Apparently Prezzo hasn’t gotten over his ex Michelle Yola even after he stated on media that he had accepted everything and moved on with his life.
In a new twist of events, Yola and Prezzo traded accusations on Instagram with the latter accusing the former of cyber-stalking her. Yola took to her IG to claim Prezzo was threatening her after she gave him a cold shoulder.
“If anything happens to me just know it’s @prezzo254 who’s behind this.. from threatening texts talking about releasing our explicit pictures and videos to stealing all my documents and on top of that he even took my phone coz I told him our relationship won’t work! I left with nothing that has his name on it and we’ve been separated for months now so PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE AND MOVE ON!All this for what??I have moved on with my life kindly do the same. I suggest you get to a wellness center and get help!Try yoga or something dude!Stop stalking me and stop lying to the media.You pushed me to the edge and if you don’t stop I’m gonna go ahead and take legal actions coz I’m scared of my safety! I got receipts so don’t try me! For those trying to reach me kindly email me coz I’m off social media till everything cools down,” Michelle Yola wrote and shared her photo cozying up with her mzungu lover.

In another post, Yola shouted at Prezzo and claimed she had phone recordings and messages to prove the rapper was using all tricks in book in a bid to win her back.
“Jackson Ngechu Listen Very Carefully..Don’t let that smile?fool you coz I have phone recordings and messages to prove every single word you said to me! I have been quiet for so long and if I start to talk Lord knows!?I hate it that I’m even addressing you but enough is enough!You have blogs on speed dial cooking your stories and even telling me “I’M NOTHING WITHOUT YOU AND YOU’LL MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE COZ YOU OWN THIS CITY” you remember that text right plus many others?? I can go on the whole night posting recordings and messages of you begging to get back together kisha when I refused you started with the threats.. I’m so over your dramatic life and threats coz I’m not playing to your tune anymore! Let’s meet in court Sir since you also own the government Mr “president”!Then the whole “world” that you’ve brainwashed telling them I’ve refused to be a past tense(a line that you’ve always used with all your exes) when I’m CLEARLY in another phase of my life will know the TRUTH! ME BITTER?COZ OF LEAVING YOU??OH MY DAYS YOU WISH?? Excuse me I gorra go you guy.. someone else needs my attention rynow,” a furious Yola wrote.
The lass also shared screenshots of phone call records to prove her jilted ex boyfriend was desperately trying to contact her by all means.
Prezzo however rubbished Michelle Yola’s allegations claiming his ex was brainwashing the masses with her selfish agenda. He said that he decided to address Yola’s allegations because he wanted to distance himself from whatever games or plans she had.
“The common saying “it’s never too late” is a misleading one for many since there are times when it is in fact too late. Sometimes, it is too late to change who you are, too late to do the right thing in telling the truth. I have decided to address this issue about me “allegedly” posing a threat to Michelle’s safety for the sake of clarity and because I want to distance myself from whatever games or plans she has.
“It is quite a sad thing to see an individual tell lies to have power over the masses so that she can control circumstances and dictate events. To brainwash the masses with your selfish agenda by feeding them lies and harnessing the outcome for yourself is a mean thing to do. Misinforming the masses to believe in ur mythical notions that are conveniently and selfishly crafted in your own imagination might give you temporary comfort…. but genuine permanent inner peace and happiness ONLY stems from knowing that the truth is factual, pure and uncompromised. Instead of going to vote so we can bring change in this beautiful nation, someone is out there talking gibberish SMH,” wrote Prezzo.