Raila Odinga Accuses William Ruto of Dictatorship

Raila Odinga, the leader of the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance, has accused President William Ruto of becoming a dictator.

“It has become clear that we are dealing with a dictator,” Odinga said. “Ruto has become a heartless tyrant and we are determined to have this situation corrected.”

Odinga also confirmed that the Kamukunji meeting, which is scheduled to take place in Nairobi this Friday, is still on. He said that similar gatherings will be held all over the country to kick off the “third liberation.”

“We are here to announce that Our Kamukunji meeting is on in Nairobi this Friday as we had announced,” Odinga said. “It is not just Kamukunji in Nairobi but a Kamukunji across the country where this third liberation will be launched.”

Odinga said that the meetings will also be used to collect signatures to show opposition to Ruto’s policies.

“That day, July 7, 2023, among other activities, we will launch a signature collection to signify our rejection of the illegitimate Kenya Kwanza regime and their policies, especially the punitive taxes,” Odinga said.

Odinga said that the cost of food, transportation, and fuel has all increased, and that people can no longer suffer in silence.

“We are not going to sit back and watch as Ruto and his allies impoverish our people,” Odinga said. “We are going to fight back and we are going to win.”

Tunataka handshake! Atwoli Urges Ruto and Odinga to Meet to Discuss Economy

Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) Secretary General Francis Atwoli has urged President William Ruto and Raila Odinga to meet to discuss solutions to the poor economy.

Atwoli, who spoke in a video shared by Citizen TV, said that the two leaders are the only ones who can solve the current economic mess. He dismissed the bipartisan talks that were recently launched, saying that they are meaningless.

“That commission does not have any meaning. It is upon Raila Odinga and William Ruto to sit down and look at ways to address these problems. They are stakeholders in this country. The people in the tribunals are small people who cannot advise the two leaders. They need to meet for the common good of this country. It is not a must to have a handshake,” Atwoli said.

He also explained that countries in the East African Community (EAC) and other neighbours depended on Kenya and the state of our economy might affect them.

“They need to think about how they can save our shilling, economy. The whole of the East African Community and other neighbours solely depend on our economy. When we destroy our economy, the whole of East Africa will be done,” he said.

Atwoli’s call comes at a time when the Kenyan economy is facing a number of challenges, including high inflation, rising unemployment, and a depreciating currency. The two leaders have been at loggerheads for years, but Atwoli believes that they need to put their differences aside and work together to save the country’s economy.

It remains to be seen whether Ruto and Odinga will heed Atwoli’s call, but the stakes are high. The future of Kenya’s economy, and indeed the East African Community, may depend on it.

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Raila Odinga Threatens to Resume Weekly Demonstrations

Azimio la Umoja One-Kenya leader Raila Odinga has threatened to resume the coalition’s weekly demonstrations if the bipartisan committee tasked with resolving the electoral impasse does not reach an agreement within the next two weeks.

Odinga made the remarks at the Jubilee Party’s National Delegates Conference at Ngong Racecourse in Nairobi on Monday, May 22, 2023.

“We have given the bipartisan committee two weeks to reach an agreement. If they fail to do so, we will resume our weekly demonstrations,” Odinga said.

The demonstrations were launched by Azimio la Umoja One-Kenya in January 2023 to pressure the government to address the electoral impasse. The demonstrations have been met with mixed reactions, with some Kenyans supporting them and others opposing them.

The bipartisan committee is made up of representatives from the government, the opposition, and civil society organizations. The committee was formed in March 2023 to find a solution to the electoral impasse.

The committee has held several meetings, but it has not yet reached an agreement. The committee is expected to meet again in the coming days.

Odinga’s threat to resume the demonstrations comes as the country prepares for the general elections in August 2023. The elections are expected to be closely contested, and there are concerns that the electoral process could be marred by irregularities.

The government has said that it is committed to ensuring that the elections are free, fair, and credible. However, the opposition has expressed doubts about the government’s commitment.

