No, Entertainment WASN’T Better In The Past

Nostalgia, a bittersweet longing for the past, can be a comforting balm on a stormy day. It’s a gentle reminder of simpler times, of laughter shared and dreams ignited. But like many things, too much of a good thing can be detrimental. It’s imperative to recognize when nostalgia becomes a gilded cage, imprisoning us from fully embracing the present and crafting a promising future.

The past is a chapter, not the entire book. Holding onto it too tightly can hinder our ability to write new and exciting stories. It’s easy to romanticize the old days, forgetting the challenges and heartbreaks that also defined them. By clinging to nostalgia, we risk neglecting the opportunities and growth that await us in the present. Life is a dynamic journey, and the only constant is change.

Moreover, nostalgia can foster a sense of dissatisfaction with the present. Comparing our current lives to idealized memories can lead to feelings of inadequacy and regret. It’s crucial to appreciate the unique beauty of the present moment, with its own set of joys and challenges. By focusing on gratitude and mindfulness, we can cultivate a deeper appreciation for our lives as they are.

Letting go of nostalgia doesn’t mean erasing the past. It means acknowledging its role in shaping us while recognizing that it doesn’t dictate our future. We can cherish our memories without being confined by them. By embracing the present with open arms and a curious spirit, we unlock the potential for a brighter and more fulfilling tomorrow.

It’s time to break free from the chains of nostalgia and step confidently into the unknown. The future is waiting, and it holds countless possibilities. Are you ready to seize them?

Diamond Platinumz’s new album could be another pacesetter for the African music scene

Speaking during a tv interview with BBC,  Diamond Platinumz hinted at releasing his new album soon. The new album will be the second of his after the 2018 A boy from Tandale became a success to date.

As the Bongo world keeps growing Diamond Platinumz has been able to create music that is easy to resonate with by all sorts of people.

Amid the Covid -19 Pandemic the ‘Baba Lao’hit maker was keen to mention that he is now focused on his new album.

I believe this will be another big success for  ‘Simba’ because he is a force that many wish to work with.


Hate him or love him, as an artist Diamond has a grasp of what his audience loves.

I remember sometime back when he was on the Trend with Larry Madowo Diamond said that once you know what your fans want, it is easy to write the proper music.

For the longest time he has had collaborations all over African and all internationally with artists like Rick Ross, Neyo among others.

For a guy like this I believe his album will be another of a kind. He wil have many wishing to collaborate with him in future.

I mean the, Diamond can make Swahili sound sassy in an all English song, what of Spanish? Well its a wait and see situation.

However, I can bet that the album will have few Nigerian artists and big American stars too.

What about Kenyan artists?

I mean we have Willy Paul whose voice would be good blend with Diamond’s, if not ‘Mtoto wa Diana’ -Bahati too could be a good idea.  No? Well you be the judge.

Bottom line,this album will top charts if not be among the biggest in terms of streams on digital platforms.

In the meantime we keep waiting on good music that will set the pace for most of African artists.

Willy Paul’s curve to secular music is totally paying off

When Willy Paul shifted from the gospel industry to the secular Scene,fans were skeptical about his move.

People went ahead to judge his decision but well ain’t all we all judged no matter what we do?

Willy paul first got people talking when he was caught ob camera grinding on a lady at  a club in Nairobi.This did not excite the holier than though because he was a gospel artist. Right?

Secular shift

As the scandal died down he dropped a new song  “Njiwa” a collaboration with Tanzania’s songstress Nandy. Then again the internet blew up about Willy Paul shifting to secular.

Well this time he took it upon himself to clear the air as he said he was just an artist no specificity. Clearer than ever!

That notwithstanding he dropped another song with Nandy “Hallelujah” and he still became a topic. Trust Kenyans on Twitter, certified trolls.

Further more “Bwana Mkunaji” has been doing well in the secular scene.

Unapologetic Willy

Willy Paul posing with his ‘wife’

The collaborations he has done so far have been well received by fans.Another thing is that Willy Paul can no longer pretend about what he really wants.

For one, he keeps doing good music, I mean raunchy but at least he is true to himself.

He  has been able to reach to his fans from all over with his music  with plans of bigger collaborations.

On several occasions he has been seen in interviews from Tanzania media as one of the biggest artists  in East Africa.

His art keeps growing by the day.

Not that we don’t miss him in the gospel scene,  but we can enjoy the dances in this “new ” unapologetic Willy Paul.On the other hand he is totally worth betting on for good music.

I mean Willy Paul is living the life he always wanted,from that small boy from the slums to being the owner of Saldido records.

True definition of a dream come true. So people judging him should give the boy a break!

Jua cali fans need to give him a break!!

Jua cali is obviously among the  veteran and most celebrated music artist in Kenya. With a successful track record of amazing music for most of us who grew up listening to this chap.We should at least give him that credit for making our teen days worthwhile.

He stands out  as one of the biggest genge music artist with a unique style  when it comes to his rap game. Whether he teams up with gengetone musicians or not should not be a question to his music legacy

After being in the industry for the longest time it is just normal that his relevance would wear out. Ok not, like entirely but a certain age of fans will not easily relate to his  back then music. But hey a man has to do what he got to do! Music.

However, as some people would say that he no longer fits in the now over hyped gengetone kind of music , Jua cali has to reach out these young crop of fans.

Wale Mang’aa

Yes , we will say ohh the music done now is too vulgar for someone like Juacali to feature in , oooh he can do better and all that holier than thou attitude we Kenyans carry around.

I mean he is also embracing new age music.Well he was bashed for working with Swat of Ethic Odi wa Muranga  and Vdj_jones  in new jam dubbed “Wale Mang’aa.”

Also read:Juacali and Swat finally drop their anticipated collabo ‘Wale Mangaa’

We should give the guy a break .We were the same people who wanted these veteran artists to work with the the gengetone music makers.This to help boost creativity for the better of our secular music.

Well it is obvious that these new age musician have slowly but smoothly washed away the Nigerian music that had swamped our Kenyan airwaves.

So if Jua cali or any other Kenyan artist wants to collaborate with the Gengetone kids, boss , sistee usijuziee !!Go for it.

In the meantime Kenyans should give Juacali a break and that is just about it.