Kisumu County: The Transformative Impact of the Lumumba Affordable Housing Project

The Kenyan government is committed to creating a better future for its citizens by focusing on initiatives that directly benefit the people.

A key pillar of this commitment is the Affordable Housing Program, a flagship project that promises not just to build houses but to improve the quality of life for many Kenyans.

Basic Scope of the Lumumba Affordable Housing Project

At the centre of this initiative is the Lumumba Affordable Housing Project, a transformative development in Kisumu Central Constituency, Kisumu County.

Situated on land previously occupied by dilapidated housing, this ambitious project will deliver 2,384 residential units.

Representing a significant investment in the community, the project has a total cost of KSh 5.75 billion and includes a mix of social housing, affordable housing, and market-rate housing to cater to various income levels.

The Lumumba project emphasizes more than just constructing buildings; it’s about creating a sustainable and inclusive urban environment.

By integrating residential units with essential amenities such as waste management systems, guard houses, play areas, and parking spaces, the project enhances the quality of life for its residents.

Its strategic location near schools, commercial centers, and healthcare facilities ensures a comprehensive living experience.

Ultimate Catalyst for Economic Growth

A critical aspect of the Lumumba project is its potential to drive economic growth. The construction phase is generating substantial employment opportunities, with an average of 92 laborers working on-site daily.

These jobs support the local economy and provide much-needed income for families, stimulating overall economic activity in the region.

The project also serves as a catalyst for sustainable infrastructure development. The creation of new housing units requires the establishment of roads, water supply systems, sewage systems, and electricity, contributing to the overall development of the community.

This comprehensive approach ensures that the project’s benefits extend beyond housing, fostering broader community development and sustainable

The Empowerment and Social Inclusivity angle

The Lumumba Affordable Housing Project exemplifies the government’s dedication to fostering social inclusivity and empowering marginalized groups.

By offering affordable housing options, the project allows low- and middle-income families to own or rent homes, providing stability and a sense of belonging.

This inclusivity fosters social cohesion, ensuring that residents feel connected and invested in their community.

Additionally, the project’s focus on social housing guarantees that vulnerable populations, including marginalized groups, have access to decent housing.

This approach aligns with the government’s broader vision of an inclusive society where all Kenyans, regardless of their socio-economic status, have access to safe, secure, and affordable housing.

Boost to the Quality of Life

Adequate housing is fundamental to the well-being of individuals and communities. The Lumumba project aims to provide well-designed, safe, and secure homes, significantly enhancing residents’ quality of life.

Children will benefit from stable environments that support learning and development, while families will enjoy spaces that promote safety, comfort, and well-being, creating a community where everyone can thrive.

The Tentative Overall Vision

The Affordable Housing Program, as demonstrated by the Lumumba project, showcases the government’s vision for a prosperous and inclusive Kenya.

It addresses the growing demand for housing and supports sustainable development, economic empowerment, and social inclusivity.

As similar projects are rolled out across the country, the government’s commitment to the welfare of its citizens becomes increasingly evident.

In a Nutshell…..

By investing in affordable housing, the government is laying the foundation for a future where every Kenyan has the opportunity to live with dignity and hope.

The Lumumba Affordable Housing Project is a beacon of that future, paving the way towards a more equitable and prosperous Kenya.

Gachagua Reveals Alleged Assassination Plot Against Former NIS Officer He Employed

A former National Intelligence Service (NIS) officer, hired by Deputy President Gachagua after being dismissed from the state agency, was shot and injured while on his way to work at the DP’s Karen residence.


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In an interview with Agikuyu vernacular media stations on Sunday, Gachagua claimed an assassin had been sent after the officer.

“A former NIS officer whom I hired in my office was followed by a motorcycle to my Karen home, where he was shot and injured in the shoulder. Fortunately, he went to the hospital and had the bullet removed,” Gachagua said.

He noted that the person behind the attempted assassination has never been arrested, and the case remains uninvestigated.

Gachagua also alleged that his phones had been tapped in a broader scheme to undermine him politically.

“Every person I call, our phone conversations are tapped and recorded. They would then question them about their intentions, and I am the Deputy President,” he said. “They are trying to instill fear in someone who cannot be intimidated.”


DP Gachagua Claims Scheme to Frame Him and Former President Kenyatta for Protest Violence

The DP claimed that certain government entities are being used to instigate fear among leaders to prevent them from speaking the truth.

“They have been used to instigate fear in leaders so that they cannot speak the truth,” he added.

He further alleged that his political allies were also being targeted.

“Another individual they have targeted is Benjamin Gathiru, who was stopped by around ten vehicles at Kenol, and they took his phone. They also took James Gakuya’s phone,” he said.

The DP emphasized that he would not be intimidated by anyone.

Last week, three of the DP’s close aides were questioned by the DCI over their alleged involvement in recent protests.

Gachagua responded by saying the DCI, through the media, is spreading false narratives.

“They claimed that my officials were interrogated by the DCI. The truth is they were only asked three very minor questions.”

He urged the two government entities to stick to their work and avoid indulging in politics.

President Ruto cautions Gen Z against participating in anti-government protests

President William Ruto has expressed his discontent with the ongoing anti-government protests, which have persisted for several weeks. The demonstrations compelled him to reconsider his stance on the finance bill as the protests intensified.