The electoral impasse is a major challenge facing Kenya ahead of the general elections. The impasse has the potential to destabilize the country and undermine the democratic process.

It is important for the government and the opposition to work together to find a solution to the impasse. The future of Kenya depends on it.

Raila Odinga Condemns Harassment Of Former President Uhuru Kenyatta

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition leader Raila Odinga has condemned the harassment and humiliation of former President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Speaking during the Jubilee National Delegates Convention at the Ngong’ Racecourse on Monday, Raila said that in recent months, there has been a campaign of “uncouth, primitive and unwarranted attacks” on the person and property of Uhuru and his family.

“Nothing could be more uncouth than what we have witnessed in this regard, especially when it comes from men and women who call themselves leaders who expect to be respected once they retire unless they want to die in office,” Raila said.

He commended Uhuru for his humility and decorum in the face of these attacks, saying that he has shown “dignity and decorum” and has “borne the insults and abuses for the sake of the stability of the nation and the dignity of Kenya’s presidency.”

Raila said that respect for retired leaders is what happens in civilized nations, and that Kenya should not be an exception. He urged Kenyans to reject the harassment and humiliation of Uhuru and to instead show him the respect that he deserves.

“I call on all Kenyans to reject this campaign of harassment and humiliation of our former president. We should show him the respect that he deserves, not because he is our former president, but because it is the right thing to do,” Raila said.

He added that Uhuru has served Kenya with distinction for the past ten years, and that he deserves to be treated with respect, even after he has left office.

“Uhuru Kenyatta has served our country with distinction for the past ten years. He has led us through a period of peace and stability, and he has laid the foundation for a more prosperous future for all Kenyans. He deserves our respect, not our harassment,” Raila said.

Raila’s comments come amid a growing campaign of attacks against Uhuru and his family by some members of the Kenya Kwanza coalition. These attacks have included insults, threats, and even physical violence.

Raila’s call for respect for Uhuru is a reminder that even after a leader has left office, they still deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. It is also a reminder that Kenya should be a country where all leaders, regardless of their political affiliation, are treated with respect.

Amber Ray dragged into ongoing political clash between Raila and Ruto

Amber Ray is over the moon after she got dragged into the ongoing political tug-of-war between President William Ruto and the leader of the official opposition Raila Odinga.

The day Jalang’o insulted Raila about why he moved to Ruto’s camp

What would be forgiven for thinking that she is Wilds removed from their reality, however, it was Kileleshwa MCA, Robert Alai, that dragged her into the ongoing political tangle.

While speaking about whether or not Raila is seeking a power-sharing with the sitting President as a condition for calling off the ongoing weekly mass protests that are supposedly about the high cost of living, Alai said the ODM leader is not like Amber Ray.

Details leak about how Ruto and Raila truce was made

She was over the moon that she had been brought up in this conversation as to how it is a stamp of approval about the impact her brand has on Kenya as a whole.

Thing is, Amber Ray isn’t wrong when she says that because a socialite has been brought up buy a sitting politician who is discussing the ongoing national discourse. So of course invalidates her brand and only haters will say otherwise.

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The day Jalang’o insulted Raila about why he moved to Ruto’s camp

Let’s drag up some old sentiments. Jalang’o has been accused by staunch ODM supporters, the guys who voted him into the seat as Lang’ata Member of Parliament of being a traitor after he went to the Statehouse to have a meeting with President William Ruto.

Fans tear Jalang’o a new one for “betraying” Raila

This is something that flew in the face of the very position his party and the coalition they are a part of stand for. And it runs the risk of making him a 1 term member of parliament just like Jaguar, yet another celebrity who became Starehe Constituency’s MP.

Multi-talented media personality, Felix Odiwuor aka Jalang’o

When he was taken to task for his reasons for visiting and eventually allying himself to the very opposite of his political party, risking his career for the same issue, and he defended his decision in a rather cheeky manner, mocking his party leader, Raila Odinga, the godfather of Kenyan politics by saying,

Jalang’o has sealed his political fate

“I went to (President) Ruto for advice on how to win elections.  You know the President has never ever lost in an election so there is a lot to learn from him because he always wins whether he does it by stealing or any other means. I am now picking useful tips with the aim of becoming the first person from my community to become the President of Kenya. One day you will remember me as that young man from Gem constituency who became the President of Kenya.”

