Stoopid Boy vs Ofweneke: Various celebrities’ statements regarding compensation for media interviews

TV47 TV host Dr. Ofweneke sparked controversy a week ago when he disclosed that a guest he had invited refused to attend because he wasn’t compensated. The debate about whether media outlets should pay artists for interviews has since gained traction online.


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The discussion started after Dr. Ofweneke mentioned that he had invited Arbantone artist Stoopid Boy for an interview, but the singer declined due to lack of payment. Dr. Ofweneke offered to cover transportation costs, but Stoopid Boy canceled the interview last minute, stating that he didn’t need the exposure.

Stoopid Boy remarked, “There’s no way you can be young, famous, and broke. You need to know how I live for you to call me for such nonsense.”

On Sunday, May 12, Dr. Ofweneke addressed the issue again in response to numerous inquiries. He emphasized that the conversation needed to be had, not about whether artists should be paid for interviews, but whether rising stars were being taken advantage of, with their popularity not reflecting in their finances.


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He suggested implementing a mentorship program and financial literacy classes for upcoming artists to avoid exploitation. Several celebrities weighed in on the matter:

  1. DJ Shiti criticized both Dr. Ofweneke and Stoopid Boy for their actions and emphasized the need for mutual understanding.
  2. KRG The Don stressed the importance of collaboration between artists and the media.
  3. Kenyan Prince humorously commented on the debate about payment.
  4. Ezra FBI jokingly remarked on the situation.
  5. Willis Raburu acknowledged artists’ right to request payment for interviews.
  6. Moya David teased about forgetting Stoopid Boy’s name.
  7. Oga Obinna made a playful comment about Stoopid Boy’s decision.
  8. Breeder LW made a humorous remark about the situation.
  9. Okello Max questioned the cancellation of the interview and suggested better preparation.
  10. Wanjiku Stephens highlighted the importance of artists knowing their worth.
  11. Goddy Hunch advocated for payment for Stoopid Boy.

Dr Ofweneke Shows Interest In Emceeing Diana Marua and Bahati’s Wedding

Dr Ofweneke, one of Kenya’s most popular comedians, has said that he would be honored to MC the wedding of his friends Diana Marua and Bahati.

Ofweneke, who was the MC at Akothee’s wedding earlier this year, said that he would be “very proud” to see Bahati and Diana walk down the aisle.

“I have watched Bahati grow in the industry from when he was a young man,” Ofweneke said. “It will be a very proud moment for me as a senior, or maybe as a father in the industry.”

Ofweneke also said that he would be “very happy” to see Diana Marua get married. “I have known her for all these years and of course now working together, it really is something good seeing them walking down the aisle,” he said.

However, Ofweneke said that he might not be able to MC the wedding because his diary is normally packed in December.

“I wish them the best whether I will be the MC or not,” he said.

Diana Marua and Bahati announced their engagement in April 2023. They have not yet set a date for their wedding.

Ofweneke mocks Obinna’s edited 51 million bank balance

In a battle of who can flaunt the most money on social media, media personality Oga Obinna has been caught in an editing fail. Obinna, whose real name is Thomas Maghana, shared a screenshot of his bank account balance in response to comedian Eric Omondi’s over Sh13 million cash flaunt on social media.

However, eagle-eyed Kenyans noticed that Obinna had edited his balance before making it public. The decimal point was in the wrong place, and there was an extra space after the decimal.

This led to a wave of mockery and ridicule on social media. Comedian Sande Bush alias Dr Ofweneke said, “Shida tu ni hapo kwa editing lakini pesa iko sawa.” (The problem is only with the editing, but the money is okay.)

YY Comedian told Obinna, “Kwa current balance after decimal wameongeza space kubwa sana. (In the current balance, they have added a very large space after the decimal.)”

Obinna has since deleted the post and apologized for the error. He claimed that he would have remained humble and not shown off how ‘wealthy he was’ were it not for Omondi annoying him.

However, he ended up “stooping too low” and disclosing his bank balance to the world.

This incident is a reminder that social media can be a dangerous place. When people are trying to impress others, they may be tempted to lie or exaggerate. It is important to be critical of what you see online and to remember that not everything is as it seems.

Men, We Need To Learn How To Accept Rejection From Ladies- Dr. Ofweneke

After the ordeal that led to Velvine’s death, most celebrities have shunned the matter and stood by her to seek justice against the man who raped her. The suspect, whose name is Joseph Kinyua, allegedly raped and killed Velvine. This is not the first time we’ve heard cases of rape and murder.

The issue culminated a movement by netizens dubbed ‘#endrapeculture’ and #saynotorape, which has seen most people open up on how they were sexually assaulted. Most celebrities have also supported the hashtag. Singer Nadia Mukami claimed that Velvine was her schoolmate and she knew her very well. She seeked justice for her and said that rape shouldn’t be justified no matter what.

Dr. Ofweneke has now rebuked the issue and advices men to learn how to face rejection.

”Men we need to start learning how to take/face rejection, if a lady says no it’s ok, it’s never that serious. There is still another lady out there fit for you. Let’s bring up our boys knowing that a no is not the end of life #saynotorape.”

The comedian is among the few who have taken to social media to talk to men to end such.

I totally agree with Ofweneke; it’s time men accept that not every lady they will approach will say yes. And rape shouldn’t be justified no matter what.