Kenyans who have turned down President Ruto’s appointments

The situation escalated to the point where some youths lost their lives during the protests. Besides the rejection of the finance bill, the president also had to dismiss several cabinet secretaries from their positions.

The young protesters, often referred to as Gen Z, have been at the forefront of challenging the government’s actions. Their demands have been addressed by the president following their determined marches on the streets, earning them praise as heroes.


Ruto accuses Ford Foundation of sponsoring chaos and violence in the country (Video)

However, President Ruto now believes it is time for the protests to stop. In a recent speech, he urged the Gen Z activists to prioritize the country over rash decisions:

“Enough is enough! My friends, I have given everyone a chance to express their views. It cannot continue like this. The country is much more important than any group of people. We must come together to protect our nation and ensure Kenya remains a democracy,” the president stated.

The comments section showed mixed reactions, with some supporting the president’s sentiments and others insisting that he should heed the grievances of the people.

President William Ruto names Musalia Mudavadi as acting CS for all ministries

Kenyan President William Samoei Ruto has expressed his disappointment with the new directive that bars political leaders from participating in Harambees.

Addressing a gathering, the Kenya Kwanza leader stated that while he has no issue with stepping back from Harambees, it would make it almost impossible to build churches.


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“Things have changed a bit, and it has been suggested that we put church matters aside for a while. Some people have pushed us to stop Harambees in churches, and now we’re wondering how we will build churches.”

However, he reassured the public that they would be involved in the decision-making process regarding whether Harambees should continue or not.

“The good thing is that the law will be brought to you for public participation… you will decide the procedures we will put in place to ensure that corruption does not enter the church, that deceit does not enter the church, and that we continue to build churches with respect for God,” President Ruto said.


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The ban on Harambees was introduced because some political leaders were using the platform to flaunt their wealth, while others were contributing with ulterior motives.

Kenyans who have turned down President Ruto’s appointments

While many dream of being appointed to a position by President William Ruto, some Kenyans have turned down such opportunities for various reasons. Here are a few notable examples:

George Wajackoya – Former Roots Party Presidential Aspirant

George Wajackoya was allegedly offered a ministerial position in President Ruto’s government. He publicly declined, stating, “I’ve been offered to be a minister. Nilipigiwa simu juzi, nimemwambia pack your position and give it to whoever wants it and go to hell with it. And to those who want to be recycled Gen Zs, anytime you see a ‘recyclee’ just say no.”

Justina Wamae – Former Roots Party Presidential Running Mate

Justina Wamae was appointed to an 18-member task force chaired by Prof. Khama Rogo with Judith Guserwa as Vice Chairperson. She declined the appointment, citing her maternity leave.

Faith Odhiambo – Law Society of Kenya President

Faith Odhiambo and the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) declined President Ruto’s appointment to the Public Debt Taskforce. LSK CEO and Secretary Florence Muturi termed the task force as unconstitutional and stated that its members would not take up any roles in it.

Henry Rotich – Former Treasury Cabinet Secretary

Henry Rotich was appointed as the Senior Adviser on Fiscal Affairs and Budget Policy but turned down the offer.

Vincent Kemosi Mogaka – Former MP West Mugirango

Vincent Kemosi Mogaka was nominated as Kenya’s High Commissioner to Accra, Ghana, but he declined the position.

Rahab Mukami – Nyeri Woman Representative

Rahab Mukami was appointed to chair the Welfare Committee in the National Assembly but chose not to accept the role.

Dennis Ruto Kapchok alias Mulmulwa – Former Governor of West Pokot Dennis Ruto Kapchok did not specify the position he was offered, but he also turned down his appointment.

These instances highlight the various reasons individuals may choose to decline prestigious appointments, reflecting their personal circumstances and principles.

Ruto accuses Ford Foundation of sponsoring chaos and violence in the country (Video)

President William Ruto has made several tours around the country to address pressing issues affecting the nation, with the most widely discussed being the recent anti-government demonstrations that lasted for weeks.

Kenyans took to the streets to protest against poor leadership, embezzlement of public funds, and other grievances. While the president resolved the issue of the cabinet secretaries in a matter of days, the demonstrations came at a high cost. Numerous Kenyans lost their lives, and many were injured, some with bullet wounds.

During the protests, President Ruto accused some youths of being hooligans infiltrating the peaceful demonstrations.

“It is not in order, or even conceivable, that criminals pretending to be peaceful protesters can reign terror against the people, their elected representatives, and the institutions established under our Constitution and expect to go scot-free,” the president said.

In a recent rally, President Ruto accused the Ford Foundation of sponsoring the chaos.

“Wale ambao wana sponsor hio violence, sisi tunawajua. And I want to call out those who are behind the anarchy in Kenya, those who are behind sponsoring chaos in Kenya. Shame on them because they’re sponsoring violence against our democratic nation. Mimi nataka niulize watu wa Ford Foundation watuambie hio pesa wanatoa ifanye fujo ndio wapate faida gani?”

President Ruto promised to take action against the foundation if they don’t change their ways.