And you wonder whether or not he has shot himself in the foot thinking after he gets bundled out of ODM, Kenya Kwanza or UDA will be willing to turn their back to Nixon Korir in favour of Jalang’o.

Jalang’o advises Raila to step down in 2027

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Details leak about how Ruto and Raila truce was made

According to details only now surfacing, Ruto and Raila met for a quick meeting that bore the fruits of the truce that saw the Monday and Thursday mass protests cancelled. And it was a very top-secret meeting.

Andrew Kibe calls out feminists for missing Maandamano Monday

The two political juggernauts met to in a top-secret meeting that not even members of the ruling coalition were aware of including the Deputy President, Riggy G.

According to reports, on William Ruto’s side, only 3 people were in on the know and these people were: Interior Cabinet Secretary, Kithure Kindiki, Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen and Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot.

DNA, watu sio wajinga! Stick to music content, not macro-economics

And on former Prime Minister Raila Oding’a side, the two people who were in the know were his running mate Martha Karua, Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

This explains why getting to a truce was done so quickly as there weren’t many conflicting interests and they were able to focus on the issues on the table.

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Raila kicks off Maandamano in Imara Daima

Raila Odinga seems to have outwitted the police officers who were sent to stop him from moving around as rather than going to Nairobi CBD as expected he decided to kick off his maandamano with a rally in Imara Daima.

Raila Speaks On Protesters Throwing Stones At Police During Demonstrations

The former prime minister is reported to have been received by a mammoth crowd who are cheering him on on the first Maandamano Thursday.

In a recent interview with BBC, Raila was questioned about his opinion on the violence and Stone throwing that has become synonymous with his anti-government protests and this is what he had to say,

”There’s what we call offensive violence. And there’s what is called defensive violence. The two are not the same. The police went and basically sealed the residences. They were throwing teargas at the people. People came out to defend themselves. They wanted to get out and that’s why they were throwing stones. ”

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Raila Speaks On Protesters Throwing Stones At Police During Demonstrations

The anti-government protests are still ongoing. Most Kenyans are still waiting to see if the ‘maandamano’ protests will bear fruits or not.

There’s been destruction of property & loss of human lives during the demos, but netizens are yet to give up on demonstrations.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga, who spearheaded the demos, has come in defense of the protesters who hurl stones at the Police during the protests.

Kenya: Raila announces anti-Ruto protests, with major demo in Nairobi

According to Rao, the police normally restrict people from moving out of their residence using teargas; leading to rebel from Kenyans.

He shared his sentiments in a recent interview with BBC;

”There’s what we call offensive violence. And there’s what is called defensive violence. The two are not the same. The police went and basically sealed the residences. They were throwing teargas at the people. People came out to defend themselves. They wanted to get out and that’s why they were throwing stones. ”

Raila has been leading the protests and today will be the third time the protests have occurred. He states that he won’t be intimidated to stop the protests until a change is seen.

Watch his full interview below;

Video emerges proving Raila was right about Ambulance being used by hooligans (VIDEO)

Before the latest round of Maandamano Mondays, Raila Odinga, the former Prime Minister of Kenya shared a letter in which he purported a plan by state-sponsored goons and police officers hired by the Deputy President, Rigathi Gachagua who wanted to cause chaos and blame the mass protesters.

The allegations made by the leader of the opposition seem to have been vindicated after a video of precisely that situation surfaced and he shared it. In the video, an ambulance can be clearly seen stopping and armed gun men jump out of the ambulance.

Police instructed to cordon off Kawangware 56 from Azimio Convoy

The question now on everyone’s lips is whether or not these men are police officers and whether or not they are actually being paid to stock the fires and emotions of the mass action. If so, then which other allegations made by Raila are true?


