I’m a huge fan of Stella Mwangi, alias STL. Of course, just like many people, I first came to know of her when she released Take It Back circa 2007. Somehow, she managed to retain me as a fan to date with her subsequent releases.
To some extent, I also appreciate Victoria Kimani’s music. I might have some reservations about her or how she carries herself but I generally think that she’s worth her salt. She makes good music and that’s all that matters.
Being good fans of both Victoria and STL, you can just imagine how excited I was when I learnt that they have a new collabo together. If you are just learning of this, please take a seat.
The new jam is titled Number One. Forget about all the other songs out there with the same title, this is the real deal. No kidding! Also, to all the musicians out there, please think of other song titles. This one has been exhausted. I digress.
The new song does not have a video yet (maybe they are not even planning to shoot one) so we’ll just talk about the beautiful audio that is almost clocking 10,000 views on YouTube.

First, the song has a very catchy beat. I was not expecting anything less seeing as it was produced Tuc who is one of the best in the music business not only in Nigeria but Africa.
I don’t mean to exaggerate but it is one of the most memorable beats I have listened to in a long time. You’ll find yourself swaying to the beat as you listen to this banger.
Number One is a feel good song. Actually, it’s a motivational song. The message behind it is that you should work hard and not be afraid of people who are jealous of your success. At least, that’s what I understood.
Victoria’s delivery was off the hook as expected. She has this melodic voice that you just want to keep listening to. You’ll hit the replay button at least a couple of times because of her smooth vocals.

However, I was most excited about STL’s part. She always has this bad ass vibe that I appreciate or like. Probably this is why she one of the best female emcees out there but you already knew that, didn’t you?
Listening to her part gave me the same feeling I get when I listened to Take It Back. What struck me about the song is the outro and it’s not what STL said, it’s about how she said it.
She says “Stella Mwangi, Victoria Kimani up in this b******ch. Hahaha. Kenya stand up!” That outro will stick in your mind, trust me.
Listen to Number One below and tell us what you think.