President Ruto Offers Condolences to Kathy Kiuna Following Bishop Allan Kiuna’s Passing

President William Ruto has extended his heartfelt condolences to the family of Bishop Allan Kiuna, who passed away on Tuesday after a prolonged battle with Multiple Myeloma Cancer.

Ruto mourned Bishop Kiuna as a committed Christian leader who founded the Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) and inspired many to embrace the teachings of the Lord.


Remembering Bishop Allan Kiuna: Facts About His Life, Family, and Legacy

“It is with profound sorrow that I learned of the passing of Bishop Allan Kiuna. I join the Christian community in mourning his death. Bishop Kiuna was a dedicated Christian leader who founded the Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) and inspired many to follow the teachings of the Lord. To his wife, Rev. Kathy Kiuna, and family, we stand with you in this time of grief and mourning, and pray that you find the courage to persevere through this trying period. May he rest in peace,” President Ruto expressed.

The family confirmed his death through a press release, urging for privacy as they cope with their loss.

“It is with heartfelt condolences that today we announce our beloved Bishop Allan Kiuna has gone to be with the Lord. Bishop Allan Kiuna, the general overseer and founder of Jubilee Christian Church was an extraordinary man who touched the lives of many and had a great passion for ministering not just locally but globally,” the statement read.

His unwavering faith, compassion, and dedication to the church and community have left an indelible mark on all who knew him. He was not only a spiritual leader but also a loving husband, father, grandfather, and friend.

The Kiuna family and the JCC community expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support and messages of condolences received from Kenyans across the nation.


Bishop Kiuna’s family issues official statement after his untimely death, outlining the way forward

“As a church and as a family, we appreciate the outpouring of love and support, especially from our church family. We kindly request some privacy as we go through this challenging time of mourning and reflection,” they added.

Several prominent Kenyans also paid tribute to Bishop Allan Kiuna:

  • @theRealPitson: “The last time we met, you told me, ‘Pitson, never stop singing about Jesus.’ Bishop Allan Kiuna, a shepherd to my generation, my nation, and my city. Through trials and triumphs, you showed us the way. Your legacy, a testament that will never decay. Rest in Peace, Bishop.”
  • @aweexperience: “With very heavy hearts, we honor the memory of Bishop Allan Kiuna, God’s steward at Jubilee Christian Church in Parklands, a shepherd of souls and a beacon of faith. May his legacy inspire generations to come. Rest in eternal peace, Bishop Allan.”
  • @MuchiriGichuri: “The Body of Christ in Kenya has today lost one of its most dependable servants and kingdom-minded individuals. Bishop Allan Kiuna touched countless lives with his wisdom, kindness, and unwavering faith. May his soul rest in eternal peace.”
  • @Panjoka: “This is extremely sad. RIP Bishop Allan Kiuna. Blessed are those who die in the LORD. They rest from their labor.”
  • @SyombuaOsiany: “Revelation 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘Write this down: Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, they are blessed indeed, for they will rest from their hard work; for their good deeds follow them!’ Rest, Bishop Allan Kiuna.”

President Ruto Set to Engage Gen Z on X

President William Ruto is set to engage with Gen Z in a candid conversation today. The discussion will cover politics, unemployment, and strategies to boost the country’s revenue.


Charlene Ruto’s Message to Gen Z Amid Anti-Finance Bill Protests

Following a controversial joint interview with renowned journalists, Ruto expressed his readiness to engage netizens in an open dialogue to share thoughts and opinions.

“Whether it is Thursday, Friday… mkipangana mimi niko. In the next one week, we must have this conversation in the space where you want. I am sending you guys, one of you to set up the space this week, maybe Thursday or Friday, why not? I will be there,” Ruto stated.

Ruto emphasized his willingness to use any platform to connect with Kenyans, particularly young people, this week.


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“When I suggested the multi-sectoral approach, I thought we were going to organize ourselves, and this is how we are going to participate. And by the way, I wanted the whole of that setup to be about young people; civil society, young people; religious organizations, young people; professional bodies, young people,” Ruto added.

The conversation has been prompted by the finance bill, which led to widespread protests. The president decided to withdraw the bill in response to the escalating demonstrations and the loss of lives.

Ruto’s conversation with Kenyans is scheduled to take place on X today from 2 pm to 5 pm.

President Ruto Declines to Sign Finance Bill, Sends it Back to Parliament

President William Ruto has declined to sign the Finance Bill, 2024, opting instead to return it to Parliament for further review.

State House sources told the Star that the Bill will be sent back to Parliament before they break for recess today.


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The Head of State has proposed a series of amendments to the Bill that MPs will need to consider.

Parliament now has the option to amend the Bill in line with the President’s reservations or to pass it a second time without any amendments.

In returning the Bill, the President has highlighted key areas that require changes. If MPs amend the Bill to fully accommodate the President’s reservations, the Speaker will resubmit it to the President for assent. If the House does not fully accommodate his reservations, they may still pass it with amendments, provided it is supported by two-thirds of the members.


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With MPs set to go on recess from today until July 23, the Speaker may need to recall them should the President return the document to Parliament.

Some of the tax proposals originally included in the Bill, such as a 16 percent VAT on bread, excise duty on vegetable oil, VAT on sugar transportation, a 2.5 percent Motor Vehicle Tax, and an Eco Levy on locally manufactured products, have been dropped.