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Fans tear Jalang’o a new one for “betraying” Raila

It would be imperative for the sitting government to issue a statement on the same as now from the looks of things, Raila Odinga seems more and more credible while they seem to be a government of kakistocrats: the worst possible men, willing to do anything to maintain power.

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Will you participate in next week’s maandamano?

This Monday we experienced the first episode of the maandamano that the leader of the opposition, Honourable Raila Odinga had called for to protest the insane cost of living that seems to be rising every day unchecked in addition to the insane taxes levied by the government of the day.

Andrew Kibe calls out feminists for missing Maandamano Monday

Monday saw some rather tame episodes of mass action and protests but what was of note is that business premises in most regions went unscathed except in Kisumu where some establishments believed to be owned by “traitors” and “turn coats” were targetted.

#Maandamano: Police in Kisumu overwhelmed by protesters

Raila has since announced that the protests will not take place on two days of the week; Mondays and Thursdays and what I am wondering is whether or not you will be participating in them.

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Raila Announces That He Will Be Joining The Mass Action

During the whole of today’s mass action, the question on everyone’s minds has been, “Where is Raila in all this?”

It appears he is preparing to join the protests as he posted this on Twitter a few minutes ago:


*English translation: “today is the day”

He appears to be rallying the troops as he followed that up with a motivational video, aimed at energizing his base for protests today



*English translation: “I see the work has started, we are on the way.” We as Ghafla are currently on the scene reporting from the Nairobi CBD where things are looking grim. Most shops have been evacuated and a lot of offices have been ordered to leave and go back home. Tension is in the air as both the protesters and the police await their next orders



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Gwaash teams up with K4Kanali and Kappy on ‘Patia’ and it’s a big tune (Video)

Celebrated Kenyan singer Martin Wagura, better known as Fatboy Gwaash or Gwaash, has dropped a new track with K4Kanali and Kappy and we are really feeling it.

Also read: Gwaash is exactly what Kenyan music industry needs

The jam titled Patia was inspired by a speeech made Raila Odinga where he was comparing Kamba women with who will give you ‘something’ once they assure you that they will. This song is definitely not for prudes.


I have listened to this song a couple of times since it came out and every time I listen to it, it’s like I am hearing it for the very first time. Yup, it’s that’s good.

One of the reasons why I love Gengetone and the artists behind it is because of their sheer creativity. These guys can really rhymes and it’s just awesome to listen to them as they play around with words.

The first verse by Kappy is on point. I totally love his musical prowess. His flow is flawless and you just want to keep listening to him as he goes about his business.


If you ask me, I’ll tell you that K4Kanali had the best verse on this track. His lyrics are so dope so much so that it will make you wish he had been given a few more seconds.

As expected, Gwaash also aced it. He also has an impeccable flow although I must admit that sometimes I feel like he is talking through his verse rather than singing.

The beat is also on point. Other than the fact that it’s very catchy, which simply means that you might get up to dance as you listen to this song, I loved how it blends well with the voices and tempos of the artists.

Listen to Patia below and tell us what you think. Enjoy!


Is Raila´s last daughter, Winnie Odinga, her father´s personal aide?¨

ODM Party leader, Hon. Raila Odinga´s last daughter, Winnie has been accompanying the dad to state and international functions.

The 29-year old, Winnie Odinga, has been sharing platforms with global leaders.

Word is that Raila may have slotted in the daughter as her personal aide upon his appointment to an AU job.

Winnie Odinga at an AU meeting inclusive of Raila and DRC President Tshisekedi

Though we are yet to ascertain what official position Winnie holds.

Uproar from online platforms has been the outcome.

Majority pointing fingers at the opposition party leader accusing him of nepotism.

Unfortunately, nepotism being one thing Hon. Raila seems to advocate against, in his political life.

Thursday, 14th March, one Benard Mogaka Nyaribo revisited Winnie´s secret job.

