indiscretions discrete. And though this is not a solution Risper Faith was willing to investigate, a lot of Kenyan women settle themselves to this reality and things often are not usually cut and dry in real life so for a lot of couples, this has worked.
Risper Faith looking fat and frumpy
I will sneak in some advice and say that the man as the leader of his family, his home, will set the stage. if he lets himself go, so will his wife. It is a two-way street. When a man actually takes care of his body, his partner is convinced to do the same out of competition dread. Just look at when Maureen Waititu was with Frankie Just Gym It. Now give her to the end of next year for the rest of you plebs to see what I am talking about.
Risper Faith was recently the subject of ridicule after she and her husband, Brian decided to photoshop themselves alongside jet photos to make it seem like they had an opulent holiday experience.
Social media roared to life with laughter at the expense of the former socialite who had hitherto been laying low like an envelope after seemingly having down away with the attention she had chased for so long on the trollop reality television show Nairobi Diaries.
Risper Faith with her husband Brian
So it was quite the departure to see her post something so ridiculous, something so obviously photoshopped. And Kenyan netizens too were rather taken aback and their response was to hilariously call her out for such nonsense.
So why did Risper Faith decide to break her silence? Why did the mother of one who had turned her back on public scrutiny and the invasive questions and opinion that come with being a socialite decide to fling that door open again? It is pretty simple really, she wants back in and she is missing -nay- craving the attention she used to get that she no longer enjoys.
Risper Faith
Gone are the days when she was recognized as she pretended to be vexed at the “unwanted attention” she was receiving from randy men and fans of the Nairobi Diaries show alike.
She had gotten what she claimed to want but it didn’t sit too well with her and so she decided to pay someone to help her and her husband share photos that were meant to fool the public that she had enjoyed an expensive holiday with her young family.
And now we are at the point where she needs to gain back that level of adoration by any means necessary and perhaps she doesn’t want to beg to be let back on the Nairobi Diaries show.
So what is a girl to do when she wants attention but wants it to seem like she is now a demure housewife?
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Former KTN news anchor Allan Namu has disagreed with Kenyans who were recently up in arms criticizing a BBC documentary that aired about prostitution.
The documentary was a huge topic of debate especially after socialite Bridget Achieng came out to rebuke the international media firm for tainting her image in the video.
Society ills
Allan Namu said that what BBC showed can be seen in the society now especially with the recent deaths of Sharon and Monica.
“I don’t agree with people’s sentiments that the documentary was meant to humiliate girls . That was the reality of someone’s life, that was someone’s story and if you look at even the news today, what are we seeing? Hiyo ni reality ama si reality? Girls are choosing to become the partners of people simply for money. And I am not saying that men don’t play that role, in fact, I think its men who instigate that. It comes from the man pushing, from a man’s greed and we should stop that kind of behavior.” he said.
“The truth of the matter is that she lived a certain life, she has moved on from it and we featured that and she talked about it. And she talked about it from a cautionary point of view. Nilipitia and these things are not very good. I don’t understand why things happened the way they did after.”
Socialite Risper Faith is thinking of undergoing surgery to lose weight after giving birth instead of working out.
The socialite in a YouTube video revealed that she doesn’t want to hit the gym and is hoping to undergo liposuction to remove her baby fat. Her hubby Brian however doesn’t want her to go for the expensive procedure.
Not happy
According to Brian, the socialite comes from a family who don’t have a problem with weight and therefore she will easily get her sexy back.
“Your mother has good genes. She has a flat tummy eve after giving birth to five children,” Brayo said.
Brian’s statement wasn’t taken warmly be Faith who went on to insist that he had promised to sponsor the expensive procedure earlier on in her pregnancy. Risper announced in July that she’s pregnant with her first child.
The two love birds exchanged vows at an exclusive invite only wedding at the Radisson Blu hotel on February 3rd 2018.