The Bill passed the committee of the whole house after these amendments were made. This format allows for a detailed examination of each clause, ensuring thorough consideration before the Bill progresses to subsequent stages of legislative review.

Today’s events were ‘treasonous,’ says President Ruto

In a televised address from State House, President William Ruto condemned today’s demonstrations, stating they had been “hijacked” and issuing a stern warning to the “planners, financiers, orchestrators, and abetters of violence and anarchy.”


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He announced that the military had been deployed nationwide “in response to the security emergency caused by the ongoing violent protests.”

“This marks a critical turning point in how we respond to such threats on national security,” Ruto emphasized.

The president lamented the loss of lives, destruction of property, and disrespect for institutions caused by the unrest.


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While the exact number of casualties remains unclear, the Kenya Medical Association reported five fatalities. Many of the injured are receiving treatment at Kenyatta National Hospital.

“It is very painful for Kenya that a conversation this crucial was hijacked by dangerous people,” Ruto continued. “It is not acceptable for criminals pretending to be peaceful protestors to incite terror against the people and expect to go scot-free.”

I’m a very proud father: Raila Odinga on Occupy Parliament protests

ODM leader Raila Odinga has expressed his pride in response to a video featuring a young Kenyan girl during the Tuesday, June 18 Occupy Parliament protests.

In the video, the young woman addresses Raila, stating that Generation Z has taken up the mantle to initiate change.


Major Tax Proposals Removed from Finance Bill

“I’m a very proud father today! Hongera sana to all those who bravely stood up for their rights,” Raila shared his viewpoint.

The young woman appeals to the public, saying, “Usitokee, don’t come, Agwambo please stay at home. We saw your efforts, okay? We saw everything that you did for Kenyans. Now let us… we miss you, but Agwambo please, please don’t even come outside. Tunatoka on your behalf, okay,” she says, blowing kisses to the camera.

The Occupy Parliament protests on June 18 garnered widespread attention, with many Kenyans congratulating Generation Z for driving the call for change.

Another young woman also gained admiration for her courageous refusal to be arrested by the police.


Major Tax Proposals Removed from Finance Bill

“I’m not going,” she repeatedly told a police officer who urged her to cooperate.

“I’m not cooperating, I’m not going. Don’t touch me, don’t touch me. I’m not going,” she insisted, shaking off those trying to pull her away from the car she was leaning on.

She then demanded to know why they were arresting her, asking, “Give me a reason.” As they questioned her protest, she boldly replied, “I protest because you are killing us. You police, you are killing us in our community.” Eventually, the police officers walked away as a supportive crowd gathered around her.

“We are not backing down!” Kenyans reject Finance Bill despite proposed ‘favorable’ changes

Kenyans online are vehemently protesting the Finance Bill 2024, highlighting the additional burden it places on ordinary citizens (mwananchi).

These protests come at a time when many Kenyan MPs have openly committed to passing the bill, seemingly ignoring the country’s struggles with unemployment and widespread poverty. The proposed bill has sparked outrage for several reasons.


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One major point of contention is the proposed tax on sanitary towels. Many regions in Kenya already have young women who cannot afford these essential products, and the new tax would exacerbate this issue.

Car owners, including those who operate matatus, cabs, and other forms of road transportation, are also targeted with a vehicle tax. This would inevitably trickle down to consumers, further straining Kenyans’ finances.

Another significant issue was the proposed 16% tax on bread. Although this tax has since been lifted, it was a major factor driving the ongoing online and street protests.

Additionally, the government’s plan to tax natural oils such as butter, coconut oil, and ghee has left many feeling betrayed. These taxes would make healthy living more expensive, counteracting efforts to promote a healthier lifestyle for citizens.


Major Tax Proposals Removed from Finance Bill

Taxes on calls, money transfers, and internet services are also fueling the resistance against the Finance Bill 2024. With only a few telecom providers in the country, life is already costly, and these additional taxes would make it even more unaffordable.

Moreover, the recently imposed housing bill has added to the frustration. Many Kenyans feel they can no longer bear the financial strain imposed by the government, as the current high cost of living makes it difficult to support themselves.

Major Tax Proposals Removed from Finance Bill

The Kenya Kwanza Government has withdrawn several controversial tax proposals from the Finance Bill 2024 following widespread public opposition.

The decision came after a Kenya Kwanza Parliamentary Group meeting led by President William Ruto at State House, Nairobi.

National Assembly Finance Committee Chair Kuria Kimani stated, “After robust public opposition, it became clear that some proposed taxes would significantly burden the populace. We have taken decisive action to address these concerns.”

Key proposals that have been dropped include:

  • Taxes on Bread and Motor Vehicles: These levies faced strong backlash due to their potential to drive up essential living costs.
  • Eco-Tax: The eco-tax, initially intended to apply broadly, has been scrapped in its original form.
  • Excise Duty on Vegetable Oil: This duty has been removed to avoid increasing consumer food costs.
  • Taxes on Locally Manufactured Diapers and Sanitary Pads: These products will no longer face additional taxation, benefiting families and women.

However, the existing 15% tax on mobile service transfers remains unchanged.

The Eco Levy will now only apply to imported finished goods to promote local manufacturing and reduce reliance on imports, aiming to enhance local manufacturing capacity, create jobs, and save foreign exchange.