This is after a photo of Winnie, inclusive of DRC´s President, Felix Tshisekedi and the ODM party leader resurfaced.

The Democratic Republic of Congo´s president, was in Kenya for an official state visit.

¨Raila and his daughter in DRC as his secretary. Impunity,¨ Nyaribo´s post read.

We clearly see Winnie jotting down some notes.

¨I don´t think you know what impunity means, let me help you out.¨

¨Impunity means exemption from punishment or loss or escape from fines¨ the Drexel University communications graduate clarified.

According to Winnie, there was nothing wrong in hanging around Raila Odinga on whatever grounds.

¨At first I rebelled when I saw him because I had not seen him before¨ Raila Junior opens up about first seeing his father, at the age of 10.

Opposition party leader, Hon. Raila Odinga had his early political career take a toll on his family too.

¨I saw my father for the first time when I was 10 years old.¨ Raila Junior stated.

¨There were many people in my mother´s house. I was still young so I didn´t know what was going on.¨ he proceeds.

¨At first I rebelled when I saw him because I had not seen him before,¨ Raila Junior opened up.

Raila Junior with radio presenter, Massawe Japanni

¨I do oppose most things my dad says, not that I don´t love him; but because I have my stand in life.¨

Raila Junior clarified during an interview with Radio Jambo on Tuesday.

It is definite that Raila Odinga and his son, do not seem to be following similar paths career-wise and in their beliefs.

¨But at home, we do talk, encourage each other and share good memories together.¨ Raila Junior added.

The loss of their brother, Fidel Odinga, had such a huge impact on his siblings.

To them, Fidel was their protector and his untimely demise made it a tough road for the family.

Raila Junior was later diagnosed with facial paralysis.

Raila Junior

Junior is a producer whose high level of professionalism might have made many turn him down for job offers.

The Odinga family has been through quite a number of ups and downs, with the sister, Rosemary, having been on and off hospital.

Raila Junior maintained that he has no political ambitions, rather edged towards the business industry.

He added to the fact that as a family, they played a major role to Raila´s swearing in as the People´s President.

Video shows Raila almost collapsed in Tanzania during Sportpesa cup

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga nearly collapsed while handing Kariobangi Sharks the Sportpesa Cup.

Contrary to the rumors that were doing rounds on social media claiming the famous politician fainted, a video has now emerged to show that Raila was only whiskered away by bodyguards after he felt a little dizzy during the ceremony.


In a brief statement issued on Sunday, January 27, shortly after the rumours started doing rounds, Raila’s Personal Assistant, Dennis Onyango, said the ODM party leader only stepped on a podium that was falling off and that it had nothing to do with his health.

“Hon Raila Odinga is fine in Dar. Images of security people holding him emerged from a step on the podium that was falling off and not anything to do with health. Thanks though to everyone who has expressed concern,” he clarified.

Many however trashed the statement saying that it was clear Raila was fatigued after a busy week.

Watch the video below:

Harmonize reacts to video of President Uhuru, Raila Odinga, Joho and Sonko dancing to his hit song

Raila Odinga was treated to a surprise birthday party in Mombasa as he turned 74 on Monday January 7th 2019. President Uhuru Kenyatta was among guests who attended the birthday party.

Raila accompanied Uhuru to Mombasa for the commissioning of the Mama Ngina waterfront regeneration project. It was after the function that the two leaders went to celebrate Raila’s birthday.

The birthday party was held at a private residence in Mombasa. Other guests who attended the party include; governors Ali Hassan Joho (Mombasa), Mike Sonko (Nairobi), Amason Kingi (Kilifi) and several MPs.

The dance

Video of Raila, Uhuru and other Kenyan leaders dancing to Harmonize’s hit song ‘Happy Birthday’ has gone viral on social media. The video has been shared online by several people including celebs.


Harmonize was impressed by the video and he couldn’t hide his joy to the fact that almost the entire Kenyan top leadership was dancing to his song. He sent a special thanks to Mzazi Willy M Tuva for the support in pushing East African music throughout the region.




