Mama Rosa, real name Rosa Chepochesau Samson, shot to fame in June 2017 when she was allegedly resurrected by a text message from Prophet David Owuor of the Repentance and Holiness Church.
Rosa reportedly died on June 21st 2017 after a long battle with arthritis. Her husband Samson Lotirakori sent a distress message Owuor following the death of his wife and the prophet replied ‘it is well’… and just like that Mama Rosa back to life.
Well, Mama Rosa lived for a year after her resurrection before she died again. She died on January 22nd in Eldoret and was buried in secret in Chepkoti village, Kapenguria, West Pokot county.
Too many unanswered questions
Critics can’t stop asking question following the second death of Mama Rosa. Like why was she buried in secret? When she resurrected she made headlines but when she died again her death was shrouded in secrecy.
Information about Mama Rosa’s death started spreading last week but no family member or any of the church’s local leaders could confirm it.
Mama Rosa wasn’t even buried at her husband’s home, she was laid to rest at the home of her sister-in-law Kostella Lopisto. Why?
Apparently she was taken to Eldoret town after she seriously fell sick shortly after she was resurrected. She stayed in Eldoret until her second death.
Atheists in Kenya challenged Dr. David Edward Owuor of the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness to bring Nkaissery back to life following claims that he resurrected a woman in Pokot.
News about Mama Rosa Rotirakori’s resurrection swept the country by storm, apparently she died on the night of June 22nd and that it was intercessory prayers from Prophet David Owuor that brought her back to life.
Mama Rosa Rotirakori
Atheists in Kenya have now challenged Prophet Owuor to resurrect fallen Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery who died last Saturday July 8th.
“We are asking Prophet Owuor to resurrect Nkaissery from the dead or forever shut up about his miracles!” Atheists In Kenya’s post read.
The post sent social media in a buzz, Kenyans were divided on whether Owour should resurrect Nkaissery; pro atheists supported the idea while religious zealots perceived the request as an insult to their faith.
The posts below show how Kenyans reacted to the atheists’ post:
Jean Joza Ommurembo: As much as I don’t subscribe to his doctrine, I find you guys a bunch of idle chaps who think have made it in life. Whether the woman resurrected or not is neither here nor their neither can it be a basis for one not to practice what they practice. He has a much freedom as you to publicize his doctrine as you.
Mkenya Dauti: I also don’t subscribe to Owuor’s doctrine but Nkaiserry is not more important than the lady; the lady’s life is as important as Nkaiserry. Both have a family and all are equal human beings. Anyway everyone has freedom of speech, will and action so long as they’re within the law.
Musa Agar: If it will be of the interest of God the It will happen but it it’s on your own interests I doubt. The God I believe in that you don’t believe in can not be tested, He is sovereign and He remains God even if & Prophet Owuor remains His servant even if that man goes to hell or not.
LoiceRichards: Kaddi Enyewe hapo ata mimi na support, aki mtumishi wa mungu, tufufulie cs wetu..
David Sitienei: Your question sounds like that of Satan who asked Jesus to change stone into bread? Suppose that woman wasn’t resurrected, how does that affect you? For your info her family is traversing the country celebrating with ‘like minded’ that is what is important to ‘them’.
Karume Benson Wanjohi: Majority of people in the word dont follow God’s teaching but we believe there is God who make us wake up every day and take our life whenever he wants. The so called called artheist are mere pretenders seeking attention,do they have their own world?
Matthew Alleric Salvatar: Let us, as respectable citizens of Kenya, respect the man that Major. Gen was…respect his family in their grief. As an Atheist…I denounce this statement.
Kennedy Oguma: Jesus did miracles but no one forced him…….. don’t force miracle from a prophet, it’s like commanding God..
Muriithi Mwangi: This is just a lunatic out to get cheap publicity. Resurrecting our CS will give him more publicity…waiting to witness him perform his Jesus-like miracle. Shame on him
Märk Bläçk: Just arrest him already. He’s insane, totally dangerous to society.
Stephen Hawking: Impossible he fake previous woman resurrection