The government has also raised the VAT registration threshold from Sh5 million to Sh8 million, providing relief to many small businesses.

Additionally, responsibility for electronic invoicing (ETIMS) has been relieved from farmers and small businesses with turnovers below Sh1 million.

To protect local farmers, excise duty has been introduced on imported table eggs, onions, and potatoes. This measure is intended to shield domestic agriculture from foreign competition.

In a bid to encourage safer and more affordable production of alcoholic beverages, the excise duty on these products will now be based on alcohol content rather than volume.

Furthermore, the monthly exemption for pension contributions has been increased from Sh20,000 to Sh30,000, offering greater financial relief to contributors.

Friday, May 10 designated a public holiday

Friday, May 10th, has been officially designated as a public holiday to commemorate National Tree Growing Day. Additionally, it will serve as a day of remembrance for the Kenyans who have lost their lives due to the widespread floods across the country.

Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura took to his X account to announce the decision, stating, “A gazette notice shall be issued to this effect. Honorable Soipan Tuya, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Forestry & Climate Change, will hold a press conference today to provide further guidance.”

Ruto: On Monday, May 13, classes will resume

Following a directive by President William Ruto, all schools are set to reopen on Monday, May 13, after a recent suspension of the reopening date.

President Ruto made the announcement at State House, Nairobi, during a meeting with grassroots leaders from Laikipia North and Kajiado Central. The leaders, including Members of Parliament Sarah Lekorere and Elijah Memusi, were present for the announcement.

Last week, President Ruto directed the Ministry of Education to postpone the reopening of schools for the second term until further notice. This decision was influenced by warnings from the meteorological department about the worsening flooding situation due to ongoing rains.

“The Ministry of Education is directed to postpone the dates of the reopening of all schools in the country for the second term until further notice,” President Ruto stated.

He emphasized the urgency of the situation, citing meteorological reports indicating the persistence and intensification of rains, with the likelihood of disruptive cyclones.

Initially scheduled for April 29, the reopening of schools was delayed by Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu due to heavy rains and flooding. Machogu expressed concern for the safety of students and staff, acknowledging the adverse impact of the floods on some schools.

The decision to reopen schools on May 13 reflects a balance between ensuring educational continuity and prioritizing the safety of students and staff amidst challenging weather conditions.

Ruto purchases a second vehicle for his collection at Sh20 million

Kenya’s President William Ruto is renowned for his affinity for luxurious goods, including jewelry, shoes, clothes, and vehicles.

Often seen sporting watches worth millions of shillings, shoes valued at hundreds of thousands, and attire from prestigious fashion houses, President Ruto’s opulent lifestyle has drawn attention.


Charlene Ruto Encourages Youth To Take Initiative & Engage On Global Issues- ‘Don’t Be Lazy’


His considerable wealth was highlighted when an opposition leader once suggested that he sell one of his expensive watches to compensate striking medical personnel locked in a pay dispute with the government.

Adding to his collection of luxury items, President Ruto recently acquired a second vehicle with a price tag of Sh 20 million.

On April 25, 2024, he debuted his new acquisition, a 2024 Lexus LX600, valued at $93,915. The vehicle is available in various colors, including “eminent white pearl,” “atomic silver,” “nori green pearl,” “caviar,” or “manganese luster.”

Equipped with a powerful 409 HP Twin Turbo V6 engine, full-time 4WD, and the Lexus Safety System+2.5, the LX600 promises both performance and safety. Its exterior design exudes sophistication and strength, complemented by an F SPORT Handling package for a more dynamic driving experience.


2 Arrested For Heckling President Ruto During Rally In Bomet

President Ruto’s penchant for luxury vehicles is not new. In January 2023, shortly after taking office, he unveiled a Sh20 million Lexus LX 570. This vehicle boasts features like a sunroof, keyless entry, a power liftgate, parking sensors, and a 360-degree surround-view parking camera system. It is capable of navigating remote and rugged terrain while providing comfort and luxury.

In addition to his Lexus vehicles, President Ruto also has access to a Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 for official use.

While many Kenyans struggle with the high cost of living and unemployment, President Ruto’s lavish purchases may seem out of touch with public sentiment.

President Ruto: I didn’t want my daughter to speak or be present at the funeral for General Ogolla.

President William Ruto reflected on the profound influence the late Chief Defence Force General Francis Ogolla had on numerous individuals, including his own family.

Addressing the funeral service at Senator Obama Primary School on April 21, President Ruto shared a touching anecdote about his daughter, Charlene Ruto, who was deeply moved by General Ogolla during his tenure.

Recalling an amusing incident, he recounted his attempt to dissuade Charlene from attending the burial.


Charlene Ruto: I accept and even enjoy my large forehead.

“When my daughter called me last night expressing her wish to attend the burial, I told her, ‘Charlene, there is no way you are going, and there is no way you are going to speak anywhere.’ But as fate would have it, she found her way here, and before I knew it, she was at the microphone. That’s how influential Gen Ogolla was,” President Ruto remarked.

The head of state also mentioned how he initially suggested to his wife to focus on other engagements, but she opted to attend the burial instead.