Miguna Miguna insults Kenyans who poked fun at him after Raila Odinga blocked him

Controversial lawyer Miguna Miguna has been blocked by Raila Odinga on Twitter just a year after deputy president William Ruto also blocked him.

Miguna didn’t take it lightly when Ruto blocked him in September 2017;

“Mr. @WilliamsRuto has blocked me for criticizing him. He is not a private citizen,” Miguna tweeted after Ruto blocked him.

He also ranted when Raila recently blocked him on Twitter, he claims Baba blocked him because of the details in his soon to be released book; Treason: The Case Against Tyrants and Renegades.

“Mr. Hand-Chequer, @RailaOdinga, the chief cowardly hypocrite, blocks me on @Twitter as “TREASON: The Case Against Tyrants and Renegades” nears release. It’s going to be an EXPLOSIVE REVOLUTIONARY engagement ahead. Cheers! #SayNoToUjinga,” Miguna tweeted after Raila blocked him.

Illiterates on social media

Miguna Miguna lost his cool when section of Kenyans on social media poked fun at him after Raila blocked him. The controversial lawyer referred those who laughed at him as illiterates.

“For illiterates on social media, I didn’t complain that Mr. Hand-Cheque @RailaOdinga blocked me: I CELEBRATED IT. It is proof that he read what I wrote and that TRUTH HURTS liars, hypocrites and cowardly dinosaurs like him. The revolution is coming! #SayNoToUjinga,” Miguna tweeted.



Lawyer Donald Kipkorir: To blame Raila on Conjestina Achieng’s situation is malevolent

Boxer Conjestina Achieng’ was on Friday November 2nd flown to the capital for treatment courtesy of Nairobi governor Mike Sonko.

Conje’s situation has elicited mixed reactions. Some people blamed Nyanza leaders including Raila Odinga for neglecting the sickly boxer.

City lawyer Donald Kipkorir has however rubbished claims Raila neglected Conjestina. The flamboyant lawyer termed these claims as malicious.

Congestina Achieng undergoing checkup at Nairobi West Hospital after she was flown to the capital.
Congestina Achieng undergoing checkup at Nairobi West Hospital after she was flown to the capital.

Ida’s help

Kipkorir reminds Kenyans that on September 5th 2012 Raila’s wife Ida Odinga rushed to the rescue of Conjestina when her health deteriorated.

“Some years ago, when Conjestina Achieng went off the rail, Yvonne Khamati asked me that we help her. We assisted her. Later, when she became unwell again, I asked Silas Jakakimba & Mama Ida that we help her & we did … To blame Baba Raila Odinga for her situation is MALEVOLENT,” Donald Kipkorir tweeted.

Asked who is to be blamed for Conjestina’s situation, Kipkorir said that only the doctor who treated the boxer should explain why she didn’t get better.





“No politics, it’s was for the good of Kibera residents” Prezzo explains meeting with Raila Odinga

Raila Odinga hosted Prezzo at his Capitol Hill office a month ago. The rapper sparked speculations that he was being inducted into politics by Baba when he shared a photo of their meeting and captioned it ‘Do the math.’

Prezzo has however come out to deny claims that he is joining politics, he explains that the meeting with the ODM leader was meant for the good of Kibera people.

“I am not joining politics. I am doing charity work with one of my partners,” said Prezzo during an interview with Word Is.

Homes for the poor

Prezzo and Kompakt Records CEO Steve Oh embarked on a new initiative of upgrading 16 homes in Kibera slums.

Prezzo and Kompakt Records CEO Steve Oh in Kibera slums
Prezzo and Kompakt Records CEO Steve Oh in Kibera slums

The two upgraded mud houses to give Kibera residents a feel of solid permanent houses. Prezzo made it clear that they were giving back to the society and challenged other musicians to give back to the fans.