“Again, I had suggested to my wife that since we were occupied yesterday at Lang’ata, maybe she could attend to other matters today.”


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President Ruto emphasized the significant loss felt by the nation, stating:

“General Ogolla was influential not only to those he worked with daily but also to those who understood his contributions to our country. Many may say various things because they do not comprehend what those of us who closely worked with General Ogolla know about his dedication to our country. I am certain the general here knows that we have lost a remarkable man, and I wish we could all honor him with a dignified sendoff.”

Kenya’s First Daughter, Charlene Ruto, delivered a poignant tribute to General Ogolla and conveyed condolences on behalf of the nation’s youth.

Sharing the platform with General Ogolla’s daughter, Lorna, Charlene extended heartfelt sympathies to the family, stating: “Our heartfelt condolences to the family of General Ogolla from the young people of Kenya. Kenya has lost a CDF, and as young people, we have lost a mentor and a champion.”


Charlene Ruto Encourages Youth To Take Initiative & Engage On Global Issues- ‘Don’t Be Lazy’

Reflecting on her interaction with the late General Ogolla, Charlene recounted their conversation from last year.

“I met him last year, and he spoke highly of the Africa Youth Climate Assembly and inquired about how we could promote environmentalism and climate action within the defence forces. Perhaps we still need to do that in his honor,” she expressed.

Charlene also shared the contents of the general’s final message to her.

“…I recently read his last text to me, and it deeply moved me. He was truly our champion. May he rest in peace,” she concluded her address.

Ruto is listed as one of Time Magazine’s 100 most important individuals for 2024

President William Ruto has been named one of Time magazine’s top 100 influential people in the world, alongside fellow Kenyan Kennedy Odede, a philanthropist and the founder of Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO).

Time magazine highlighted Ruto’s role as a key advocate for Africa’s climate ambitions, noting his increasing prominence on the global stage. They mentioned Kenya’s successful hosting of the Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, where Ruto’s call for lenders to ease debt burdens faced by some African countries garnered attention and support for climate solutions.


Father’s devastating letter to 35-year-old C’Zars, Ruto

However, Time also noted the domestic challenges Ruto faces in Kenya, such as protests against the rising cost of living and allegations of judicial interference. The magazine emphasized the importance of managing these challenges while continuing to make progress internationally.

This year’s list includes 51 women and features a diverse range of entertainers, including Kylie Minogue, Dua Lipa, Fantasia Barrino, Taraji P. Henson, Alia Bhatt, Lauren Groff, Kelly Ripa, Elliot Page, Burna Boy, 21 Savage, Jeffrey Wright, America Ferrera, and Maya Rudolph.


2 Arrested For Heckling President Ruto During Rally In Bomet

President Ruto’s recognition by Time magazine is not new; he was also acknowledged last year for his contributions to addressing climate change.

President Ruto would pay Miracle Baby’s medical expenses from Mugiithi

President William Ruto has taken on the responsibility of covering the medical expenses for the ailing Mugiithi artist Peter, popularly known as Miracle Baby, and has instructed his transfer to Kenyatta National Hospital for further treatment.

Musician-turned-politician Charles ‘Jaguar’ Kanyi expressed concerns about Miracle Baby’s deteriorating health despite his recent discharge from the hospital.

Jaguar revealed that President Ruto not only committed to covering the musician’s medical bills but also provided financial assistance of Sh 100,000 to his girlfriend, Carol Katrue, to manage additional expenses at home.

“I am headed to pick him up from Kiambu Level Five and transfer him to Kenyatta National Hospital. The President will take care of the bills as of now. We have been raising funds to support the family, but the bills continue to soar even after he was discharged,” said Jaguar.

Miracle Baby has been hospitalized in a Kiambu hospital for the past two months and recently underwent his third surgery.

Comedian Eric Omondi led fundraising efforts to facilitate his discharge.

Jaguar highlighted the financial strain faced by the artist, stating that he incurs over Sh 20,000 daily to meet basic needs and tend to post-surgery wounds at home.

Carol Katrue, Miracle Baby’s girlfriend, provided updates on his condition, revealing the complexity of his surgery due to ruptured intestines, which necessitates the use of a tube for restroom needs for the next six weeks.

Miracle Baby earlier urgently appealed for financial support to settle his hefty hospital bill, amounting to Sh 1.6 million.

In a heartwarming show of solidarity, politicians and online well-wishers raised over Sh 1 million in January.

During a live Facebook session hosted by Kikuyu artiste Karangu Wa Muraya from the hospital, over 12,000 viewers tuned in, expressing hopes for Miracle Baby’s swift recovery.

Miracle Baby’s health struggles date back to 2018 when he underwent a misdiagnosed appendectomy.

CS Moses Kuria, Dennis Itumbi, KRG The Don, Cassy Pool are among public figures who have publicly fundraised for the artiste.

Mutahi Ngunyi forecasts a resounding victory for Ruto in 2027

Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi has refuted claims that President William Ruto will only serve one term, stating instead that Ruto is on track for a decisive victory in the 2027 elections, a “landslide win.”

As the 2027 elections draw nearer and various politicians declare their presidential ambitions, Ngunyi dismissed the notion that Ruto won’t seek re-election as wishful thinking. He argued that criticism directed at President Ruto, often labeled as lies or unfulfilled promises, represents the genuine aspirations of a sincere leader.