Also read: CMB Prezzo and Kompakt Records set to build 16 homes for the poor in Kibera (Photos)



“I know now who are true friends of mine” Sickly Chris Kirubi says after meeting Raila Odinga, asks Baba for one favor

Raila Odinga paid Chris Kirubi  a courtesy call at his Loresho home on Tuesday May 29th 2018. The billionaire, who has been sick for months, couldn’t hide his joy as he met Raila.

“It’s historical for me, I have been unwell for a long time and friends have been coming to see me but it has never been great pleasure as welcoming Mr Odinga here. And I know now who are true friends of mine,” said Chris Kirubi during the meeting with Raila.

Luo/Kikuyu unity

Chris Kirubi stressed that Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta should leave a legacy of uniting Luos and Kikuyus who have differed politically since independence.

“Kenya will go down in history because of your decisions to bring peace between tribes. To me the Luos and the Kikuyus joining hands there is nothing we can’t do in this Kenya. And I would wish that between you and president Uhuru Kenyatta you will leave us a legacy of joining those two tribes together,” CK told Raila.

Raila Odinga and Chris Kirubi during their meeting on Tuesday
Raila Odinga and Chris Kirubi during their meeting on Tuesday

Peace in Kisumu please

Chris Kirubi also told Raila that he would invest in Kisumu if he assures him of a lasting peace. The lakeside city is usually gripped with violence every electioneering period which scares Kikuyu investors.

“Me I will be one of one of those who will come and invest in Kisumu by the way. But today I can’t because am scared that in 5 years there will be that destruction cycle. You know investors don’t invest in cycles, we want long term peace and that’s what you hold in your hands you can help Kenya to grow. Let us invest in Kisumu but we have to give confidence to people to come and put their wealth over there. It’s important to create jobs and investors like peace, if you want your people to get jobs please let’s have peace. If you have predictability, people know that their money is not going to waste everybody will come to Kenya,” said Kirubi.

Watch the meeting between Kirubi and Raila in the video below:



Sultan returns with a bang! Kenyans now believe Joho is Raila’s chosen heir after the incident in Kisumu 

Hassan Joho had been silent for long leading to several speculations about what he was planning. The Mombasa governor has however set tongues wagging after his visit to Kisumu.

On Thursday Joho pulled massive crowd in the heart of Kisumu city as he returned from the 5th devolution conference in Kakamega.

Thousands gathered at the Kondele roundabout to wait for Joho after word went around that the governor would pass there on his way from Kakamega.

Joho was ultimately forced to addressed Kisumu residents who gathered to wait for him. Sultan’s ability to pull a massive crowd in Raila’s stronghold has led many to believe he is Raila’s chosen heir.

Leadership comes from the People

Flamboyant lawyer Donald Kipkorir also speculated that Joho was Raila’s possible replacement after the incident in Kisumu.

“Gov. Hassan Joho being received in Kisumu …. Is he the Heir-apparent to Baba? By the way, leadership isn’t about University Degrees for those that like seeing shadows in life instead of Light …. Leadership comes from the People not Universities … Ask South Korea & India,” Kipkorir tweeted.

Meanwhile Raila Odinga also tagged along Joho when he attended Matiba’s funeral service in Murang’a. The Nasa leader arrived at the venue accompanied by Joho and other ODM honchos.





Raila Odinga stuns devolution conference in Kakamega as he jokes about the plight of Kirinyaga deputy governor

Raila Odinga has addressed the incident where Kirinyaga deputy governor was caught pants down with a married woman in a cheap lodging.

Peter Ndambiri caused mouths to wag when a video of him and a woman seated naked in a lodging was leaked online. The Kirinyaga deputy governor was filmed by a group of men who roughed him up during the recording.

The deputy governor is said to have been filmed in birthday suit at a lodging in Kakamega. It’s also said Ndambiri  was attending the 5th devolution conference in Kakamega when he was busted at the lodging chewing someone’s wife.

The talk at devolution conference

Several speakers have today joked about Peter Ndambiri’s unfortunate situation at the devolution conference. Host governor Wycliffe Oparanya jokingly said the 24 hour economy in his county was working judging from what people were hearing, in reference to talks about Kirinyaga deputy governor.

“You know very well that yesterday I declared a 24 hour economy. And what you hear is that it is working,” said Oparanya.

Devolution CS Eugene Wamalwa also confirmed the 24 hour economy was indeed working. He said Waiguru could indeed confirm that it was working.

“Indeed it is working (the 24 hour economy) and Governor Waiguru can attest to it,” said CS Wamalwa.

Raila Odinga also made delegates laugh their lungs out when he poked fun at the Kirinyaga deputy governor during his speech.

“I see that some of you appear to be a little tired. Maybe because governor Oparanya said it is a 24 hour economy. Governor told me in private there that even though it was a 24 hour economy some of his guests decided to save his electricity bills by working without lights,” said Raila.

Watch the video below:



Man keeps promise and shaves dreadlocks he kept for 10 years after Raila is sworn in as president

Raila Odinga was sworn in as the people’s president on Tuesday January 30th. Celebrations rocked his strongholds as supporters took to the streets to express their joy.

A businessman in Siaya town decided to celebrate Raila’s swearing-in in a special way. David Oguyo had vowed to shave his dreadlocks in the event that Raila Odinga becomes president.

Oguyo decided to have the dreadlocks after the disputed 2017 election which saw Kenya descend into violence. He was infuriated by how Raila was rigged out and vowed not to shave his dreadlocks until Raila becomes president.

10 year wait

David Oguyo’s dream finally became a reality after the events of Tuesday January 30th. The Siaya businessman finally shaved his dreadlocks following the swearing-in.

Oguyo said the swearing-in was an indication that things will be better. He said that Raila is the only person who can liberate Kenya from the yoke of dictatorship and bad leadership.



I told you Kalonzo ni kigeugeu! Alfred Mutua mocks Raila Odinga for believing Kalonzo would follow him to Canaan

Raila Odinga and his Nasarites followers crossed to Canaan as co-principals remained on the other side of river Jordan. And Alfred Mutua can’t stop laughing.

Raila was sworn in as the people’s president at Uhuru Park on Tuesday January 30th 2018. The Nasa leader took oath of office without his deputy who was missing in action.

Kalonzo surfaced later to claim that he couldn’t make it to Uhuru Park because his bodyguards had been withdrawn. Most Kenyans however believe Kalonzo is just being Kalonzo the watermelon.

Trust Kalonzo at your own peril

Machakos governor Alfred Mutua has taken a swipe at the Kamba kingpin. Mutua asserts that Kalonzo has proven multiple times that he can never be trusted.

“The whole swearing in event was wrong and bound to fail because it was unconstitutional & based on the wrong premise. On the other hand, it is now CRYSTAL clear to ALL that Kalonzo Musyoka has over and over again proven he can NEVER be DEPENDED on. Trust him at your own peril,” wrote Alfred Mutua.


“Stand on your own two feet” Man of God advices Kalonzo Musyoka to exit NASA

On 30th January 2018, we witnessed a historic day in the country. The NASA opposition leader Raila Odinga was sworn in as the president of Kenya in a controversial ceremony.

Surprisingly his ‘vice president’ was no where to be seen leaving many questions unanswered.

Also read; Kenyans on social media react after Kalonzo Musyoka abandons Raila Odinga at the last minute

The event however took place at a time where President Uhuru Kenyatta was out of the country. However, most local stations got switched off by the government to avoid airing the ceremony on TV.

Pastor Migwi’s warning to Kalonzo

With many sharing their opinions about the event, popular pastor Migwi has come out to advice Kalonzo Musyoka. According to the man of God, the Nasa vice principal is currently being misled by NASA. Migwi adds that Kalonzo may need to step away from the party if he wants to live longer and peacefully.

Pastor Migwi urges Kalonzo Musyoka to rethink his decisions since his life has not progressed ever since going to NASA. He based this on the number of times Kalonzo Musyoka has been side lined by Raila Odinga; which is proof enough that working together for them is wrong! He wrote saying;

Do you agree?