Ngunyi expressed his perspective, stating, “And for the record: Those saying that Ruto will be a one-term President are daydreamers. In 2027, Ruto will win with a landslide. I do not know how. But the trends are obvious to the objective eye. What you are calling lies are the dreams of a sincere man. And God will grant them.”

President Ruto has faced criticism for unfulfilled campaign promises and public dissatisfaction with the state of the country, including the high cost of living, heavy taxation, youth unemployment, and corruption. Ngunyi, however, remains optimistic about Ruto’s leadership and future electoral success.

Having previously served as a political advisor to retired President Uhuru Kenyatta, Ngunyi switched allegiance to President Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza Alliance camp just before the August 2022 general elections. This move surprised many, given his previous association with Kenyatta, who supported Raila Odinga’s presidential bid.

Let’s give Ruto an opportunity to prove himself – Huddah Monroe modifies his song

Socialite Huddah Monroe has shifted her stance, now expressing support for President William Ruto, months after branding him as the worst president Kenya has ever had.

On her Instagram stories, Huddah encouraged Kenyans to give Mr Ruto an opportunity to prove himself, especially in light of the recent decline in the dollar against the shilling.

With the shilling currently trading at Sh144, and some banks selling it as low as Sh139 for the US dollar last week, Huddah conveyed gratitude to President Ruto, urging people to celebrate the positive developments.

She posted, “Good morning beautiful people. I wanna thank God for life. And our President for whatever he did! This dollar rate is making me scream!!! I love you Mr Prezzo; may the Lord take him to Sh90/ one dollar. Sometimes let’s celebrate the small wins. We can’t always be complaining and expect change to happen. Let’s give Mr R the chance to redeem himself. From 167 TO 148 isn’t a joke on forex. It makes a huge difference!”

According to data from the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), the shilling was stronger on Friday, trading at an average of Sh145.86 to the dollar, compared to Thursday’s opening average rate of Sh153.20 against the dollar.

This shift in Huddah’s perspective contrasts with her controversial remarks in September last year, where she declared, “Ruto will be the worst president Kenya has ever seen.” She further commented, “Lesson learnt, never give the son of a poor man the presidential seat,” referring to President Ruto’s humble background. Additionally, she expressed concerns about the country’s economic future, stating, “Kenya is going back 30 years… The worst is yet to come.”

Everything about the Sh 179k calf leather Christian Louboutin shoes that President William Ruto owns

During a meeting with Sultan Ahmed Al Jabar, the Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology of the United Arab Emirates, who also heads the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company and chairs Masdar on the sidelines of the World Governments Summit in Dubai on February 12, 2024, Kenya’s President William Ruto wore a pair of shoes costing Sh 178,620.

While burdening Kenyans with new and increased taxes to fund government operations, despite promises of austerity measures during his presidential campaign, Ruto’s lavish wardrobe remains a point of concern. Some Kenyans struggle to afford food, pay bills, and secure jobs while contributing to the government’s expenses, including civil servants’ salaries.

In Dubai, he donned $1,145 brown My Amor W Christian Louboutin Oxford shoes, described by the fashion house as a “sophisticated Oxford shoe.” The Maison Christian Louboutin recommends general leather care for their products, advising customers to keep leather clean and dry, store away from light and heat, protect from rain and moisture, and use the provided dust bag.

President Ruto was previously seen with a Sh 8.7 million rose gold Octo Finissimo Bvlgari watch in Meru County in January 2023. The nearest Bvlgari stores for this watch are located in various international cities.

Before that, he sported a Sh 428,000 ‘SR’ gold buckle crocodile skin belt. The president’s expensive wardrobe choices have drawn criticism given the economic challenges faced by many Kenyans.

Kenya Reels as Electricity Tariff Hikes Bite, Kalonzo Blasts Ruto

Kenya’s cost-of-living crisis deepened on Thursday as electricity prices soared by 16.5%, adding to the already heavy burden on struggling Kenyans. The opposition, led by Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka, seized the opportunity to lambast President William Ruto’s government, accusing it of failing to tame inflation.

Rising Costs, Angry Public:

In a fiery statement, Musyoka declared: “This latest increase is an unacceptable burden on tired, hungry, and angry Kenyans. It’s a clear example of the Kenya Kwanza regime’s inability to address the cost-of-living crisis.” He warned the government, “You want to leave us in the dark, but know this: kuna nuru gizani (there is light in the darkness).”

The price hike, effective January 2024, saw electricity unit costs jump from Sh3.98 to Sh4.33. The Energy and Petroleum Regulation Authority attributed the increase to a surge in the forex adjustment charge, reflecting the weakening Kenyan shilling against major currencies.

Kenyans React:

Musyoka’s statement resonated with Kenyans, igniting a range of reactions on social media. Many expressed frustration and disappointment with the government’s handling of the economy:

  • Captain Omondi: “We will overcome, but we will also learn that he (President Ruto) has failed Kenyans.”
  • Prof Wekesa: “Be bold. Come out daily and defend Kenyans. Just talk on taxes.”
  • Captain Allanoh: “Take action. We want to see you in court, challenging this decision based on foreign currency.”
  • Edwin Wafula: “The problem is just talking. Stand up today Kalonzo, we shall remember you.”

However, some Kenyans urged a more constructive approach, calling for solutions beyond mere criticism:

  • George Njoroge: “Instead of dwelling on the pain, let’s explore potential solutions to address forex charges and fuel costs. How would you have managed these challenges?”

With inflation showing no signs of abating, Kenyans look to both the opposition and the government for concrete steps to alleviate their burdens and bring light to the current darkness.

Kenyans Recall Ruto’s Free Healthcare Promise

President William Ruto’s ambitious pledge of free healthcare for all Kenyans, announced in November 2023, has encountered an initial hurdle as the proposed Social Health Insurance fund battles legal challenges.

Speaking at a church service in Bomet county, President Ruto declared that from January 2024, medical care would be free at all Kenyan hospitals. He outlined plans to adjust the existing National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) and introduce subsidized premiums for low-income earners, with the government covering costs for those unable to pay.

However, the rollout of these reforms has been delayed due to a court case. In December 2023, the High Court issued a temporary order suspending the implementation of the Social Health Insurance Act 2023, the framework for the promised free healthcare system. This suspension will remain in effect until February 2024, when the court will hear the case.

This legal obstacle poses a challenge to the immediate launch of the promised universal healthcare plan. While Kenyans await the court’s decision, concerns over the delayed implementation are likely to arise. Additionally, questions about the long-term sustainability of the proposed funding mechanisms and the impact on existing healthcare infrastructure remain unanswered.

Despite the initial setback, the government has reiterated its commitment to achieving universal healthcare access. It remains to be seen whether the Social Health Insurance Act will be amended or upheld, and how soon Kenyans can expect to see the full realization of President Ruto’s free healthcare promise.

Nairobi Expressway Tolls Rise: Ruto Lie about Expressway exposed

A new year brings a change of tune for Kenyans using the Nairobi Expressway. Despite President Ruto’s pre-election pledge to scrap tolls, his administration has announced significant price hikes effective January 1st, 2024.

Under Transport Secretary Murkomen’s explanation, the increased fees are attributed to currency depreciation and the need for infrastructure maintenance. He emphasized that tolls were necessary due to the lack of guaranteed traffic volume and the availability of a non-tolled alternative route.

The Gazette Notice details new rates ranging from Sh170 to Sh500 across different expressway sections, a hefty jump from the initial Sh100 to Sh310 range. Specific breakdowns show significant increases for various exit points, potentially doubling or even tripling the previous charges.

This policy shift stands in stark contrast to Ruto’s campaign promises of exploring alternative methods for loan repayment on infrastructure projects. During a town hall meeting, he declared roads like the Nairobi Expressway “place a substantial tax burden on the poor” and advocated for taxation on products, not highways.

While the government emphasizes the necessity of tolls for infrastructure sustainability, the sudden reversal of a key campaign promise is likely to disappoint and anger many Kenyans. This situation highlights the tension between infrastructure development, financial feasibility, and public expectations.

The rising tolls raise questions about affordability and potential economic burdens on citizens. While Murkomen mentioned alternative routes, their practicality and efficiency for daily commuters remain uncertain.

Ultimately, the toll increase signals a complex interplay of economic realities, political promises, and citizen needs. While justifying the fees, the government will need to address public concerns and ensure these infrastructure projects truly benefit all Kenyans.

Kenyans brace for tough times under Kenya Kwanza regime

President William Ruto’s administration has raised the cost of living by significantly raising taxes on almost everything, and now it appears to be increasing the cost of government services as well.

Since taking office in September 2023, the government has increased taxes on petrol, plus remittances in NSSF and NHIF. It has also introduced new taxes such as the housing levy.

Here are some of the standout services that Kenyans will now have to pay more for:

  • Visiting game parks and national reserves: The Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) announced in August 2023 that tourists entering national parks would have to pay Sh1,500 up from Sh500, with the new rates taking effect in January 2024.
  • Acquiring and renewing passports and lost IDs: The cost of acquiring an identity card for the first time has increased to Sh1,000, and the cost of replacing a lost ID has increased to Sh2,000 up from Sh100.
  • Marriage certificate: The cost of obtaining a marriage certificate has increased to Sh100,000, up from Sh30,000.
  • University fees: University education is likely to be out of reach for thousands of students, as the government has removed the automatic subsidy. Students who miss the government scholarship and loans will now have to pay the entire amount.
  • SGR fares: Kenya Railways announced in early November that it would be increasing train fare prices due to the rising cost of fuel in the country. Economy class fares on the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) will rise to Sh1,500 from Sh1,000, and first-class tickets will rise to Sh4,500 from Sh3,000.
  • Parking fees in Nairobi: The Nairobi County government increased parking fees last week. Saloon car owners are now required to pay Sh300, motorists parking vans or pick-ups will have to pay Sh500, and parking a truck weighing more than five tonnes will cost Sh3,000. Non-digital taxis will now also have to pay a monthly fee of Sh3,000 to park in Zone I.

The government has justified these increases by saying that they are necessary to raise revenue and finance its development agenda. However, many Kenyans are struggling to make ends meet in the face of rising inflation and unemployment. The increased cost of government services will only make their lives more difficult.